
  1. Fuzzychicken98

    Sickly Serama Hen

    I got home the other day and she had serious wry neck. She is an indoor only chicken. I immediately gave her an oral dose of poultry cell. I have polish and silkies, vitamin deficiencies are always a worry. But 2 days later. Now she barely walks. Her wattles are on and off pale. I finally got...
  2. KimsNest

    You’re gonna get a hair ball!

    Hello fellow chicken lovers! Just curious as to why some of my chickens love chewing on my hair. Are they preening me out of affection or secretly attempting my murder? You never know with these guys. Pic of my 5 month old Serama, named Turkey (born 11/23 🙃)
  3. B

    Chicken love and chicken sadness

    Hi, I'm Belila, and I have had chickens since Mother's Day of 2022. I didn't plan on being a chicken mom, but after a bit of a shock, I accepted the surprise gift from my kids. I went in pretty unprepared! My kids are older, two away at college now and one finishing high school (the human kids...
  4. RosyChickens

    Christmas Card

    It's a bit late, but wanted to share my christmas card this year - taken of 3 of my lovely ladies
  5. PioneerChicks

    The 12 Days Of BYC (2021)

    Starts December 14th. Spread the word! We had some fun and spread loads of Christmas spirit in 2019 and 2020! Ready to do it again? It's simple. Starting on the 14th, do as many of the service ideas listed below as you can! As always, our goal is to spread love and joy for the Christmas...
  6. Joyfillednomads

    Given 3 chickens, gave 100+ away

    Adding 3 new fully grown chickens to the bunch... in quarantine right now in chicken tractor. Gave away 100+ chickens in the last ~8 months. Hubby didn't know we were going to be taking these... hope it doesn't derail his support of incubating eggs. Maybe the various cages of different aged...
  7. Gielliesse

    My journey with Corid.

    I am starting a journey with my chickens and corid. For the next 5 days I will be using corid and I will update each day with the results. I really hope this can help my chickens. People were telling me that this is a good way to help them so I will be doing that. Each morning I will be putting...
  8. Crazy Duck Lover

    The death of a young legend. Fly high baby 💔

    Sunday, April 18, 2021 a legend was born. A female welsh harlequin ducklings that I named peanut, in memory of @DaisyBuff s hen that passed. She quickly became my favorite duck in the flock. She’s was playful, and loving. I was hesitant of putting her outside with the rest of the ducklings that...
  9. Joyfillednomads

    I Love having Chickens

    From first chicks to first eggs, and every grain and pellet in between. I absolutely LOVE having and raising Chickens. The waiting for the first eggs and one by one filling an egg carton. Trying to bake something special with each one. The Rewarding factor is amazing, and best expressed in the...
  10. PippinTheChicken

    Who's your best bird friend?

    We probably all have that sweet flock member who you love to death. Sometimes they even love you back. Who is your special boy/girl. Share stories, pics and inform us about your "baby". BIRDS/POULTRY ALLOWED ONLY!
  11. Collinska

    Duck Sounds... What Do They Mean??

    I am introducing ✨Tweety✨ he will be the star of today’s episode! He is my baby boy, we got him with another duckling once upon a time but sadly his brother/sister passed... We got him 2 new ducklings after he grieved (the fact that he had to go through that broke my heart and I learned how...
  12. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    R.I.P Perri, always remembered, never forgotten.

    It was around 6:15 am in the morning that I heard the commotion. I heard panicked squawks from the chickens outside my window. I thought the flock of 9 was just being annoyed by plovers...but when I looked out my window...a fox was chasing them around. I gasped and ran to the laundry door in my...
  13. J

    Whisky Willows Chicks

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? My family has had chickens for at least 7 years. Can’t remember exactly when we got our first flock. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We have 18 chickens, just acquired a new one today. (3) What breeds do you have? Oh...
  14. Daylayna


  15. pixieschickens

    Chick Bonding

    Any ideas on how to bond with my chicks? They’re still quite skittish at 4 weeks old :(
  16. FathertoFeathers

    Because I loved her

    A few months ago we got some baby chicks from tractor supply. The first few weeks went by fine and nothing really happened. Then they got to the age where they could be out in the coop. I will forever regret that decision. We put them out and they seemed to like it. They had fun in their new...
  17. meltedcow


    I'm Cari. I am a photographer and the mother of Daisy (black lab), Mr. Kitty, Buddy the parakeet (he showed up on our fence one day), and six laying hens: Dolly, Coconut, Ginger, Cinnamon, Sugar and Pam (from the Office not the spray!) My chick-chicks say "hello"! Have a great day! :thumbsup
  18. cluckmecoop7

    Just wanted to share some pictures of my flock

    I love my flock! They are about twenty weeks old and starting to lay eggs! :love
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