natural cure

  1. NelsonNedLover

    Natural Anti-Inflammatory Recs?

    My 5 y/o Bantam rooster has just been diagnosed with a firm and medium sized mass/tumor located right on his crop, he is scheduled to have surgery on Wednesday the 15th. My poor baby has been regurgitating and losing weight for a while, he's pretty lethargic and doesn't crow anymore. We were...
  2. saving grace

    Do Natural Chicken Remedies Really Work?

    Hello, I've had this question for a while now but something recently came up that pushed me to actually make a thread about it. I am aware this topic is extremely controversial and there's probably no easy answer, but I am very curious to hear others people's opinions on this subject. So, a...
  3. NinjaGamer2022

    Rabbit mites, how to diagnose and treat??? Balding and danduff on ear

    My friends pet rabbit suddenly started loosing fur on her ear and has clumps of dandruff. We suspect it could be Walking Dandruff or fur mites. Will oil work to cure it? Other natural cures? Here's a link I found, will...
  4. Reiki Rooster

    Bored, overgrown beaks

    I’m just curious, I’ve had turkeys, chickens and ducks for almost 10 yrs now. I’ve never had a problem with an overgrown beak before now. 1 turkey needs a trim but I’m wondering what I can do so they wear their beaks out naturally. All I can think is put some logs in their pen and see if the...
  5. K

    Summertime Wormer

    I was wondering if anyone had a summertime wormer recipe. I know there's a bit of a debate about the effectiveness of pumpkin; but that's a moot point this time of year. I've read that watermelon temporarily paralyses worms allowing them to pass through. They do love watermelon. If you have...
  6. N

    Natural way to deal wirh scaly leg mites?

    Hello! I'm brand new to this site and fairly new to chickens (4 years). I had a hen show up in my goat pen about 4 months ago, couldnt figure out where she came from as none of my neighbors recognized her as theirs. She was small and thin and has a massive amount of feathers on her legs. Fast...
  7. T

    Honey + Thieves/OnGuard worked to Naturally Cure Terrible Respiratory Illness, Cough, & Sneezing

    I had a hen with a terrible sounding respiratory illness and used the advice and recipe I found buried in an old post and it worked! I’m going to share it here with key words that I hope help it show up when others search. The Recipe: 1 tsp honey + 2 drops Thieves or Onguard + 1 drop Oregano...
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