
  1. M

    Pekin mum

    Hello, any help would be appreciated 😊 long story A few months ago, someone dumped 2 girls and 1 drake in the caravan park that I live in, they have made themselves at home, people have been feeding them and they have about three acres to forage around in, with a wide river border. They...
  2. D

    Pekin duck needs a home!

    It appears that someone dumped a Pekin duck in the pond behind my house. I wasnt concerned at first because I thought it could befriend the muscovy ducks that frequent the pond. Unfortunately, the Pekin refuses to integrate with the muscovy. Instead, he spend his days next to a child's white...
  3. D

    Pekin duck needs home

    It appears that someone dumped a Pekin duck in the pond behind my house. I wasnt concerned at first because I thought it could befriend the muscovy ducks that frequent the pond. Unfortunately, the Pekin refuses to integrate with the muscovy. Instead, he spend his days next to a child's white...
  4. J

    Possible neurological problem

    I have flock of 6 pekin/muscovy ducks, 5 of them have no issues whatsoever, they are 6 months old. I had brought her in a couple weeks ago as she walked into a wall and wasn't hanging out with the other guys. I cleaned her up let her have two nights inside and when I put her back out she seemed...
  5. BroodyBambi

    Howdy y’all! I’m new here.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? No, I grew up with chickens and various farm animals all my life. I’ve always had chickens! As life went on I lost my little flock because I became a adult and moved. But now, I got some girlfriends! My husband is new to chickens...
  6. BlackRaven27

    Pekin hen not recovering

    Hi all - my 4 year old Pekin hen, Jane, has been struggling for awhile with an apparent sinus infection and injured leg. There are photos to show how awful she looks. Information: - she developed an extreme limp very suddenly 4 months ago (left leg). - her limp has slowly gotten worse to the...
  7. sjaks

    Grumpy Molting Pekin

    Our 2.5 year old Pekin started showing signs of her late summer/autumn molt about 4 weeks ago. This once friendly, happy-go-lucky, sweet, affectionate bird has suddenly turn down right crabby. Previously she would come for loves, pets, and affection. Now she just barks at us, will not let us...
  8. P

    (Help) Duck limping

    Hello! I have 2 Pekin ducks, one male, one female. I keep them in my garden where they have more than enough space. Yesterday, in the middle of the day, the male duck started limping Today, it's gotten worse, and now he's mostly sitting down, only getting up to drink (from a tall cup I have for...
  9. Sadie W


    So my pekin girl Dixie is my favorite duck. I’ve had her the longest out of everyone and she’s the one that is nicest to me (eating out of my hand coming around me when outside willing to walk into the house ect.) I noticed today that she had missing feathers on her wings that I’m very concerned...
  10. F

    What type of breed is this duck?

    Hello, recently I’ve encountered some confusion and am unsure whether my duck is a moulard duck (a cross between a pekin and Muscovy) or a Muscovy?
  11. Flutterbudget

    Is this water belly or is my Pekin just fat?

    Hi all! This is Missy and she’s around 2 years old. She seems to have almost gotten as big as her male! I’ve held her up and palpated her stomach it doesn’t feel tight or overly bloated at all it’s just nice and soft, I cannot feel an egg. I was just wondering if anyone thinks it’s just a fat...
  12. sylvaniaduckmom

    Pekin’s Wing Tips

    Hi all - I have a 2 1/2 year old Pekin duck, Winnie, and her wing tips have almost always had trouble coming in. I’m wondering if there could possible be a reason for this, or if anyone else has experienced this? And if there is a solution? This is a year round situation for her. She’s...
  13. A

    My duckling need's help asap

    My duckling can't poop and its been hours he can't open his eyes also he makes a clicking noise when he breaths also I don't know if this is caused by the niacin or how we gave him the niacin but we noticed after we gave him the niacin. here are some pictures from how his eyes look like
  14. N

    Are these Jumbo Pekins?

    I got them as eggs being told that they were pekin, but looking back at pictures of my old pekin hen they seem pretty fat lol The two on the straw are my current two, considering their quack I’m guessing the one on the left is a drake and the other a hen. The other two pictures are of my past...
  15. R

    10 wk old Drakes for rehome! Eastern PA

    Hello fellow duck lovers, I have two sweet young drakes that I am looking to rehome. I would love to keep them, but we don’t have enough hens for an healthy drake:hen ratio. They are excellent bug control, super entertaining, and are past the needy duckling stage but still young! Please let me...
  16. crumb

    Male Pekin Ducks Over Fighting

    For some background I have three, two year old male pekins and no females. One of our pekins has been getting badly mauled by another and separating them is not really a perfect option right now. Any advice on what to do? Should I be treating the balding spot of his neck or covering it with...
  17. I

    Is my duck pipping?

    Day 28, I think it is a pekin duck given to me by someone at work. Is this circle on top of the egg an external pip? No noise or movement yet, getting a bit worried!
  18. Kitkat1992

    911 pekin duck bright green pop

    I'm a newbie with ducks. I recently (about a month & half ago) purchased 4 at a farm store. 2 pekin & 2 Cayuga. Not to sure on sex.This illness has came on all of a sudden with 1 of the pekin. One morning(a few days ago) I let them out to the pen in the yard then later on that evening he/she...
  19. Kitkat1992

    Pekin duck 911 bright green poop

    I'm a newbie with ducks. I recently (about a month & half ago) purchased 4 at a farm store. 2 pekin & 2 Cayuga. Not to sure on sex.This illness has came on all of a sudden with 1 of the pekin. One morning(a few days ago) I let them out to the pen in the yard then later on that evening he/she...
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