
  1. K

    Wry Neck & Immobility: When is it time to give up?

    At what point does wry neck, likely caused by an injury, become irreversible? We discovered our silkie in this condition early today. We've been giving her vitamin E and egg, but she's immobile, lying on her side, kicking in the air, with her eyes fluttering and neck curled under. When we hold...
  2. NLmedic709

    Is this wry neck?

    Hello everyone, meet Crookie- one of my chocolate Orpington hens. She is nearly a year old now, and last December she began stargazing, walking backwards and separating herself from the flock. So, she moved into the “hospital” in our garage and has been there all winter. Initially she was in...
  3. A


    I have 11 2 wk old silkie chicks...I hatched them myself and purchased the eggs them from an awesome well known breeder. I intend to reach out to her and ask ifs she's seen this behavior before but you all our my saving grace and always so helpful. I noticed this head weaving a couple times...
  4. S

    Duck conjunctivitis? & weird head movements (pics) (repost)

    (reposting from the medical forum) This 8-week-old duck has an issue with his left eye, and I sadly can't afford to take him to the avian vet at the moment after expensive urgent surgery for a different duck a few weeks ago wiped me out. :( For about a week I rinsed it with saline and gave...
  5. S

    Neurologic problem? Wryneck? Chicken very quickly getting worse...

    Hello friends, It's been a rough year on our flock. We successfully saved one of our dearest hens from sour crop thanks to the lovely help from this community! Now I'm back asking for further assistance. 20ish month old Australorp No previous illness or injury No signs of injury No discharge...
  6. mushytrousers

    Identifying Bugs / Mites on Chicken?

    Terrible photo I know, but is anyone able to identify these bugs / mites I’ve found on my polish hen? I figure they’re mites but what kind? I see a lot of people have issues with red mites but these look nothing like them to me? And can mites kill a chicken, or cause neurological issues? This...
  7. S

    Lost Barred Cochin to Neurological Virus

    Today my 5 month old hen had to be euthanized. She had been eating and drinking normally, or so I thought. She had some odd tics, but was active & incredibly cuddly. This morning she collapsed snd I took her immediately yo the Vet. I was told she had a neurological virus that attacked her...
  8. elissarules

    old hen has neurological issues or blind??

    my older hen, henrietta (approx 8/9 years old), has been acting a bit strange. her head will softly sway forward and back, she’s having issues understanding depth or where treats are. if i’m holding a peach, she will recognize it is a treat, but peck all the way around until she eventually gets...
  9. cedartrees

    3 y/o Wyandotte hen presenting sudden Neuro issues

    Hi everyone! I have a three year old s/l wyandotte hen who began presenting neurological issues sunday morning (3/8). I immediately separated her and deep cleaned everything, nobody else has shown symptoms and i've been trying to minimize any contact the other hens have with her. Sunday morning...
  10. R

    8 yr old Silkie Wry neck or??

    Silkie hen, our oldest bird, started doing this head bobbing motion, looked at first line she was preening, but quickly obviously not, as hasn't stopped. Walks backwards occasionally, head usually either bobbing or completely limp on ground between feet. I have treated with adding vit E...
  11. fergyc2l2t316

    Chicken leaning head back

    One of my hens has been leaning her head back onto her back and acts like she has something caught in her throat. I can’t find anything on this but there is something wrong with her. Can anyone help me here please? She has been doing this on and off for a week or so. At first she was acting...
  12. R

    Is my duckling blind?

    Wondering if this sounds like the symptoms of a blind duckling (call duck). and if anyone has experience successfully raising blind poultry. To start, the duckling (Forest, we will assume a boy for this thread) was malpositioned and found out was in a cool section of my incubator so was 3 days...
  13. L

    Baby emu shaking and lethargic

    I have four 1 month old baby emus. The smallest, Kevin was doing just fine up until this evening. He can barely stand and is shaking/almost having seizure like activity. He twists his neck back. I’ve separated him in a quiet warm place and am giving niacin, b complex, and electrolytes. Anyone...
  14. OfWolvesAndHen

    Suspected neuro issues in new chick

    So this chick hatched this afternoon (I had to assist), and was born with very stiff toes. Now I'm seeing this strange and disconcerting behavior of rolling, distress calling, and scratching at the face. It comes in waves but has been continuing for quite some time. He'll often end up on his...
  15. L

    Help 8 week old buff Orpington

    Have 2 8 wk old Buff Orp. Over last couple weeks there is a distinct difference in growth. About week 3 our Airedale ran into the garage, jumped in our 100gallon tub where we keep our chicks and had obviously picked her up in his mouth. (She was all wet when we got on scene). She has never been...
  16. RainValleyFarm

    Rouen duckling gender

    Not sure at what age you can start to tell the gender of a rouen? Waffles is neurological so she has been growing and developing a little slower. Yesteday she made her first “quack” sound and sounded very similar to my female Pekin quack. she is getting blue/green and purple tint to all her...
  17. RainValleyFarm

    Neurological crested rouen

    Hi guys. This is Waffles my crested rouen. She suffers from neurological problems due to the crest. She gets nutridrench and it does seem to help her a ton! ❤️ My only other concern is as her feathers are coming in and her crest is growing it is really falling to the left and covers her eye...
  18. W

    Help, Wobbly rooster is having trouble walking

    I have a Russian Orloff Rooster that is almost 3 years old. I have had him since he was 3 days old. Today I went in the stall and he is extremely wobbly and having trouble even walking. He is usually very active and has always been my most dominant rooster. A few weeks ago he had some dried...
  19. chickbee

    Wry Neck? Neurological? What is this?

    I have a hen that is a couple years old. Rescued/adopted from an animal sanctuary near me. In the mornings, when she comes out of her coop, I notice her body pulling to the right and left while her head stays in place. It happens repeatedly. She isn't doing it all the time. Her neck doesn't...
  20. zoellemae

    Chicken hiding her head- light sensitive?

    Hi, I’ve had chickens for a while, but recently decided to raise chicks. They are now 6 weeks, but something seems strange with our blue production. I transfer her out of the brooder (along with all the chicks) and she started to freak out (erratic behavior). She buried her head in her feathers...
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