rooster behavior

  1. Saaniya

    Can Chicken Live Seperately ?

    Just i'm curious to know .. my roosters becomes little angry lol ..they are fighting wing flapping in free range and even in their box injured each other comb so we seperate them into different boxes from yesterday . they are still 2gether in free range only live seperately .. so is it okay????
  2. Kristan1424

    Hen or Rooster... HELP!

    We are new to the chicken world and are having fun with two new chicks in our backyard. We have built a cool coop/run and as then are getting older one is starting to "crow" at sunrise and then every hour or so after until the sun is officially up. We can't tell if our Easter Egger Hen is...
  3. Nancy H

    Rooster/hen cat fight

    I have one rooster and seven hens. They were hatched and raised in the same multi rooster group and have been with me for six months as a group. It's been a lovefest until 3 days ago. I LOVE the rooster, who is RIR/Americauna and has always been very gentle and terrific at watching for hawks (a...
  4. Lazy Farmer

    Too Many Roos = Less Fertile Eggs :(

    Just candled an incubator. 16 duds! We hatch and rehome chickens, Roosters are unwanted by almost everyone. All mature pullet's have hit the road jack.. Now we are at the crossroads once again. Time to cull. High time. 7 unwanted roos just reached breeding age, free ranging with my vip's. Our...
  5. theuglychick

    Monogamous Rooster?

    I have been on a life quest to find a gentlemanly rooster- the criteria being good with the girls and doesn't attack people. Note: Monogamy was NOT in the criteria. Well, after going through 6 roosters in the past few years, I have one (so far) who is, for my situation, a very good boy. I...
  6. Then I Will

    Premature Crowing in 8 week old cockerel

    Hi All, I have an EE cockerel who is around 8 weeks old right now. Two weeks ago I heard him make an odd croaking sound from around the corner and all of the other birds tore off for the coop in fright!! I wondered if he had been trying to crow. This week, I caught him in the act! On video...
  7. MilesFluffybutt

    Behaviorally challenged cockerel

    So I have one of my cockerels (13 weeks old) in time out for being a real d-bag - feather pulling and harassment. He's on day 2, and honestly, the flock has been so peaceful. He's in a bachelor pad all by himself. I've blocked his line of sight to the other birds as best as I can, but I'm sure...
  8. allisonrbaker

    Jealous Roo?

    Does anyone have experience with a jealous rooster? What I mean is if I pick anyone up other than him, he appears to get upset. Not to the point of "attack" or injury but he will pace underfoot until I put the other, attention-thief chicken down and then proceeds to peck or pull the offender's...
  9. KelsiJH

    Rooster attacking new ducks

    I have 8 hens (mix of RIR and BO) and one RIR rooster who are all about 16 weeks old. I have 1 male Rouen who sadly lost his duck friend to a predator earlier this summer, so I got 2 new ducks to keep him company. They are about 6 weeks old and I've had them in the coop for 3-4 weeks with...
  10. wthspirit

    Should I swap my rooster?

    I have a young rooster (Marshmallow) who is second only to his dad (Pablo). His dad can be very protective of flock (won't let Marshmallow mate). Marshmallow is a real sweetie, no worries with his behavior towards us or pullets but he chases down and mounts two of our three female ducks each...
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