silkie gender sexing

  1. M

    Is this silkie a hen or a roo?

    I can’t figure out if this silkie is a hen or a rooster. He has a crest that somewhat resembles a roosters typical crest. Does anyone know if this looks like a hen or a roo? I attached photos of my silkie.
  2. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    What is my Polish/Ameraucana chick's gender?

    :pop :frow:D Hillo, I'm S Raven. I have 4 pullets / cockerels that I don't know the sex of. I'm hoping you fellow chicken fanatics will help me decipher the genders of these lads and ladies. There is multiple breeds in my beautiful collage, and I'm hoping for any suggestions on the full mix...
  3. P

    Is this silkie a roo?

    This baby is about 14 weeks old. Was sold as a pullet but I think it might be a rooster. I’ve only had two silkie hens so I don’t have any real experience. Thoughts?
  4. emslickchicks

    Sexing Silkie Chicke

    Hey! I know it’s probably too early to tell, but I have a feeling this paint Silkie is a Boy. “Maggie” was hatched in 7/28. Thoughts!? Thanks!
  5. A

    6 week silkie gender guesses

    I have a silkie chick that’s about 6 weeks old, I know it’s awfully soon to guess their gender but I am hopeful there may be an expert out there. We have two wyandottes as well and they were sexed as hens when we got them but of course the silkie was part of a straight run. The comb is the most...
  6. M

    Sexing a 3.5 month Bantam Silkie, Pullet or Roo?

    This bantam Silkie behaviorally I think is a hen. They are the lowest in the pecking order of a four chicken mixed flock (two Easter eggers, two Silkies) they are skittish, and don’t try to get to higher places like the other Silkie. Usually they walk more squat than the other Silkie (like...
  7. O

    Curious of any comments

    I understand it’s way too early to tell but I feel fairly confident in one of my gender guesses and keep going back and forth on the other one. I was wondering if anyone saw anything that made them think one way or the other foe either of them. In terms of behavior they chest bump at times, and...
  8. afwifey

    Silkies but feathers looking frizzled?

    Sold as 100% silkies but their feathers look different than most pictures I’m seeing online, they almost look frizzled. Is it just too early to tell what they will look like? Both have black skin, well feathered feet, 5 toes, & seemingly flat area where the comb will be. I know the brown is...
  9. kurby22

    Silkie roo or hen??

    I know it’s hard to tell on Silkies! Just wondering what people think! Betty White is about 6.5 weeks old and much larger than the partridge Silkie Fuzzbert...also very protective of Fuzzy. They are very bonded and cal to each other the entire time I am holding one of them. They were recently...
  10. chickiesmomma

    Silkie 10 week old gender guess

    Hi y’all! Any guesses on what he/she might be? It will be 10 weeks old in 2 days and just trying to see what the guesses are. I’ve attached a side picture of it from now, a front picture from last week (9weeks) and a front picture from 4 weeks old.
  11. L

    Help with sexing and my mystery chicken

    Please help, I’m terrible at sexing silkies and need help with these two and this guy/girl I also have this one who came with the others but seems to be a different breed? Any ideas would be welcome
  12. S

    5 week old Silkies; guesses on roo's or pullets??

    Hi there! I know silkies are notoriously hard to sex but I was wondering if anyone had any guesses on what gender these chicks will be? They are roughly 5 weeks old. #1 #2 #3
  13. M

    20 week silkie sexing help

    Any ideas? The black one is smaller and loves to be under the other 2 lol Don't mind my Ee roo photo bombing lol No one has raspberries or wattles yet from what I can tell. No crows or eggs but the grey one is chatty.
  14. Sikiemama

    Silkie Gender?

    I have two white silkies and I’m trying to identify their sex. I’m not exactly sure of their age at this point but I’m told June 30 hatch date. The first 3 photos are “Cream” and the next 3 are “Puff”, and a pic of the two together. My best guess is that cream is a Roo and Puff is a bit of a...
  15. Sikiemama

    Silkie gender? 10 weeks

    I have two white silkies and I’m trying to identify their sex. I’m not exactly sure of their age at this point but I’m told June 30 hatch date. The first 3 photos are “Cream” and the next 3 are “Puff”, and a pic of the two together. My best guess is that cream is a Roo and Puff is a bit of a...
  16. frazzledlawn

    9 week old silkies

    Hello! I have two adorable silkies, unsure if they’re mixed or not, and I would like to have feedback on any guesses of what their sex may be (: I have a hunch that the darker colored one may be a roo and the lighter a pullet. The theoretical he is more bold while the other is a bit more shy.
  17. Sexing Silkies

    Sexing Silkies

    Hi everybody! When I first got my silkie chicks I searched for everything about them, especially about sexing them, as I had heard that silkies are very hard to sex. Surprisingly, once I tried it, it didn't seem that hard. Searching around, I found that there are no articles on how to sex...
  18. Mikaela Taylor

    6-7 week old Silkie genders

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone wanted to help me determine the sex of our 6-7 week old silkie chicks! The black on is definitely a boy. I've see him crowing already :) thank you!!
  19. Blue_dingo

    The Silkie Challenge! Thoughts on gender of these two birds

    i realize they are a bit young but here are Butternut (white) and Squash (black). Butternut is the younger of the two at 8 Weeks, and this bird has done some play fighting with my sebright cockerel. Comb is just a single small ridge poking up for now. It is inquisitive and scratches and forages...
  20. H

    Help me sex my Silkie

    I have a Silkie who is roughly over 5 weeks. Im starting to think its a male (because of the stance/ maybe streamer feathers?) but want other opinions as this is my first flock. Picture below. Also, if this does happen to be a male, can somebody educate me on keeping eggs to eat even if they...
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