new member

  1. C

    Hi, I’m Debbie. Fairly new to the chicken world.

    I got my girls October 12, 2023 In the mail. I ordered 10 chicks. They survived the trip from Ohio to Tennessee. I have one each of the following. A Golden buff (name Ginger), a Rhode Island red (Penny), buckeye (Ruby), Blue Ameraucana splash (Angel), Blue Andalusian (Snowflake), Easteregger...
  2. S

    Young and new to backyard chickens

    I recently got a chicken in March. My family found a buff Orpington chicken, we estimate was just about two months old at the time we found her out on the streets in a deserted area so we took her home. My parents also bought two chicks a week ago, but they didn't bother asking about or...
  3. DC_WIngnut

    Our new babies have arrived! Chick behavior related.

    Hello! We are located in NE WI. We just got our first batch of dual purpose chicks. Delaware and Silver Laced Wyandotte breeds. We are brooding them indoors in a “chick tent” for now until the weather warms up more. They will move to our garage with supplemental heat once it’s in the 50’s at...
  4. Kattzombiee

    Newbie Chicken Mama

    Hello! I am a newbie chicken mama out of NE Florida and I am looking forward to being here! :) Hoping to get a little more insight and knowledge here than my local backyard chickens FB groups have been providing (fingers crossed) I am fairly new to chickens, we were given 2 one-two year old...
  5. SinnahSaint

    New Flock in Nova Scotia

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’m brand new to chicken keeping. The birds have been in my care less than a week but I’ve been learning about chickens as part of my homestead research for many years. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have a very...
  6. Ankaa

    new guy

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes. I hatched and raised my first chicken in February of this year. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I currently have one. She is my emotional support animal. (3) What breeds do you have? She is an Easter Egger. (4)...
  7. BackroadGirl57

    Hello. I am a new member!

    Hi, I'm new here. Here is a question and answer about me. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got my first chickens when I was 5. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I currently have 5 chickens. (3) What breeds do you have? One Rhode Island Red hen and...
  8. B

    New member

    Hi, we are a new chicken family. We currently have 8 chicks ranging in age from 4 weeks to 2 weeks. We have 3 barred rock, 1 olive Egger, 2 buff orpington, and 2 production blue. We’ve been debating for a while about having chickens. My sister‘s family has chickens and she convinced us to pull...
  9. C

    Ciao everyone !!

    Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to join this community entirely dedicated to our chicken friends! My name is Alice, and I grew up in a small town near the mountains in Italy. My parents have always had a small farm where I grew up and where we always had animals, including chickens. Three...
  10. BokBokGoose

    Hey! Long time lurker here lol

    Hey y’all, I registered for an account in 2017 and am just now confirming and introducing myself 😜 This forum has been such a wealth of knowledge for so long I’m really grateful to have found it! I’m more of a wallflower so I like to admire and enjoy the chickens y’all post on here 💛 A little...
  11. Mama Brahma

    New Member!

    My family is new to the world of owning chickens. I have cared for chickens in the past for family members who were out of town but have never raised our own. We will be receiving our first baby chicks on March 31. Very exciting!! I am an eternal student. Whatever my interest may be, I dive in...
  12. chickieBok

    New Chick(s) from Zone 6A

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? True motivated interest & research hatched a few years ago, but we only recently settled into the right property to make our eggciting dream a reality! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We currently have our first 4...
  13. M

    Salutations from NC

    We're ex-city folk, moved over 10 years ago away from HOAs and closer to farms... we had been considering chickens for a little down the road, since relatives in the area have had them. Circumstances accelerated our plans, so we took the plunge and ordered Americana chicks. Currently scouring...
  14. OliverDeer

    New Chicken Enthusiast!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Owned a dove since 2017 and fell head over heels in love. Her care is simple and the more time I spent dedicated to interaction and free-flight (within my open-plan home), the more she trusted me and sought out affection. I...
  15. Ittybittyschmidtie

    New excited member! In search of good advice and tips

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Hello, I am new to the chicken world. I recently just purchased 10 chicks. 5 cinnamon queens and 5 Easter eggers. I am thinking about adding 5 more of the speckled sussex. They have not arrived yet, they will be here march 31st (2)...
  16. L

    New members

    Hi my name is Julia, we have 22 chickens in our flock. We have some black diamonds, Easter eggers, and Lavender Orpington. Along with a few others. My girls have just started laying and we are so excited!!
  17. H

    New member!

    Hey! I’m Henvolio- get the reference?- I’m a young chicken keeper from North Carolina, U.S.A., I’ve been keeping chickens for around four/five years now, and have known about this website for a while now as well, I just haven’t joined! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get...
  18. theorganicchick

    Hi y'all! I'm New :)

    Hi y'all! My name is Hayley and I've had my girls for about 3 years now. My husband (the Chicken Daddy) and I hand raised our flock. Were hoping to add a few more this spring! I have 7 girls, all different breeds from Black Sex-Link (penguin), Brahma (Brahma Mama), Silver Lace Wyandotte...
  19. weateDRIPPIN

    new member

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got two chickens of my own 4 months ago, but I've been volunteering to feed a friends chicken coop for a little under 2 years (2) How many chickens do you have right now? two, but I'm looking into getting more soon (3) What...
  20. S

    New member here - Happy New Year!

    Hi there - I'm a backyard chicken keeper, and have been since last summer. I have 2 black silkie cross hens and just yesterday hatched out 3 beautiful white silkie chicks. This was my first time hatching eggs and it was nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time. I purchased fertilized eggs...
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