
  1. H

    Duck vets in Mississauga or cities around Mississauga??

    Please let me know if you know any vets that accept ducks in Mississauga or a nearby city or any website that can help me find vets for ducks, thank you!
  2. S

    Sour Crop Treatment

    One of our chickens currently has sour crop. we have isolated her, massaged, given ACV, drained the crop, pretty much all the basic measures you see when looking for treatment options. She is acting relatively normal, but her crop will not seem to fully empty and today she her poop was green. We...
  3. BitterSweetCitrus

    URGENT: Torn Skin and a Need for Advice

    About six days ago my girl was mauled and I have been tending to her wounds, one of her injuries was the first layer of skin being ripped off her. What I didn’t notice was she has a very deep flap hiding the second layer of skin that is detached from the second. It looks quite nasty. Our vet is...
  4. DaynaLynn

    Metacam dose for rooster

    My rooster is 2.6kg or 5 lbs He was in the vet today for bumblefoot, as we haven't been able to fix it ourselves. The vet prescribed clavamox 375mg once every 12 hours And metacam (1.5 mg/ml) She prescribed the metacam at 13ml every 12 hours - that seems super high to me? My 37 kg dog gets 37 ml...
  5. S

    Infected turkey snood

    Hi all, Thanks in advance for the help! I have a 5 year old red bourbon Tom who recently has a pimple looking growth on his snood. He has gotten it once before but it went away on its own relatively quickly. This time it has not gone away. Anyone have any recommendations? It looks like an...
  6. Olivia The Semi-Blind Chicken

    Olivia The Semi-Blind Chicken

    Olivia was one of our original 8 chickens in 2016. She was a gentle Plymouth Barred Rock in a coop and large run with 4 other Plymouth Barred Rocks, 3 Buff Orpingtons and two “Easter Eggers.” She lived peacefully among the other chickens. However, at about 6 months it became clear that Olivia...
  7. E

    Treating perosis/slipped tendon in chicks - vet visits

    Hey guys, I just wanted to do some knowledge sharing. I just lost my first chick today, she died during a vet performed surgery from heart failure. Some chicks with perosis also have heart problems and there was also the additional risk with her being only 4 weeks old. She was a runt, about...
  8. G

    Help needed: gander seems sick, with severe gaping

    The gander was eating normally until yesterday (Aug. 4). Yesterday, he ate much less than normal (sudden loss of appetite) and had severe head-and-neck-forward gaping multiple times. Today (Aug. 5), he hasn't eaten much, either, and still has gaping. I gave him water mixed with Sav-a-Chick...
  9. J

    Bone or Something else? Please help

    Hey, first time posting here myself. My jumbo pekin got bad bumblefoot and the vet prescribed antiobiotics that she’s been on but it continued getting worse. I’ve lanced it a few times to remove large amounts of pus, but the vet said eventually her bone looked moth eaten and like a firework had...
  10. M

    Help! Injured chicken with Burns and patchy feathers!

    A little information, My uncle found a chicken and he knows that I have a few of my own so he asked if I wanted to take on a rescue chicken and of course I had to accept. from what he told me the chicken was in a wrecked car and was stuck onto the vehicle. The vehicle was going to be towed to a...
  11. Rsarah32

    Need a Vet in Arizona for hen

    Hi so my puppy for some reason attacked one of my girls I think he just wanted to play unfortunately her leg is now just dangling I am unsure if dislocated or broken I put a temporary splint and separated her she is eating laying just fine I’ve had trouble finding a vet that will see a chicken...
  12. Wild--Star

    Surgery - Is It Worth It?

    My Isa Brown hen Ava is 3 years old. She has a mass of what might be hard eggs in her reproductive tract. She is doing okay so far and is acting normal despite the mass and has been for a while but the vet said it will eventually become life-threatening and if I want to prolong her life she...
  13. J

    Help! injured Duck

    Recently a fox got into our backyard and killed one of our ducks and injured the other, a little over a year old khaki Campbell. We originally thought most of the wounds were surface level and a broken wing and we thought in her distress after the incident that she was better left alone than us...
  14. S

    Missing her “lady parts”

    We must have one of the most expensive hens on the forum, but she is much loved! We noticed a couple of weeks ago that she had odd poop - very bright green and watery. She hadn’t laid for several months and is approx 4 years old. We have learned, sadly from experience, never to leave this and...
  15. H

    Respiratory Issues with Buff

    Hello, I am looking for some help with my buff orph that is about 6 months old. As of this morning when she came out of the coop she had a whistling breath and was sneezing. She also has a runny nose. I've given electrolytes in the water and then was told oregano would work better. So currently...
  16. A

    did my quail hen break her foot ? How can I treat her ?

    one of my hens can't move her LEFT leg at all. From my knowledge, I don't think she broke her leg as she's in a cage? her leg doesn't have any signs of swelling or bumble-foot so I don't know what her diagnosis is. I isolated her from the flock and gave her some starter crumble and water, I...
  17. divineangel94

    Roosters leg.

    Does anyone know what's going on with his leg? If you do, do you know how I can treat it at home?
  18. T

    Two bald bumps on the back of my chick under her wings

    I would really like more information on these bumps and maybe a "how to treat at home" guide because of the virus, everything is really hard to get to so I dont know if a vet is a possibility but if I have to bring her in. I will! They are two relatively small bald bumps on her back. I think...
  19. H

    Lead Poisoning in Hen

    Hi all! So I have a 3-year-old Buff Brahma hen named Paisley. She’s an absolute sweetheart, more like a dog than a chicken to be honest. She’s one of my favorite girls. Recently I noticed that she seemed a bit lethargic. She was eating and drinking normally but just didn’t seem like herself. She...
  20. S

    Can I Go To A Vet?

    Do vets take chickens? Perhaps that seems like a silly question, but I've never raised chicks before. A big concern of mine is not getting them care if they need it. I also worry it must be horribly expensive, because they aren't animals people typically take in. Anyone with experience with sick...
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