
  1. Pamlicobuttnugget

    ISO breeding pair in NC

    Hello, We are searching for a breeding pair of peafowl. We had a pair that was almost old enough but sadly our male passed suddenly. We are located in Pamlico County, NC. We are willing to drive a little for them. We have looked with not much luck. T~T
  2. dowdlauren

    ISO juvi valley quail near LOS ANGELES

    Looking for juvenile valley quail, more interested in females, but will also consider another male. I’m not asking for tame tame birds, but I don’t particularly want any that are too flighty or panicky. I have some I hand raised that are skittish but friendly, so trying to match with them (5...
  3. StinkyAcres

    Looking for Muscovy hatching eggs for next spring/summer - VT area

    I am interested in buying Muscovy hatching eggs for my Muscovy females to hatch next year. Posting this now to see if anyone sells them in the area or is willing to ship them and to get an idea of price. Thank you!
  4. E

    Looking for Fertilized Geese Eggs

    I know it isn’t the typical laying season, but does anyone have any fertilized goose eggs they’d be willing to sell? I want to add 1-2 geese to our flock. We have appropriate accommodations indoors for goslings. TIA!
  5. L

    ISO 2 female pullets 7-8 weeks Michigan/Ohio

    Hello from Michigan! I’m new to BYC and raising hens. I had two black sex link pullets. One unfortunately got attacked while I had them out during the day yesterday and I need to find my lone pullet some friends asap. I know I’ll have to quarantine new birds so the sooner the better. She’s very...
  6. VampKat

    Iso old English bantams

    I'm in Virginia and very interested in young as possible old English bantam girls in: lemon blue, self blue, ginger, mille fleur, red pyle, speckled, mottled, etc (basically unique colors, different from what we've got). Handled is appreciated! Also willing to consider paying for sexing of super...
  7. pidgejr

    Lookin' for a Welsummer Cockerel or Rooster

    Looking for a Welsummer cockerel or rooster for my 8 welsummer hennies. Prefer npip. Im in Southwest Ohio. Must be a pure welsummer, no mixes please.
  8. ChloeSilkie08

    ISO SILKIES! Arkansas or Missouri

    Hello! I’m ISO GROWN silkies for sale. I lost my whole flock and I want to get back into breeding again and hatching chicks. I don’t care the colors or anything like that I just need 3-4 hens and one rooster. ONLY silkies please. I am near the northern Arkansas and southern Missouri. Please...
  9. Severne

    Looking to buy Hatching Eggs especially Egyptian Fayoumi

    Hello, I am wanting to purchase some hatching eggs. Preferably 12 eggs. Preferably for less than three dollars each including shipping. Below are what I’m looking for, but I may be interested in other eggs, just let me know what you have. Egyptian Fayoumi eggs Brown Leghorn Eggs Brown leghorn...
  10. C

    ISO Pullets-Arkansas

    Looking for lavender/self blue orpingtons Cochin, d uccles, and sapphire gems! Must be within an hour of Fort Smith Arkansas❤️
  11. Fallenone05

    Seeking Salmon Faverolle chickens

    Hey guys! This post is for the future so I can keep tabs on it. Right now my flock has infectious bronchitis and I can't add anyone into my flock until next year, probably late summer or fall. I'm looking for Salmon Faverolle breeders who sell day old chicks somewhere near Poteau, OK, Fort...
  12. M

    ISO Purebred Adult Rooster in Middle TN

    Hi, we are looking for Purebred Roosters for our flock of 120 Chickens. Previous experienced that just females is not as peaceful than a flock with just girls. if you have a purebred available, please let us know. thnx
  13. Fallenone05

    ISO Coturnix or A&M Quail

    Hi y'all! I am located in Leflore County, OK near Poteau and am looking for hatching eggs or hens for coturnix or A&M quail. I was gifted two hens and a male and I definitely need a couple more hens for him. Thank you!
  14. S

    ISO silver pheasants in Michigan

    I am looking for some silver pheasants, preferably 1 or 2 years old, but I will take younger pheasants if need be. I live in West Michigan, willing to pick up or meet somewhere.
  15. Comradetara

    ISO bantam hen for our hen who lost her silkie companion Panama City FL Florida Panhandle

    Hi! Our dutch bantam hen lost her silkie hen companion yesterday. She passed during surgery. We are devastated and her companion had been at the vets office since Friday. She is clearly very lonely and mourning her friend and we want to get her a companion as soon as possible. I am looking for...
  16. Cannibal

    ISO Bantam Chick/Pullet WA

    I'm looking to buy one female bantam to equal out my flock. Not looking for any bantam in particular just any kind ^^ I'm located near Seattle and I am more than happy to drive out a couple hours to pick up! Let me know if you have any peeps you're looking to rehome or part with!!
  17. A

    ISO Barred Plymouth Rock Hatching Eggs/Brown Leghorn

    I'm new to poultry. I was curious if anyone out there might have both Brown Leghorn and Barred Rock hatching eggs available?
  18. K

    ISO Mille Fleur Duccle & Intro

    Hi everyone selling duccles - I’m looking for Mille fleur with no frizzle - hatching eggs or live chicks please contact me Also I’m a new member here and here is my introduction 1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Got my first Chickens in 2021 age:25 - 12 chickens...
  19. DuckDuckPromise

    In Search Of: Cayuga ducklings/drakes!

    Hi there! Lord’s Willing, I am after some Cayuga ducklings (and/or a drake if at all possible!) This isn’t what I typically think of when it comes to the “duckling time of year”... so I was wondering if they are even available right now. Still in search of a drake regardless though! Thank you in...
  20. Nermin

    ISO Serama Pullets/Hens Vaccinated for Marek's.

    Hello! I was looking at Seramas and I wanted to add maybe 2 to my backyard flock. I am certain my flock has Marek's as my 2 Polish died from it and 1 of my silkies has a weirdly shaped pupil which is why I am looking for vaccinated chickens. I don't think I am able to keep chicks completely...
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