
  1. S

    Muscovy not repelling water

    I just got my second Muscovy duck and she isn’t repelling water at all. I don’t see mites, I’m unsure if her oil gland looks okay? And a picture of my other one next to her. My other one just swam and is nearly dry but this new one is soaking wet.
  2. G

    Old Duck PLS HELP

    Hello! I am making this post in hopes that someone can suggest something to help my duck… I have a Muscovy duck named SPLASH who is quite old, he is about 15 yrs old, has lost sight in one eye, but still kicking :) SPLASH has always had wat we just called a ‘wonky wing’ ((we assumed he injured...
  3. LazyBirds

    Muscovy Duck Leg help

    Hi all! Wishing everyone and their feathery families peace to the mind. ♡ I have 2 muscovy females and one of them seems to have something wrong with her leg. They've both been broody and been in their nests all day for a couple weeks now. Lilith, the injured one, has some kind of scab or cut...
  4. MS_pond

    Sexing almost-five-week-old muscovies

    Hi, would any of you muscovites like to take a stab at sexing my almost-five-week-old muscovies? There are eight, numbered in this video here. #2 and #4 (Mohawk and Tiny, lol) are smaller, while the rest are about the same size. Interestingly, the very biggest one (#5) is farthest along in...
  5. M

    Muscovy incubation

    Hi I wanted to ask when should I stop my egg turner for my muscovys they are currently on day 26 and how high should the humidity be and how long can they go without food while the others hatch.
  6. beardielover3

    Is there any way to "tame" a duck?

    I just had this random question, because most of our ducks are scared of us. Is there any way to really get close to them?
  7. AmyA248

    Incubating Muscovy and Pekin eggs at different ages and I can’t tell the difference! How can I tell??

    Hello to all! My ducks have began to lay again but are not sitting. They dug a deep hole and laid 6 eggs. The problem is we now have Pekins as well and I honestly don’t know if the eggs are Muscovy or Pekin! I need to find out because lockdown is different and the eggs are of different ages. If...
  8. F

    White foam around duck’s mouth?

    My 9 month old muscovy make duck recently started having this white foam around his mouth? Does anyone know what this could be? He’s eating well and acting normal. Will he be okay?
  9. A


    I check my Muscovies weekly to maybe bi weekly at most for foot and other issues and never noticed anything out of the ordinary until today. Is this Bumblefoot? Is it possible for it to happen in so many spots on both feet so quickly? She was holding one foot up a little at one point when...
  10. Von-Rae

    My Muscovy incubating her first set of eggs

    Her name is Ebony. She was hatched from my incubator. She is the only duck i had when the dogs attacked my yard. She was just an egg in the incubator when the incident happened. My security has increased since. Hoping all goes smooth. Bought a pair some months after the incident. This Drake...
  11. Gingernutt

    Very confused over Muscovy girl

    So my Muscovy Girl laid her first ever egg yesterday and then today she decided to lay 3 eggs. 2 within a few seconds between each other and another 4 hours later. I'm genuinely concerned as I have read than its normal for 1 egg a day and rare for 2. is this normal for first time layer? I have...
  12. J

    Possible neurological problem

    I have flock of 6 pekin/muscovy ducks, 5 of them have no issues whatsoever, they are 6 months old. I had brought her in a couple weeks ago as she walked into a wall and wasn't hanging out with the other guys. I cleaned her up let her have two nights inside and when I put her back out she seemed...
  13. ElGoose

    Muscovy ducklings!

    Got 3 Muscovy ducklings recently, does anyone know anything about colouring names and figuring out the sex? I’ve seen people talk about them but not super sure myself. Very healthy and happy so far, surprised to see how quickly they warmed up to me and now they sprint to me and follow me around...
  14. W

    Brought 3 ducks home 48 hours later we only have one.

    Hello So this past weekend we brought ho e 3 Muscovy ducks (1 drake 2 female) We have a net enclosure with duck house. within ten minutes the two females found a way out on part of the fence we missed weighing down. We hadn’t clipped their wings yet and they were used to free ranging. We were...
  15. F

    Green duck poop?

    Hello, my duck has recently started pooping green this afternoon and I was wondering what it could be? She accidentally ate a small piece of a Taco Bell beef and cheese burrito when she was out of my sight so I originally thought that could be the cause until I found some of her poop she layed...
  16. G

    Please help! Muscovy duckling cant balance or lift her head

    Please help! I got home late from work and found this Muscovy duckling stuck alone outside the coop. (My ducks put themselves to bed using a ramp, for some reason ramp was down and she couldn't make the jump up into the coop this time.) I think she was stuck outside for at least an hour, maybe...
  17. thoeffel1994

    Muscovy ducks plucking each other's wings?

    I just noticed an issue with my young Muscovies plucking each other's wings. They'll reach out and grab another birds wing and yank the feathers out in the process. A few were bleeding. 😬. What should I do about this and why are they doing this. I've never had this issue before?
  18. Spreading Their Wings

    Spreading Their Wings

    My 13-week-old Muscovies, Laguna (front) and Winona.
  19. Relaxing by the pool

    Relaxing by the pool

    My 13-week-old Muscovies, Jeanette (front), Winona (back right), and Willoughby (back left).
  20. thoeffel1994

    Barred vs rippled in Muscovy ducks?

    I was given 20 free Muscovies a few weeks ago and didn't know that barred and rippled Muscovies existed until this year. I always had the black and white pied color. It turns out that 5 of the new ones are either barred or rippled, but I'm not exactly sure about the difference. I haven't...
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