
  1. T

    Chicken with missing neck and bum feathers

    Hey all, I got this lavender Orpington in December 2023, she’s around 1.5-2 years old and laying great. When I got her, they said she moulted and never grew feathers back. I did watch another chicken peck at her neck but I got no peck spray and that stopped. I’ve tried Epsom salt baths, I...
  2. S

    Mites all over the ground around coop

    Hello! Can someone please tell me if these are red poultry mites? They are covering the pavers/ground around my chicken coop and are also in the sand in the run. They scamper around during daylight which doesn’t seem like poultry mites but I’m at a loss right now. Cleaned out and treated my...
  3. LilHitzel

    Mites or Dirt?

    Found during the day, with a flashlight. Doesn’t move/crawl away when we touch it. Their leg scales aren’t raised, they eat and drink normally and lay eggs. The hens are in an enclosed run, and no access to chickens from other flocks, or birds.
  4. maarijke

    Bruised leg and/or possible mites?

    Hen born 2.22.22 Lives in a completely enclosed Colorado coop and run. Never had any issues like this purple bleu leg before on any girl. Two separate runs w one fence line between 20 hens on each side. This girl’s side HAS a roo. She may have bumble foot spots which I treated tonight w a spa...
  5. LilHitzel

    Mites, Feather Pecking or a Molt?

    Mites, feather pecking or a molt? 5 out of 6 hens are losing feathes on their necks, heads, backends or stomachs. Their skin looks clean and mite-free under their feathers, they’re about a year old and we don’t have a rooster. All are laying semi-regularly, one lays soft eggs frequently. We...
  6. G

    Scaly leg mites, does this mean infestation?

    Hello. One of my hens has has scaly leg mites for a long time. She became pretty inactive. For many years she had had missing butt feathers. I never thought that mites could cause these and I thought since she was a buff cochin her feet always looked like that. They have sand in their roost and...
  7. Hannah12

    No emergency. Yellow crust on little feathers above chickens eye.

    Don’t know if this is the start of something bad or not. At first I thought maybe some of the yolk from an egg my son smashed may have somehow got here and dried out but it’s still here two days later. I was going to wipe it off but she wasn’t really feeling me the other day and I didn’t want to...
  8. K

    HELP! White yellowish crust on face around eyes — can’t get rid of

    One of my silkies, Cheetoh, who is a little over a year old, has whitish yellow crust on her face that has not gone away for a few weeks. It’s around her eyes, beak, and ears. I noticed one of the other chickens had a similar thing a couple weeks ago but hers it gone. Cheetoh is currently very...
  9. R

    Non emergency, sulfur recs?

    Hi, I'm having some issues with mites(most likely red poultry mites but I'm honestly not positive), in particular on a couple of my girls who are convalescing right now and can't dust bathe on their own. I was wondering what brands of sulfur dust are considered safe and where you usually get...
  10. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Chickens Losing Bum Feathers & Poopy Bums (Eight Months Old)

    Howdy! This is my first post on Backyard Chickens. I am a first time chicken keeper. I've learned a lot from other threads on this site. However, I haven't found an answer to my particular problem. I mail-ordered chicks (from Chickens for Backyards) back in July of 2023: three Buff...
  11. Lemon-Drop

    Mites - Permethrin Dosage

    At first I thought my chicken was egg bound, based on some lethargy and holding her tail down. However, after looking further it seems my hen, Cupcake, has mites, as do probably a few other of my hens. I just cleaned out the coop really well yesterday and bought some permethrin (Permectin II...
  12. F

    Do my chickens have mites?

    Hello everyone, I have a mixed flock of 8 hens and 1 rooster. Five have bare bottoms and four do not. I don’t see mites on them but I am relying on pictures on the internet for identification. They have been this way for months. They are all happy, bright eyed, eating and laying well. They have...
  13. PileatedFarms

    Daytime small bugs - mite? Lice? Clover mites?

    Hey all! Before I get started I'll just mention that I'll add a photo as soon as I can take one/see more of the bugs We have a hen who was inside in a cage for a few days working on a large crop she has (different issues lol) and today when I went to pick her up, after putting her down I had...
  14. Timbers Happy Hens

    Mites issue

    So I’m sure this has been asked before but I’m struggling with re infestation. For the last 8 months or so I spot small orange lice on my birds, mainly around the vents. I treat them with poultry dust on the vent, up the belly and back, but stay away from their heads. I completely clean out...
  15. C

    MITE problem, PLEASE help!! Permethrin liquid concentrate

    I have six chickens and they keep on getting mites from wild birds in the area. Theyve gotten it 3-4 times or less last year :( I want to get permethrin liquid concentrate to spray down the coop and the chickens. I just wanted to only spray down the chickens instead of fully dipping them. I...
  16. chrissilini

    What is this?

    Hello. There is so much info online that it’s hard to sort out soon came to where I knew I’d get some helpful info. We have NH Reds, 7 hens and a rooster( he was unexpected!), lol. It’s are first time dealing with a rooster and all that entails. We’ve noticed on one hen in particular a possible...
  17. Eggsandbeyond


    Collected my eggs this morning and saw a few very tiny red and brown little round bugs on them. Is this mites? I checked all the chickens I do not see any around their vent or neck area (I am aware they could still be there I just don't see them on them) and their legs look ok. A bit reddish...
  18. F

    Sick hen, worried about flock

    One of my silkie hens started acting lethargic two days ago. Yesterday, we found her with yellow crust completely over both eyes, yellow nasal discharge, and her feathers felt stiff/clumpy/greasy. She did not make it through the night. I am worried about the rest of my flock. I have 9 other...
  19. C


    Hello I am new to this forum but I have been reading posts and articles in the past couple months since getting my new flock of chickens. I really need help trying to diagnose what is going on with my sick chicken! To make a long story short. A few months ago I got six new hens I am new to being...
  20. A


    Summary: I have 19 chickens that have mites and intend to dip them in permethrin and have questions regarding the situation. If you wish, skip to MY QUESTIONS at the bottom. Also, my qualifier is not meant to be rude, but I am looking for experience and help and knowledge. Not opinions, not...
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