
  1. R

    Dreaming of a different life

    Hi. I actually don't have chickens yet or even a place where we can own chickens as we currently live in a residential area in San Antonio Texas. I have a corporate job that I used to love but no longer get the satisfaction that I once did. I dream of a different life and this is the first...
  2. Kattzombiee

    Newbie Chicken Mama

    Hello! I am a newbie chicken mama out of NE Florida and I am looking forward to being here! :) Hoping to get a little more insight and knowledge here than my local backyard chickens FB groups have been providing (fingers crossed) I am fairly new to chickens, we were given 2 one-two year old...
  3. N

    Introduction-Hello 👋

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Not exactly, we had chickens when I was young. I just got some new chicks 8 weeks ago I remember how fun they were. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? three (3) What breeds do you have? Barred Rocks (4) What are your...
  4. G


    hello all. We as a family have toady received our 3rd set of allegedly fertile Silkie eggs from another different supplier and getting ready to try again. I am a complete newbie to chickens. i came across here as my incubator keeps turning and found a thread discussing it and after looking...
  5. Chickchick7688

    Pastey butt

    Hi, I just received my checks in the mail yesterday morning and this is my first time I’ve ever raise baby chicks, so please excuse me for my ignorance. I’m not sure if this is pasty butt or not can somebody please let me know and if not what it is, and what I can do to help, my baby chick.
  6. GenerationHomestead

    Thanks for having us!

    Thanks for checking out our post! We’re completely new to chickens and are currently incubating about 35 eggs in a Farm Innovators 4250 on day 10! We have gotten our eggs from friends that have Rhode Island Reds (of course), Plymouth Rocks, Orpingtons, and Australopes. We have a homestead...
  7. OliverDeer

    New Chicken Enthusiast!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Owned a dove since 2017 and fell head over heels in love. Her care is simple and the more time I spent dedicated to interaction and free-flight (within my open-plan home), the more she trusted me and sought out affection. I...
  8. K

    New to chickens in Keezletown, VA

    Hi! I ordered baby chicks last week. They will arrive in April. That gives me just over 2 months to figure out what I’m doing, as I am new to chickens. Six female chicks were ordered: 2 - Black Australorp 2 - Amber Star 2 - Colombian Wyandotte If you live in or near Rockingham County, VA I...
  9. F

    Peachy Keen Place in PDX

    Hello Everyone! I haven’t started chicken keeping yet but I’m here to learn all I can. My household just moved into a new house last spring with enough space to set up the small urban homestead of my dreams. We call it Peachy Keen Place. This season we are focusing on getting our vegetable...
  10. NewfoundMamaBird

    New Button Quail mama

    Good morning all, Just introducing myself as a long time lurker, first day member. Currently, besides the new buttons I hatched, I share my home with 3 rescue dogs that range in size from 7lbs to 80lbs. Moving on to how the buttons came about. My dream has always been a hobby farm where I can...
  11. S

    Thanks for letting me join your community

    My husband and I have a 4 hens and 1 rooster. I’m brand new to this, he had some when he was growing up. Just like our 4 dogs I’m getting the majority of the responsibility as he finds a new project or “toy” 😊 We purchased our flock from Tractor Supply about 7 months ago and the state we are in...
  12. B

    Newbie Small Flock

    Hi all! I have a small flock in Arkansas, 4 lovely ladies and a handsome roo. They are a free range flock and are my babies. I look forward to learning how to keep them happy and healthy. I am currently battling mites and I let them get too bad I feel. That will definitely be my first search...
  13. EriLynCap

    Newbie with potentially deteriorating chickens

    I apologize in advance for the length and for any future clarification questions. I am terrified of making things worse due to thinking I understand and being wrong. I have 4 chickens and a rooster. When I got them mid July they were this year's hens to my understanding and seemed very healthy...
  14. Yoberg

    Hello BYC Friends

    (Introduction) I’ve always wanted chickens to experience the whole egg/chick experience. But I’ve always been in suburbia “not zoned for chickens!☹️ BUT I’m experiencing the egg/chick thing with QUAIL! For 10 months now, I now have 9 female quail (the males are at freezer camp)😡. I purchased...
  15. A

    Preparing for chickens

    Hello! I have wanted chickens for a long time. My town doesn’t allow chickens unless I get a special permit from my city council. We are a rural community of about 1350 people so I am hoping that I won’t have any problems obtaining permission. After this is obtained I am ready to change an old...
  16. B

    Newbie again after not having chickens for a decade

    I moved back to the west coast to be with family recently after wandering around for about a decade. Now that I'm stationary I decided I want to have chickens again! Previously I had chickens in shared coops with friends, this is my first time being a Solo Chicken Owner. I impulse bought a...
  17. P

    Newbie to BYC; Chicken Farmer Since 2019

    Hello, all! I am a pretty new chicken farmer, but I love it! What got me started was two things: Drawing caricatures of kids (it was one of my regular jobs for decades!) and the Mark Lewis documentary, "The Natural History of the Chicken". If you haven't watched that, you can see it for free...
  18. K

    Hello chicken havers!

    I am very new to chicken keeping but I've been doing a ton of research on coops lately so that we can be prepared to get some chicks next spring! I'm a big DIYer and consider myself pretty handy. My hobbies are vast but all center around creating things, fixing things and visual artistry in...
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