2 Broodies, 2 mean girls and not using boxes


Mar 28, 2017
i have several issues going on!
I have 2 girls who are broodie. One is a Barred Rock (this is part 1 of my issue).
Neither one is sitting on eggs. I am constantly taking them out of the coop and make them eat and scratch and drink and run around. They end up right back in the coop. It's been going on for 2 weeks now. One is getting real skinny and I'm worried.
Now to party 1 of 2. I have two other Barred rocks. They are now attacking the broodie one. I mean as soon as she comes out they go after her. They circle her into a tight spot like orcas do their prey.
And then there is the problem of all my girls laying their eggs on the coop floor. Actually, in the poop area.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. I should mention that I have 4 week old baby chicks, hatched and being raised by one of my other chickens. Not sure if this is related.
Do you have an uncomfortable place to house your broodies for a few days? Such as a wire bottomed cage or a dog crate? That will should break the broodiness....just no bedding!
I would also reintroduce the one that is being attacked after dark so she hopefully blends right back in with less of a fuss from the "mean girls".
I would use golf balls or fake eggs to show the hens where you want them to lay, and leave them there for quite a while.
Broodyness is definitely contagious, so the mama with chicks may be influencing the others!

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