
  1. catx10

    Goose losing balance - due to too many eggs laid?

    We have a one year old female embden goose who has laid around 52+ eggs. She began laying on the 15th of Febuary and is still laying as of the 30th May 2024. In the past few days she has not been well, and keeps losing balance while walking. She walks and stumbles back (even when standing...
  2. Fluff Butt Faye

    What the?????

    Tiny got an egg stuck to her butt. Chipmunk just couldn't believe what she was seeing! The egg dropped off after a few loops around the run being chased by a very interested flock.🤣
  3. ourlittlecoop2022

    Please help! Excessive thirst & lethargy in hen

    Hi all, Our 3.5 year old laying hen was acting normally yesterday, but upon coming out of her coop this morning proceeded to drink water for about 10 minutes straight. She would not stop, even when we tried to lure her away with treats. We examined her and found some messy feathers around...
  4. MandS

    Egg trouble - possible lash or something else?

    Hi I've had many lash eggs from hens over the years. Most are the yellow cheesy type, varying in size and like a cooked egg mass (hardened puss). One of my hens, about 3.5 years old, stopped playing a few weeks ago. She's very active, no crop issues, loves her food, however she is thin and her...
  5. WaterfowlsPoultry

    Hen became a mom, First time having chicks, any tips?

    Hello everybody, I have a black australorp hen (I think) that layed eggs, sat on them for a while, we thought they would not ever hatch, and we were having issues because my cousin decided to grab random eggs and stuff them inside the nest where my chicken was, so now we don't know what's a...
  6. W

    Turkey hen playing dead?

    Today I came home to my turkey hen sitting in the nesting box, motionless, her face smooshed up to the corner of the wall (I couldn’t even see her head), legs splayed out abnormally. She looked dead. I called for my husband. We cautiously approached the motionless bird. Then she blinked and we...
  7. M

    How soon will quail lay after my chckens start laying??

    Hey I wasn’t sure where to put this little question so I’m sorry if it’s not in the right place. But I was wondering how soon your quail lay after your chickens start (if you have both) My chickens just started laying here and there. Some are some are not but I just wanted to know what that...
  8. MamaPoult

    Led vs. Incondescent

    Hi, I have a quick questian. What do you guys use light wise in your coop for your laying hens? We live off grid with a generator and small battery bank and the led bulbs draw a lot less than the incondescent bulbs but when I use led my girls stop laying, yet my bro uses that and his lay!!🤷‍♀️...
  9. quailsaurus

    Egg laying season for Bobwhites in Atlanta

    Hi, everyone. This is my first year with bobwhite quails and I was wondering about when I should expect them to start laying eggs. I am feeding them Purina gamebird layer crumble with crushed oyster shells both in different feeders. I am in the Atlanta area and they have what I think is enough...
  10. FatherFalcon

    Encouraging Laying Quail…

    Ideally... in my mind's eye In small spaces; Free roam/greenhouse/etc....... Aviary/ Runs/ Pens/ Hutch/Nesting box; safe place to lay an egg away from Roo’s area coverage ( a dark spot to hide) Rollout cage: forced conditions and no choice to lay in place Give the Roo’s a time of separation...
  11. H

    Egg remaining in quail for two days -- Should I be concerned?

    I have four layers and three of them have been laying consistently for several weeks now (Special thanks to Nabiki for the help!) One of them seems to be laying sporadically, and I haven't been able to figure out which one. However, I noticed two days ago that one of them, Venus, has a hard...
  12. BoomChickWow

    Nesting box war

    This morning one of my nesting boxes looked like a crime scene. I have 3 nesting boxes open and 5 hens. 2 of them have been laying for a while and 2 just started laying. I know it was my 3 oldest fighting over this one box. One of them ended up laying on the drop board in the coop which has...
  13. M

    BLW not laying at 9months

    Hi all, I have seven Blue Laced Wyandottes that were hatched around Easter this year (mid-April). One’s a rooster, so six hens. Most of them are pretty dark, but two of the hens have lighter/almost lavender feathers with red lace. Those two, the lighter ones, started laying about a month ago...
  14. C

    Laying yolk and membrane separately

    Hello, everyone, My 20-month-old hen Harriet has been having egg issues since about June when one of her sisters died from what we suspect was also egg related. She had been sporadically laying "rubber eggs" in addition to laying hard shell eggs. I took her to the vet in late Sept. when she...
  15. Kel60

    First Egg in november?

    So my girl sweepea who hatched out around February just laid her first egg, in November for some inexplicable reason. I know sometimes out of season things can be a sign of problems should I be concerned? Or is she just being weird? Shes a bronze breasted turkey as far as I know. one thing...
  16. C

    Laying Flock of Black Australorps, April 2023 Hatch

    Located in the Tampa Bay Area. 9 Australorp Hens and 1 very active Rooster. All sorted for confirmation, personality and breed standard. Majority are laying as of 3 weeks ago... several more to kick in. They are equal to my Rhode Island Reds in egg quality. Perfect for someone selling hatching...
  17. S

    Hen restarted laying after 8 months!

    Hi Everyone, Something strange happened today. This March, our 2-year old barred rock, Mike, stopped laying. We weren't sure why. Today, eight months later, she layed. It's torpedo-shaped, and looks like it was a labored lay. I'm just curious--what would cause her to stop laying for...
  18. Skibum

    Corrected impacted crop chicken still not laying

    I have an Easter Egger hen who had an impacted crop for somewhere between a few days to up to a week. It took about 3 days to correct once I discovered it but it might have been a few days before I noticed. She’s still thinner than my other Americana but not super thin. I don’t believe she has...
  19. H

    My 5 month old white Chinese goose is laying now

    I’m just curious my goose just started laying.. she layed a soft shelled and a hard shell the other day.. how often should I be looking to get an egg? I tried to research but it only tells me how many they could lay a year.
  20. L

    Egg production stopped

    Our OG layers were born last August (7 of them), so they are now just over a year old. Two months ago we picked up a turkey and a silkie. They integrated well into the flock. We picked up more layers at a swap a month ago (7 new-to-us hens, within laying age). In addition, we picked up...
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