welsh harlequin

  1. Niche Flock

    Welsh Harlequin Leg Injury

    Hello Everyone, My young Welsh Harlequin duck (she is just about 4 months now) has a leg injury! Every evening around 7 or so, I go out into the garden to put the ducks in their pen and usually they all run eagerly in because they know that it is time for food. Yesterday, my little Welsh...
  2. WhiteOwl

    Finally finished Coop- now I can post my introduction :)

    Hello! If I could have looked into my future 10 years ago into today I would be shocked. I was a city girl, raised in Chicago IL for most my life. After we transitioned to the far suburbs, we wanted something larger with no association rules so we moved to a 5 acre horse farm. Well we don't...
  3. daisydoes

    Duckling breeds

    Hi there! I'm on week 2 with my group of 5 little girls. 3 Golden Hybrids, one Welsh Harlequin, and one Buff. I'm just not sure how to tell which one is the WH and which is the Buff... Here are pictures! Any thoughts are appreciated. :)
  4. J

    Welsh Harlequins....sexing guesses?

    I have this trio of what I understand to be Welsh Harlequins. They're 5 weeks old. Any guesses as to their sex? They're starting to quack maybe a bit but still mostly just peep.
  5. MistyMtnFarm

    Hello from Western Canada

    For the last three years we've been living on a lovely 80 acres in the rolling hills and aspen parkland of Western Manitoba. We currently have just under 50 laying hens, a mix of Partridge Chantecler, Black Australorps, and some other farmyard mutts....this occurred when our ISA Brown Layer...
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