sleep a lot

  1. sixxchixx

    Heavy breathing, won’t stand (DAY 4)

    Hello, I have a 2ish year old EE who has been ill since Saturday (today is Tuesday). We noticed she wasn’t really walking around or eager to free range with the other 3 hens in my backyard flock. I suspected eggbound. I bathed her, dried her and placed her in a small cage in my kitchen to keep...
  2. R

    Peachick sleeping and not eating

    Recently acquired three chicks, all now around 6 days old. Two of the three seem to be thriving just fine with healthy progression and activity (though maybe a bit of eyelid tugging which has landed them in birdy jail), however one of them is significantly less active. It's spends the majority...
  3. K

    1 hen has Odd behavior

    We have one 10 month old hen that seems to sleep a lot more than our other 3 hens…and the roo doesn’t sleep enough!! She also holds her head and neck noticeably to her right (left in the picture) and gapes or seems to adjust her crop. (Video) we let them out of the 22x6 run into the backyard for...
  4. L

    Chicken very sick and ill, other one had same symptoms and died

    We bought our chicken not too long ago, we bought 2 and not too long after we bought them Rosey (out of nowhere) died. She was very up and going the day before, and then out of the blue she just laid down and wouldn’t move and closed her eyes and couldnt hold her head up. I tried feeding her...
  5. B

    NEED HELP Baby chick with weak legs, trouble with walking and constantly sleeps

    We have just hatched some baby chicks in an incubator, all of them were fine except one little guy, hes around 4 days old. I noticed he has almost no strengh to walk and constantly sleeps, he drinks and eat just fine, the only time he tries to walk is when going for food, but most of the time he...
  6. LazyBirds

    Female Muscovy Squeaking and Sleeping

    I have 2 indoor female muscovies. Recently one of the girls has been sleeping a lot and seems disinterested in things. When she is excited, she seems fairly normal but she spends most of the day sleeping. She will eat if you bring food to her, but won't get up to get food very often. She's...
  7. 6

    How Often Do Chickens Nap?

    I was curious as to what the 'average' or 'normal' napping habits of chickens? What are the sleeping habits of your hens? How often do they nap? Once? Twice? More than 5 times a day? What is considered normal napping habits, and what is considered sick behavior? Maybe this will help other...
  8. C

    Ex battery hen has diarrhoea and sleeps all day

    Hi everyone, I know this will have been covered in a thread already but I’m a bit desperate. Our favourite little ex battery hen is sick. She has always been the scrawniest since we adopted her three months ago and her feathers still haven’t grown back but she is usually very strong, fiesty and...
  9. V

    Sleepy Baby chick

    I’m concerned about some baby chicks I bought recently. I bought 5 and only 1 seems to have very little energy. She had pasty poo build up when I got her and cleaned it immediately when I got home. I’m worried she’s sick due to her poo not being able to come out. Anyone knows what is wrong or if...
  10. Hanusaur

    One of my chicks sleeps way more than the others and doesn’t eat nearly as much as the rest, is she okay?

    My sister brought home 4 baby chicks from our local feed store 5 days ago. I’ve observed them quite a bit since they’ve come home. 3 of them are super energetic and like to run around and flap their little wings. They eat and drink plenty. Those 3 have a routine where they sleep at the same...
  11. Katw17

    Sleepy chicks

    I have 10 5 wk old pullet chicks all different breeds they are all sleeping a good bit during the day Is this normal? They are now eating all flock feed and 7 grain scratch with the adult chickens they do have access to chick starter as well. They can go under heat lamp or anywhere in coop they...
  12. emmsx3

    Baby Chick Drinking Water But Not Eating

    Hello, This will be long but I hope you all will bare with me. I have a one month old chick (just made one month on November 13th) and she's been doing really well during her first weeks til now since we have been raising her. Just recently she had an injury when my mom was bringing her in the...
  13. montana_chicks

    Abandoned chicken w/ potential issues.

    Hello! A young sweet little polish bantam was dropped off at our place. I’ve raised many chickens but she’s got a few things going on that I’ve never seen before. 1) sleeps with head hanging down 2) has brown scaly stuff between toes 3) beak doesn’t close fully - I don’t believe this is really...
  14. Chippychick123

    Chicken sick/sleeping?

    this afternoon I’ve noticed my hen sitting in the run with her eyes closed no matter what treat I put out she showed no interest but I saw her eat her regular food. She also doesn’t open her eyes fully but she also doesn’t want to go into the coop and sleep? Is this a sickness or is this just a...
  15. MangTheRooster


    I feel like Many is getting worse and worse? But he seems fine am I just over worrying? Mang has been sneezing all morning and shaking/schratching his head can someone please help?
  16. jannisol

    possible worms in button quail ?

    five days ago i noticed my female button quail who is a year old was fluffled up in a corner and sleeping most of the day, i have been giving her corid and i seen small improvement but shes losing a lot of weight now shes super thin but she still eats here and there, not much. shes still...
  17. Bougiechicks

    Blood in poop? Already had Corid

    My silkie chick is eating and drinking normally. However the past two days she has pooped some pure clear droppings and is acting a little more tired than normal, and today she just pooped what looks like blood (see attached). I’m familiar with the poop chart. She is about a week (week and a...
  18. H


    I am 8 months new to chickening.. I have a backyard flock of 5 which have been doing great in North Alabama. We left for vacation and neighbors were to tend to the flock while we were gone. The day we returned one of the hens was non responsive and laying in the run. We think she got dehydrated...
  19. Dani & Mikey

    Lazy or something more?

    Ok, friends, talk me through this. Are my chickens just tired/lazy from a full day yesterday or should I be concerned? They had a very full day yesterday including their first free range field trip, and learning about the awful terrible lawn mower. They had a good day and were all happy at the...
  20. Bat

    3 day old bantam chick identification

    hi everyone! We’ve hatched 4 shipped eggs and two of our own. The four shipped eggs were a mixed selection of pure breed bantams and could use some help figuring out who is what. 1. Large and boisterous Think it could be light Sussex? 2. Small and cheeky Barred Plymouth Rock? 3. Had help...
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