
  1. A

    Nestera Coop Predator Issues?

    I recently bought a Nestera coop with automatic door. I have had issues with raccoons in the past. Has anyone had a raccoon just pull the string and open the door? It seems very easy to figure out. The coop itself is very well designed, I'm just unsure about this string that pulls the door...
  2. Goosebaby

    Intrusive Thoughts

    Today I made an attempt to control myself. Today I failed to control myself.
  3. L

    Chicken attacked by raccoon , now not eating.

    Hi everyone. My chicken was attacked by a raccoon 5 days ago. There was blood, but now i dont really see any big scars. First day she was eating , and now for the last 4 days i dont think she ate. Ive seen her couple times trying to eat, but she stops right by the plate of food. Her beak doesn't...
  4. T

    Racoon attack, broken beak, thick mucus in mouth

    Hi. About a week and a half ago my hen got attacked by a racoon. I managed to save her from him even though he had her in his mouth. She had a head injury and a twisted jaw. Her eyes were swollen shut. I brought her back from the dead pretty much by cleaning her every day and nursing her wounds...
  5. C

    Orpington won’t eat or drink independently almost 2 weeks after raccoon attack!! Help!!

    One of our favorite buff orpington’s was one of the only chickens to get attacked by a raccoon, we caught the raccoon in the attack and scared it away, she had many feathers pulled from the back of her head and neck and was bloody and barely responsive when we found her. We immediately isolated...
  6. F

    Missing chicken!!! Need help

    My fully grown hen dissapeared last night and I have no idea if she’s alive or not. I found feathers and a tiny bit of blood near the coop and some more a little further but no body and no body parts. I’ve dealt with raccoons before and usually they leave a mess! But it’s like she disappeared...
  7. E

    Eating a chicken killed by a raccoon

    A raccoon just got into my sister's backyard coop and killed one of her egg hens. We chased the raccoon off but the bird quickly died. She was not very mangled, a small amount of blood on the head is the only sign of injury. Now we are wondering if we can eat the bird. I hung it by its feet in...
  8. F

    Eglu Cube vs Raccoons

    Hi everyone, Newbie to BYC & the chicken world here! I recently purchased an Eglu Cube + 13ft run and have some concerns about the security of the coop itself. I live in an area with raccoons and don’t fully trust the door handles on the egg port & rear of the Cube to hold up against...
  9. T

    Can anyone say what predator attacked this bird?? *Picture attached, graphic*

    Hi everyone, This morning, a couple meters away from the chicken coop, I saw a pigeon/dove that had its insides completely scooped out... It was very sad to see. I've never seen a bird attacked like this in my backyard before. We have feral cats, raccoons, skunks, and possums in the area (with...
  10. MenachemEliyahu

    Raccoon near miss

    About an hour before sunrise the sound of my chickens in distress woke me up. I rushed outside and I saw four out of five hens standing out in the rain. As I checked the a-frame the fifth one popped out. I didn’t see anything in there. My daughter came out because of the commotion and said that...
  11. -Flash-

    What Is Your Most Common Predator?

    What Is Your Most Common Predator?
  12. Barredrocker99

    What is digging into my coop???

    Help!!! I went out to get my chickens all stocked up with food and water before I go to my family’s house a few hours away for three days… when I went in the coop I noticed a hole had been dug in from the outside. Honestly, I feel like a moron for not noticing this sooner… my dog has been...
  13. Sophia_1

    Help! Injured duck

    My Romeo got attacked Thursday the 13th it still looks really bad and I don't know what his chances are maybe you guys cool help me. Tonight will be his first night back outside cages fixed. He is talkative, eating, and drinking.
  14. quaasi

    raccoon or malicious spirit

    >>previous post for context<< in short, all thirty of our birds were killed by something that got into our coop, except for one hen who managed to get away unscathed a small update on that: the fayoumi is doing great, a coworker hooked us up with some hens and the coop has been completely...
  15. S

    Graphic photo who’s the predator?

    I’m curious if anyone knew what did this? I want to try to defend against the right predator. It’s odd because no one in our area has ever had a problem. Everyone has their chickens and guineas free range and most of my neighbors don’t have a closed coop. We didn’t bother with a coop we can...
  16. Raccoons - My Experience With This Predator & Additional Information

    Raccoons - My Experience With This Predator & Additional Information

    Raccoons - My Experience With This Predator & Additional Information (Sneaky raccoon hiding in the bushes. Picture by @LateBirdFarms) Basic information: A raccoon is a mammal with dextrous, hand-like front paws and dark markings on its face...
  17. ejtalbert

    Chicken Proof Run-- Have We Made a Mistake??????

    So we have been working on a nice 84 sq feet chicken run for our 5 hens. Right now we are using those wimpy green posts and fencing with strawberry netting over the top to keep out a hawk that has taken to perching on the top of our coop once and a while. (we actually had a near loss, I was...
  18. Henry&Friends

    Raccoons and raccoon disposal?

    Hey! I've seen raccoons hanging about recently, which my mom would not let me deal with. One raccoon had 5 babies and kept bringing them here... About two weeks ago, a baby coon was left behind in my feed. That made me angry, but my mom wouldn't let me deal with it. Same situation 3 days ago...
  19. L

    Kibble as a predator deterrant?

    hi, I'm a new chicken owner and I was wondering, would placing kibble at strategic areas away from the coop keep predators distracted? I have my coop up by my deck, which is surrounded by a low 3 foot fence. If there is food outside the fence, will they bother working to get within the fence and...
  20. Top 10 Chicken Predators

    Top 10 Chicken Predators

    From aerial to ground predators, chickens often fall prey to many of these. There are many different things that happen from the most obvious to the least. No matter what, it seems like they're always getting into trouble. But we can limit predator attacks if we know how to prevent them. From...
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