Òur momma was killed 4 days before eggs were due to hatch! Eggs were cold


In the Brooder
May 9, 2024
Sady, our mallard was killed by something while sitting on her nest. Her babies were due to hatch in 4 days (we believe). When we got to her eggs, they were very cold. She could have been off the nest for up to 20 hours.
We candled the eggs and most of the ducklings are alive and moving so we put them in the incubator. There are some with cracks or unzipping but some are at the small end of the eggs, some that look like a zig zag of external piping others have nothing. I can't tell if they were broken from momma trying to protect her babies or if the ducklings had started hatching through all of this.
I dont see internal piping though.
My concern is, since the eggs were left to get cold and have a drastic humidity change right before due, will they be shrink wrapped in there and unable to hatch?
How do I tell if I need to help or if the cracks are only from damage from the attack?
Momma was killed Tuesday may 7th and we believe 28 days would be Friday May 10th (tomorrow).
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Here are some pictures of the cracks.


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Here are some pictures of the cracks.
Picture 1 looks like a pip, picture 2 might be from damage or a pip, it could be both. I dont see a crack in 3.

With the cracks in the shells you'll want your humidity up for hatching even if they are just from damage.

I've heard ducks take longer to hatch, though i've never hatched them myself. Going in to help in my experience with chickens does more harm than good.
If the cracks are from the ducklings hatching, candeling will show the babies in the air cells.
Even if the cracks are from the predator attack don't give up. Give the eggs time to warm up. Keep the humidity up and see what happens.
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Picture 1 looks like a pip, picture 2 might be from damage or a pip, it could be both. I dont see a crack in 3.

With the cracks in the shells you'll want your humidity up for hatching even if they are just from damage.

I've heard ducks take longer to hatch, though i've never hatched them myself. Going in to help in my experience with chickens does more harm than good.
My concern is, we found the eggs this way. So if they are external pips, there has been no change for 2 days. Which would lead me to believe the babies were starting the hatching process right before the momma was killed. Should we still sit back and wait?
Also, I have the humidity around 70 percent. Should it be higher in this situation or is that good?
Picture 1 looks like a pip, picture 2 might be from damage or a pip, it could be both. I dont see a crack in 3.

With the cracks in the shells you'll want your humidity up for hatching even if they are just from damage.

I've heard ducks take longer to hatch, though i've never hatched them myself. Going in to help in my experience with chickens does more harm than good.
It's day 31 and no hatches yet... I'm getting really worried that the humidity and temp drop is making it hard for them to hatch out.

Can you take a look at this video of them and tell me of they are through the internal membrane? They have been like this for a few days now.

Update! It's day 31 and no hatches yet... I'm getting really worried that the humidity and temp drop is making it hard for them to hatch out.

Can you take a look at this video of them and tell me of they are through the internal membrane? They have been like this for a few days now.

Should I be helping them??

Update! It's day 31 and no hatches yet... I'm getting really worried that the humidity and temp drop is making it hard for them to hatch out.

Can you take a look at this video of them and tell me of they are through the internal membrane? They have been like this for a few days now.

Should I be helping them??

No, they are not ready to hatch yet.

Are you SURE you counted the days correctly?
No, they are not ready to hatch yet.

Are you SURE you counted the days correctly?
Yes, very sure. We know the exact date she started sitting on her nest. There was just the one day she was killed, a week ago today, that the eggs were left for 1/2 a day and were cold when we found them. But I wouldn't expect them to be this delayed...

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