
  1. Layla_Chickens

    What is going on with my silkie hen?

    I have a silkie hen and she has never had chicks but has layed normally. So now she has decided she wants to have chicks so she's been in the nesting box and protecting her eggs and everything and I couldn't be more proud. But before anything happened I had introduced another hen I had from my...
  2. S

    Gosling with clear poop

    My goslings, one 3 week and two just a day old started having clear watery poop today. They all were fine yesterday but now I'm a little worried. My 3 week old had some of the grain in it but the surrounding liquid looked like hand sanitizer consistency. She was with another gosling (a friend's...
  3. S

    Duckling poop with absence of urates

    Hi there. I am raising 3 ducklings. And they are about 8 to 10 days old. I am really anxious on what if I do something wrong while raising them. I keep checking them after every 5 minutes.... Nvm let's get to the question I don't think my duckling poop is normal I am giving him feed that I got...
  4. T

    Is this blood in my hens poop?

    Pulled one of my girls out to isolated her she was getting bullied. She was scared and shaking and skinny. She’s been in the garage in a dog crate for a few days now and I’m trying to get her to eat. Filed her beak down a bit and seems to be better eating now but has been pooping white liquid...
  5. S

    Chicken hit by car.

    About 2-3 weeks ago our beloved Raspberry, a 7mo buff Orpington, was hit by a car. She survived which was a shock to us, with a damaged leg. I don’t think it was broken and could not feel any breaks but it was obviously causing her pain in her hip. She rested in the coop for about a week before...
  6. B

    New to Quail - Poop Analysis

    Hey everyone, I'm new to raising quail and try to get an understanding of normal vs abnormal poop. I have 11 chicks, 2 weeks old. The photos show some.kf the variation in poop that I'm seeing. Any advice as to what's normal or not? I've read lots but haven't found many photos to compare to...
  7. G

    Is it possible Newcastle isn’t deadly?

    I have a hen that in October started having very large green diarrhea poop every night. Only at night on the roost. I have a poop board. And the coop and run both have sand. Poop is cleaned every day so I see it all. After frantically searching, my options were she’s not eating enough or...
  8. PileatedFarms

    My hen pooped a hairball?

    I have a Cuckoo Maran hen that is about 10 months old. Last week she started acting just a bit off, puffy and off to the side by herself. She had some watery poops so I brought her inside for a night with ACV and some protein (eggs/meat). That night she pooped what looked to be a small 1in long...
  9. ChickenB12

    Weird poo

    Hi all! I’m new still trying to figure things out. Just some background I have two dogs and I know they aren’t doing well when their poo gets weird I have four chickens all hatched in August, I’ve googled lots of chicken poo but never seen one like this. Is it normal? It’s very cold here in...
  10. M

    VERY strange "dropping" in coop today

    First year chicken owner here! Went to grab some eggs and noticed this dropping on the "poo deck". Horrified and thought it was a tapeworm from afar but it's as large as their usual droppings and seemed almost like a egg casing? Has anyone ever seen something "translucent" like this or might...
  11. P

    green poop?

    hello, i have a 7 month old polish rooster who’s been having green poop. he’s acting normal otherwise and even tho the poop is green it’s a normal consistency, just green. he doesn’t eat very many greens as i can’t free range him(too many hawks in the area, and he can barely see with his hair)...
  12. Chickenpapa77

    Help, Coccidiosis? red gel balls in poop

    My 3.5 yr old Silver Laced Wyandotte is just finishing a molt and has pale comb, decreased energy, and decreased appetite. I thought it was just the molt, but then I found poop with red gel balls in it. I would not characterize it as blood. I found one poop chart saying it was coccidiosis, but...
  13. woodlandd

    Trouble defecating, otherwise completely normal

    One of my buff orpington hens (2 years old) has had trouble defecating for months now, with no signs of anything being wrong other than her straining to defecate and only letting out very little at a time. Her feces looks completely normal besides it being very small, and she is showing...
  14. D

    Peekaboo penis when pooping

    I am a first time duck mom to two 1.5 year old ducks, and they are stressing me out with all the weird duck things I know nothing about. Lol. Today, my question is, I’ve notice that my drakes penis pops out when he poops. It’s comes out about an inch, hangs out for a second, then goes back in...
  15. S

    Blood/Worms in Poop?

    Hi all, I found a dropping of poop this morning that, although it did not look bloody, it looked either like worms... or a piece of intestinal lining... I am unsure which is why I am posting here. One of our girls has always had watery poop, done a lot to try and fix it. Sometimes it is...
  16. whwerb

    Chicken poop question

    I’m a newbie. I have 7 black javas that are 19 weeks old. I feed a grower feed and give mealworms and watermelon as treats. They free range every couple of days. All poops have been normal except for this one I found on the poop board this morning. Should I be concerned? Thanks.
  17. AMOolman

    Help! New chicken mom! Weird poops!

    I have four hens and I believe they all are laying, I got them on Mother’s Day of this year, I noticed this poop this morning under the roost. I have seen poops like this before wondering if there is any answers or if I need to be concerned or not?
  18. T

    Duckling with crusty anus

    Hi, I have 1 week old ducklings from metzer farms. 2 white layers, 2 magpies, 1 runner. I am feeding them purina flock raiser. They are in a kiddie pool bedded with woodchips. And they have a chicken waterer for food. I noticed today that my layers have crusty anus' (see attached photos) and...
  19. B

    River rock

    Hello, I'm newer to chickens and was told to use a river rock as the base to my run so that it wouldn't become a muddy mess. Well now all the poop I have washed off over the summer is building up under the top layers. It was suggested to bleach the run but I'm not comfortable using bleach...
  20. S

    Chick not pooping and weird air sac

    Hey everyone. We had 3 chicks hatch on Tuesday from an incubator. One had a bit of shell stuck to its back and wing. A bit like a hunchbacked tortoise. It’s weaker and smaller than the other 2 chicks so I am trying to nurse it back to health. These are my fathers hobby but I do all the sad...
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