
  1. petey2

    Sick / Hurt Hen, stomped by dog, what to do?

    Hey all, so one of my hens was “attacked” by one of my dogs last week Thursday. I say “attacked” because it was more like a stomping, with some pulling of feathers. I was present when it happened so I was able to stop the dog almost immediately. She seemed to be fine aside from being shaken up...
  2. E

    Heat stroke with long term leg injury

    I have a 3yo Black Astralop that had bad heat stroke last fall (northern California), during which her legs seemed to give out for a day or so until recovered and reintroduced with her flock. She immediately went into an early molt. She has never laid since and does not roost with her sisters...
  3. K

    1 hen has Odd behavior

    We have one 10 month old hen that seems to sleep a lot more than our other 3 hens…and the roo doesn’t sleep enough!! She also holds her head and neck noticeably to her right (left in the picture) and gapes or seems to adjust her crop. (Video) we let them out of the 22x6 run into the backyard for...
  4. AboveTheClouds

    Gerri needs you!! - 7YO Barred Rock

    Hello! My 7 year old Bard Rock Hen named Gerri has a swollen red butt and is clearly lethargic/depressed. I am thinking maybe vent gleet or egg-bound? I have no idea. Photo below. What do y'all think? She was extra messy around her vent so we gave her a bath and I took a photo I appreciate any...
  5. C

    impacted crop

    My 2yr old silkie girl isn't looking very good this morning and I assume it's an impacted crop? She's usually always on the move scavenging and gorging herself on food... Actually 2 days ago I felt her crop and it was huuuge like a tennis ball coz she really likes seeds... yesterday I noticed...
  6. StepfordCuckoos

    Prolapsed vent in tiny silkie

    Our tiniest chicken (a buff frizzle silkie named Goldilocks) has what appears to be a prolapsed vent. I tried to help her without pushing it back up in her body ( I just sort of held it against her backside and hoped she'd somehow guide it in naturally, that probably makes zero sense though)...
  7. briannamonique16

    Blood/ Bleeding in Poop from Silkie

    Just picked up 5 new chickens, not sure of age but they’re probably 8-10 week old silkies. I have isolated the one with blood. This is what the blood looks like. It looks like a blood clot too. Can someone help me/give me tips on what to do? Another chicken had green poop as well… again, I just...
  8. Chickenwithnobrim

    Help!! Sick chick

    So i have 3 chicks and one has been having slightly odd poops and seems sick. It had really light tan poops and now just had really bad diarrhea with some mucus on my hand. They are on unmedicated feed and im concerned about coccidiosis. I can pick up meds tomorrow but im not even sure if thats...
  9. Chickenwithnobrim

    Grey beige poop?? Help

    Hi, so for the past day and a half one of 3 chicks is pooping these light poops? I have two adult hens and never seen this poop, it looks pretty close to the color of their feed. Heres pics of the small beige one next to a normal poop. No sickly symptoms, is eating and drinking normally, i just...
  10. S

    Gosling won’t drink on its own and shakes head when I give it water

  11. C

    Very sick hen

    My Barnevelder hen is very unwell. She has always been more to herself and not very friendly but I noticed her staying completely by herself a couple days ago. Was able to catch her and she feels very thin and lethargic. Her poop is green pellet like and watery. I have recently dewormed all...
  12. D

    Please help! Why did yellow liquid come out of my duck’s vent while she was laying?

    Is this normal? What could cause this? A good amount of yellow liquid came out while she was laying. The liquid smelled and looked like pee. There wasn’t anything sticky in it and she’s acting fine though. Her poop is usually dark brown because of her main feed and it’s often dry. It’s been...
  13. C

    Help! Dominique chicken threw up sticky white fluid

    Any clue what’s wrong with Cupcake? She is a 3yr old female Dominique chicken. Today she was drinking water, and stood next to the water bowl with her beak open. I picked her up and white fluid started coming up her throat. I put her down and she shook her head and the white fluid dribbled down...
  14. D

    What bacterial infections or just general infections cause head shaking and pain in ducks?

    The vet said she had an infection but haven’t yet specified which, so I’m conducting my own list of possibilities to support her while I wait for the email. My duck is one years old and she’s a female. Her main meals are duck feeds, Manna Pro Pellets. She usually has tomatoes and eggs as snacks...
  15. D

    Please help! My duck is vomiting food and constantly shaking her head!

    Earlier today, she was very unwell. Her beak went cold for awhile and she kept stumbling around. We were shocked and worried for her, so we gave her meloxadin oral suspension anti-inflammatory medication. She seemed to feel a little better after that, but shortly later, she was unable to eat and...
  16. D

    Please help! Is it normal for the side of my duck’s tongue to be white-ish? If not, does anyone know the cause?

    She’s one years old and she’s a Pekin duck. The side of her tongue has been white for awhile now and we still have no idea why. She eats and drinks fine. She sleeps well and she can be pretty active too. However, the side of her tongue is white and sometimes white slimy stuff makes it’s way to...
  17. coltgrizzz

    Sneezy Chicken Help

    One of our little silkies started sneezing about a week ago. Didn’t think much of it cause it was infrequent. Now she’s sneezing constantly. Other than the sneezing she’s fine - eating, drinking, foraging, no ocular or nasal discharge. She also seems to be the only member of the flock displaying...
  18. D

    Please help! Why is her mouth white?

    1 year old Pekin duck, she eats Manna pro pellets with tomatoes and eggs as snacks. She eats corn too.
  19. A

    Quail can’t peck properly and seems sick.

    Hello so I had gotten 4 quail from someone and I took them home and they seemed healthy but a bit scared of me, now 4-5 weeks later I have them they are happy and trust me they all seem good except for one quail in the past this quail has not pecked straight or accurately (have tried giving it...
  20. L

    9 Mo old Buff Orpington loosing feathers

    Hi all. My 9 mo Buff Orpington is loosing feathers. Almost like prematurely molting. My understanding is that would be -18 mo usually. - Lots of pin feathers - I’ve separated her from the rest of the flock - Vent looks normal - Not as energetic as usual kinda staying by herself but does come...
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