
  1. S

    Muscovy not repelling water

    I just got my second Muscovy duck and she isn’t repelling water at all. I don’t see mites, I’m unsure if her oil gland looks okay? And a picture of my other one next to her. My other one just swam and is nearly dry but this new one is soaking wet.
  2. aziegler17


    Can the BYC attach links for your favorite waterer for your chickens please! I have what seems like a standard one and it gets dirty so fast. Looking to upgrade it when our baby chicks move in with our two older ladies.
  3. FeatherSwift93

    Splish splash!

    Ducklings are 3 weeks old and decided to supervise them with a little pan of water, they love it! 🦆🦆💧💧
  4. D


    I’ve used these nipples for over a year now. I’ve got them screwed into PVC pipe and connected to a water butt via silicone tube. The set up works great, until winter. The first episode of frost resulted in the PVC pipe connections busting due to frozen water expansion. Since then, I’ve...
  5. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    The best watering system !! Customizable & Awesome :D

    This is for anyone who's wondering "what the heck is better than watering my chickens with one gallons" "and getting debris in them every second"? Well this is your answer...
  6. Paz

    Dead birds in horses’s water

    I’m asking for a friend! My friend has three horses, and at the past week she found over a dozen dead birds in the water tanks. She said it’s like the Hitchcock film. She finds new dead birds in the horse’s water every day. Do you think there’s a problem with the water? The birds go to drink it...
  7. TheChickenFanatic

    Potassium Sorbate in Water

    Is it safe to put Potassium Sorbate in your chickens' waterers to keep their water free from algae and other natural contaminants? If not, what other natural ways would you recommend using?
  8. P

    Duck Water Overnight

    Hi all, I know there are many threads about giving ducks water overnight but they didn’t answer my questions given my particular setup. I have 5 Rouen females. I live in Maine. The previous owners of our house had ducks and had a small room/coop at the back of the barn for them so I am using...
  9. Chickensaurus Rex

    Getting ahead of a rat problem before it starts

    So I live on several acres about half of which are forested. There is a large one acre pond. We DEFINITELY have field mice I've had to seal out of the main house. There's also an old barn and a shed on the property that at least harbor field mice but would make nice rat homes until I can repair...
  10. PaisleyChickMama

    Rain water catch for duck pond

    Hi! I’m making a water catchment system for my plants and ducks this year since it rains a lot here I thought I’d take advantage. maybe it will lower my water bill for their kiddy pool. I’m wondering how or if I need to purify the water. I am putting a piece of window screen for the lid so...
  11. B

    Winter watering

    Thinking ahead to winter...I know its not even summer yet but Im a planner :-) What do you do for water when its freezing and below? Normally we just unscrew our hosed from the spigot and dont think about it again until spring but now I need water at least for the water container if not...
  12. ellieanne22

    Duckling waterer

    My ducklings just arrived today and I have them set up in their brooder with a low, wide water bowl that was recommended to me as they could not knock it over. However, the ducklings have been in their brooder less than 20 minutes and have taken to the water, well, like ducks. I know that...
  13. tingupinguu

    Will ducks be okay without food/water for the night?

    I took my ducks inside due to the cold temperatures outside, Will they be okay without water/food for the night?
  14. Jaeden Mckinley

    Waterers and what works best in the winter

    Hey Everyone, this is a question I have been wanting to ask since I got chickens. What is the best way to get nice clean water to my flock every day without having to clean the water because the chickens kick dirt and dust into it? The Plan The plan was to buy some 10-15 gallon rubber tubs...
  15. D

    Keeping our 55 Gallon Water barrel warm

    Hello, we have a 55 gallon water barrel that we use to have our chickens drink water from. We have little cups at the bottom for them to drink out of. We are prepping for winter… Has anyone used anything to keep their 55 gallon barrel warm in the winter? I’ve seen some heating bands on Amazon...
  16. C

    Guineas soaked in the rain

    I am new to owning guineas and have a mixed flock with them and chickens. They have been doing great, and are about 2 months old and have been in their coop and outdoor run area for 2 weeks. I live in Iowa, USA. It had been very dry, so the guineas had been sleeping by roosting on the roof of...
  17. D

    Somebody please tell me the reason she died

    My baby quail got wet during the night and in the morning was very cold, couldn't stand and barely opened her eyes, but at least she was breathing... Before i go on, a day ago she was just as weak when i woke up, but not cold, her crop was pretty much empty and i somehow saved her after watching...
  18. B

    Hot weather, no freezing...watering cups or nipples?

    Aloha, We live on the Big Island of Hawaii where it is hot and never freezes. I've read a lot of threads about watering cups vs nipples and it seems most recommend the nipples. It seems that the recommendation is because cups eventually get dirty, but mainly because cups can freeze during the...
  19. C

    Do your chickens like running water?

    Hey all! Since my chickens were young, I've noticed a bit of an odd behavior within them: they love drinking running water. If I ever poured water into their waterers and a bit spilled over, they'd immediately drink the running water, but wouldn't really touch the water in the waterer. Even when...
  20. Northern U.S. Duck Coop for Ducks

    Northern U.S. Duck Coop for Ducks

    I took all of the stuff out and I'm putting in a circulating waterer. 5 gallon bucket with 1/2" PVC with nipples and some cup type waterers, but I don't trust those. I of course will still have plenty of clean fresh water in rubber bowls from TSC. I've also moved the fence back by 2' further...
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