medium coops

  1. Our Coop 7

    Our Coop 7

    This is my first attempt at building a chicken coop. I built it on the back of our garage, and the access is through the garage. Hopefully I didn't do anything horribly wrong that will require major modifications. But I'm looking for constructive criticism. We are in NW Indiana. Thanks for your...
  2. My Chicken Coop 4

    My Chicken Coop 4

    The front of our chicken coop The side view of our chicken coop with easy access to nesting boxes without having to go inside the pen. The back view of our chicken pen. Back of Coop opens into grazing pen
  3. Coop Construction Day 2

    Coop Construction Day 2

    CLICK HERE TO LEAVE A COMMENT. LOVE TO HEAR FEEDBACK! Spent more time today on the coop. It's been raining alot recently and has disrupted working on it. Managed to get three walls up before we had to call it quits for now. I was really hoping for all four walls. As you can see, the entry...
  4. Coop Construction Pictures

    Coop Construction Pictures

    Here are the step by step pictures of our coop construction ! We started by building each section in our woodheated shop! Time for a foot warmin break !! Takin shape now !!! Me, literally ''holding up progress'' !!
  5. Coop Construction Page 4 The Tin Or Steel Roof

    Coop Construction Page 4 The Tin Or Steel Roof

    The tin or steel roof Next steel roofing is attached allowing for a 1" overhang on all sides except the peak, that is left 2"s short for ventilation. The panels are secured with galvanized screws with rubber washers. A piece of the roofing is bent to the angle of the roof and applied as a cap...
  6. Tc Bokboks Chicken Coop

    Tc Bokboks Chicken Coop

    The story of our urban coop... We originally planned to save up and pay a builder to construct the coop based off of some plans that I had bought and many that I had found online. I was going to incorporate a lot of the ideas I learned about here. For some reason however I abandoned this and...
  7. Thats A Coop

    Thats A Coop

    I knew I was going to need something to house the chickens in. My first thought was an old shed that was sitting and litteraly waisting away. It was stuffed the celing with scap wood, tarps, my husbands big idea "lets get a mini bike", tires, deer stand, and alot of who know what that was. It...
  8. 8x8 Coop

    8x8 Coop

    Building a 8'x8' Coop We needed a larger coop. We have a 4x8 tractor with penthouse that serves as a soil-builder for our raised beds. Also we have a mini-tractor/brooder that sits in the garage. We need the garage space. So the plan was to build a coop that will serve two purposes. 1-...
  9. Silkie Mans Med Custom Coop

    Silkie Mans Med Custom Coop

    For the THIRD TIME, I'm trying to get this page to save without ruining everything I have written. Here goes! Coop Name: The Egg Plant Username: Silkie Man Real name’s Ben. My first 13 birds in Aug ’09 as pullets. I built a first coop out of an old coop, Fort Bocks, as a totally safe...
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