
  1. P

    Please help! Face growth on precious peahen!!!

    Hello, I have a darling peahen named Bubble, sadly in the last few weeks I noticed a growth appearing under her beak on her face, I wasn’t sure what it was and whether it was something to worry about or if it would just go away on its own. Unfortunately, the growth has not gone away and has...
  2. alecia555


    TW-pic is a little gruesome hey all i went out to my chickens this morning and found my favourite chicken acting off. upon further discovery i have found an open wound on her back just above her tail. i suspect she has been attacked by one of my bigger chickens as she cannot fully see so...
  3. KateK1N9

    Duckling can't walk

    I have a duckling that is a few weeks old, it's was doing great up until a few days ago when we saw that it was walking on it's whole leg as well as the feet. We kept an eye on it but it got progressively worse ( started falling to it's side and couldn't keep up with the other ducklings) so we...
  4. ScratchScratchPeck

    Prolapsed & Bleeding Cloaca!

    Hello, I’m at a loss. I noticed today that one of my older leghorn hens was bleeding from her vent (it’s also a bit messy with loose stool). When I grabbed her I noticed she was severely prolapsed. One 30 minute Epsom salt bath later, her vent has gone back in but she’s still dripping blood. Not...
  5. N

    Hen won’t open eyes

    My silkie hen (about 5-6 months old) refuses to open her eyes. It’s been like this for around 5 days now, and while at first she opened them occasionally, now she doesn’t at all. 3 days ago I moved her inside with food, water, and a heat lamp, and gave her a scrambled egg which she ate. I made...
  6. F

    3 free coturnix quail in Las Vegas, NV (URGENT)

    Hello BYC, I urgently need someone to adopt my 3 pet coturnix quail as soon as December 29th. (Wed) If anyone is interested and lives near Las Vegas, NV, please reply. I will gladly provide further contact info. (My family is in a financial situation where keeping the quail would sadly not be...
  7. i_only_listen_to_dgd

    Egg Bound Hen???? URGENT

    I found one of my hens (I have 7 total) just an hour ago walking funny with her tail down. My family have raised hens before and one of our hens from years ago had seemingly been egg bound but we didn't know how bad this was and she died from it. When I saw this hen acting like this I...
  8. M

    Duck has leg issues

    I’ve had this bird for 5 years, and I’m beginning to see leg issues that are beginning to get to her. I believe she’s a Jumbo Pekin, and I’ve read about their health issues, but I hope to do something about this before it’s too late. Her voice is becoming weak and she’s a bit more dull than...
  9. Gearhead846

    Pekin duckling sudden death HELP!! PLEASE

    We just got some new ducklings from a hatchery and some of then were dead when they got here, but I've had them for about 2 weeks and one of the pekin ducks I had died last night. It was our biggest and what seemed like our healthiest duck but when I went in there it was dead. Please help I...
  10. PoultryLover1289

    Can my ducklings eat their bedding? Help?

    Hi I have 2 ducklings that eat whatever bedding I put in. They are in a massive plastic box almost ready to move outside. I don’t want them to just sleep on plastic. I put in these dog training pads for a while until they got bored and ate some of it. They where fine but I don’t use them...
  11. chickenGrant

    Pecking out feathers STILL! HELP!

    Hey everyone, I am going to apologize in advance for how long and confusing this may be. Alright here we go… By the way these Chickens are just over one year old. So last winter (winter of 2020) is when it all started, I noticed a fair amount of feathers were missing on two out of the three...
  12. PoultryLover1289

    help pls! I don’t know why my ducks poo is green

    She’s only two days old, very healthy I think. She eats a lot drinks a lot and loves to run around. I noticed that her poop is quite green. Pls help I don’t this his is normal.
  13. I

    egg has started zipping but hasnt made progress in hours

    this is the first egg of the clutch and pipped this morning and started zipping soon after but they have not made any progress in more than 4 hours and the membrane looks like its dry and looks like its going hard humidity is 75-80% and temps are high end of 37c baby is peeping and trying to...
  14. KaleDaDuck

    I opened the incubator while an egg was pipping and now it's stuck PELASE HELP

    Hi i opened the incubator on day 14 to prepare for lockdown and to my surprise there was a chick already trying to hatch out .. now i put the chick back in the incubator 24 hours and still hasnt made any progress.. im afraid to open the incubator as there are more chicks hatching... Please help...
  15. M

    Urgent Help! Four Baby Ducks Went Missing In One Day And It All Seems Odd

    Hey everyone! I don't know if there is anyone that help, but some thing grew out of concern in the last 2 days. We had a mommy and her 6 ducklings that would always come to my community and eat. We do not own them or anything, they are free to do whatever they want. They just happen to come to...
  16. BadChicknMath02


    (scroll to bottom if you dont want to read) So, I was with my mom and sister in our backyard taking care of our horse's hoof while my dad mowed the tall grass. All of our chickens were out running around and keeping from the mower.. (We have three coops and more than one rooster in each coop...
  17. emu6200

    Cataract in emu

    Hello, For the past 2-3 days, I have noticed a white lens forming on the right eye of my emu. I’m not sure if it’s a cataract or nuclear sclerosis. Today, I checked on it and it looked like she was trying to scratch the eye with her foot. It also looked like there was some water discharge...
  18. C

    Need help ASAP

    Hello, my family and I decided to get chicks for the first time and we really wanted silkies so we ordered online from MyPetChicken. We got 2 silkies, 2 buff laced polish and 2 red stars as day old chicks. When they arrived, 1 polish and 1 red star was dead, and the other red star was...
  19. T

    chicken escaped fox attack. HELP

    2 days ago i got an unwanted fox visit . ( In context I'm a minor and live with my father so it's harder for me to do things on my own[like vet visits and purchases on my own}) Thankfully my father saw it and stopped him. he was persistent. The fox cam back around and got a hold of one of our...
  20. H

    Ducking got attacked, its limping on 1 leg need help........

    My duck of almost 2 week got attacked and is injured on one leg, ducking can't walk but there's no external bleeding. But I think its leg is broken so I stratened duckling's leg and wrapped tape around it. I'm kinda worried that next day i wake up, I will be seeing dead ducking.Its a muscovy...
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