
  1. Patiocoturnix

    What colors would I get from these?

    Doing a hatch of my birds I was just wondering if anyone knew what colors I could get from these. The white one is the boy the others are the girls.
  2. Patiocoturnix

    Jar quail

    Well I couldn’t help myself and decided to candle the eggs. I accidentally dropped one and it cracked pretty good I don’t have any candle wax to seal it. So I decided to make a false egg type thing in a jar and transferred the insides to the jar. I know in Japan and other areas and multiple...
  3. Patiocoturnix

    Super worms/mealwoms

    I was wondering if anyone on here has ever tried keeping/breeding super worms or mealworms in their quail enclosure so they are all in the substrate and the quail forage for them if so how successful was it. And if not what are your ideas to breed them.
  4. korea_choding

    Do you guys know dried caterpillars?🪱

    Caterpillars in the video! Quail loves it 😁 I can touch dried caterpillars, but it is somehow difficult to touch live caterpillars.🥺 By the way... How about my translation... Do you recognize it?🤩
  5. Patiocoturnix

    Quail cage ideas

    Thinking about making a new cage/enclosure for my quail right now I have 5 adults and 9 chicks in the brooder. I was planning on making it 2 story the dimensions I’m thinking about are 4ft long 3ft wide and 2-2 1/2 ft tall but there would be two cages this big is this big enough for 9 quail and...
  6. korea_choding

    I didn't know.. 나는 몰랐어...

    I thought it wouldn't go into my fruit juice... At first, only one friend went in and was holding it in her hand and taking pictures, right? But at that moment, another friend came in and took a half-body bath with my juice for 3 seconds haha🤣🤣 For the time being, belly fat will be sweet.🍭🍯
  7. Patiocoturnix

    How do quail have to be before incubating their eggs?

    How long should I let my quail lay before trying to hatch their eggs? Was gonna do a batch of my quails eggs but don’t know if they are old enough for an embryo to form they’ve been laying for about a month and a half now all around 3-4 months old don’t know the exact age. Obviously they don’t...
  8. Diveks

    Button quail chick won’t eat

    So i hatched quails yesterday, one hatched out perfect while the other needed help, when it was fully out i realized why it couldn’t go out by itself, it had issues with one of it’s legs and wings and was also pipping upside down (not aircell) unfortunately the little guy only lived for around a...
  9. Oob Child

    Distressed Quail..

    I wasn't sure what category to put this thread in, as this isn't really an emergency. My quail has been sitting, quiet and frozen in the sand bath for the last hour after my younger sister (she's eight) ran past my quail cage screaming something about Nutella. My quail, who I was happily...
  10. korea_choding

    poop too much The picture is unconditionally taken together with the poop.🤪💩

    It reminds me of diapers... Does anyone wear quail diapers? please share how😞🤩 cute nonetheless😌😊
  11. Patiocoturnix

    Unknown wound/illness on quail. Need help.

    I have a quail who was limping the other day so we separated her and let her rest 3-5 days later she was fine. We slowly introduced her back into the flock so there was no bullying of any sort and they did fine. Today she was limping again so we looked her over and she has an indent in her leg...
  12. korea_choding

    Hello I am raising quail in Korea.

    .I'm running the translator to deliberately write in English, but it keeps coming out in Korean.😞😞 번역기를 사용하고 있으니 말을 잘 못해도 이해해 주세요. 메추라기 유튜브도 있어요! 텍사스 메추라기 너무 귀여워요. 텍사스 메추라기는 한국에서 흔하지 않아서, 번역기로 검색하다가 이 사이트를 발견하고 바로 가입 신청했어요! 앞으로 잘 부탁드려요! 사진은 내가 키우는 메추리입니다. .The Korean language comes and goes...
  13. 2 Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Eggs in the Incubator

    2 Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Eggs in the Incubator

    Here are 2 Bobwhite eggs developing. You can see active little chicks inside with good veining which is an indication the incubation is going well and the c...
  14. quailbird

    Snowflake Bobwhite Incubation

    Hello Again, been a while. Wanted to take advantage of getting some Snowflakes while they're in season. I've never hatched this type of quail before, so just want to make sure I'm doing what I should be doing. A total of 4 eggs came in the mail, but it appears only 2 are fertile, 24 hour...
  15. P

    Using thermal to detect dead eggs

    Wanted to post this since there may be others who have a thermal camera. I can’t believe I haven’t thought of using it for pulling dead eggs out of an incubator until today. The dead eggs will have a noticeable difference in thermal temps compared to the live ones. The pic attached is of a...
  16. Joeysmom

    Egg Bound Gambels Quail

    I have posted previously about Joey my gambels quail. She has a history of being eggbound with every egg she lays. Which one about every 4 days. She went thru a molt and had a 2 1/2 month reprieve, however it has started again. She has been to the vet several times . More than likely a...
  17. le_bwah

    Broody Coturnix #3

    Well, maybe more like #2.5 since this is Wilma's second go-round on "real" eggs. She's done everything a mother hen can do to give her adopted babies a shot at coming out, and weathered some impressive rain storms the last couple days. With luck, there will be chicks before Sunday. Have a...
  18. dublinducks

    Conflicting Info about California Valley Quail

    I recently purchased 33 (asked for 20 and was given LOTS of extras!) California Valley Quail hatching eggs, that are currently in my incubator. I’m using a Nuture Right 360, and I’ve got them set at 50/55% humidity and using my automatic turner. I’ve got it set for 23 days, lockdown on day 20...
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