roost height

  1. K

    External nest box safe height outside coop?

    We're building our first coop and run and it's on a slope and I just realized that because of the slope, the external nesting boxes are closer to the ground than seems safe (we have racoons, mink, rats plenty of predators). The external nest boxes will be on the uphill-most side of the coop. We...
  2. P

    1 y/o hens not using roost in coop?

    Hi all, sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I recently got 3 almost 1 y/o (44 weeks I believe) Golden Comet hens that seem to refuse the higher roost ladder that I bought them. They used the ones that came with the pre-fab coop but they're only about an inch off the ground and a couple of the...
  3. PioneerChicks

    Are your roosts equal heights?

    If you have two roosts in the same coop, are they equal heights or different? Please post why. Also please check out this other poll:
  4. D

    Chickens not jumping up onto perch in new coop

    Hi everyone This is my first post in the forum after being able to find plenty of advice on this forum over the past 2 years since owning chickens. When I first purchased my hens, I had a simple coop where as the hens walked in, they effectively walked onto the perches which were just above...
  5. S

    Nervous for arrival for my first chicks ever! Help!

    I have 2 silkie chicks from ideal poultry arriving friday. I have a brooder set up in a 5SqFt cardboard box lined with paper towels. I have a chick feeder with medicated starter feed and a waterer that they wont be able to fall into, and a heat 50w heat lamp. Here are my questions: -when should...
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