
  1. Dog House to Duck House Conversion

    Dog House to Duck House Conversion

    I've wanted ducks for years and this year I finally found the type of duck that fits my needs and wants. Problem is I didn't have a duck I set out to build one! In this article I will show you how I converted a large dog house into a small duck house. This house would also make a...
  2. Dilapidated Dresser to Nifty Nesting Boxes!

    Dilapidated Dresser to Nifty Nesting Boxes!

    Even though my old nesting boxes that my parents built were still in acceptable shape, I needed new ones. I had recently bought several Brahmas (the second largest chicken breed in the world!) and I needed something quite a bit larger and lower to the ground. Silver-laced Wyandottes in the...
  3. MamaBirds_Quail

    Quail coop DIY/playscape build

    Ha! Okay, so, our 10 quail have been in this DIY monstrosity for almost a month now and now ta actually going really well so, I thought I would share :) The footprint is the 3’x5.5’ sandbox area of my kids existing playscape for several reasons: 1. We weren’t using it anyway 2. It provided a...
  4. P

    Eccentric, predator proof, fun, repurposed brooder box

    First time chicken owner and decided to build my own brooder box since the pre made ones were either sold out or too expensive. This box was made using all repurposed materials I already had leftover from prior human home rebuilds, etc.; with a few exceptions: the dog kennel pan, plexiglass...
  5. Run to Outdoor Brooder Conversion

    Run to Outdoor Brooder Conversion

    The only accurate word to describe this build is "Rednecked" -- but that's fine because while I was born a Yankee, rural North Carolina is where I really belong. I was given a group of 4-week-old chicks who came with some equipment, including a coop that was a repurposed temporary run from...
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