isa brown

  1. L

    Sleeping Chicken, drinks lots when woken, falls asleep while drinking

    Another sick chicken here. Isa Brown, 3yrs old Lays eggs frequently, perfectly good coat She started sleeping during the day, then the following 2 days she has just been sleeping all day. Originally thought she was dying of old age as Isa's dont live forever, and it seemed to be a similar...
  2. teachchickmi

    Becky the Chicken… Pecking the Camera

    One of my favorite past times is to take photos of the goofy things my little flock does. Today after I got home from work, I needed some happiness and I spent sometime in their run. Enjoy this photo of her coming after my camera. 😂
  3. A

    How to give my hens a break from laying?

    I got 3 isa brown from a crappy feed store. They probably have kidney problems. One looks super rough. At the store it was mostly in a dark but lit area kind of like the lightening in your garage. Pretty dim. Girls didn’t really lay when I got them. Now they are healthier and laying everyday...
  4. Sliiiq

    Chicken doesn’t like me

    Hey BYC, I’ve got a couple questions. I just had to swap my cockerel out for a pullet. She’s being quarantined. The problem is she, along with the rest of the chickens at the farm I got her at, don’t particularly like human touch. She looks to be about 9-10 weeks old, an ISA brown & leghorn mix...
  5. T

    Cross Breeds

    I have 2 black copper Maran roosters in my flock and several different hen types. I recently had a successful hatch of 2 eggs from my coop one is very much a Maran the other I believe is a x with ISA brown. Opinions? Thoughts? How do I determine sex? Thanks!
  6. OrangeGrass

    Wanted- Isa Brown Fertile eggs- Australia, Victoria, Gippsland.

    Hello! I’m looking for 1 dozen fertile Isa Brown eggs. Preferably in the Gippsland area, I will pay for the eggs, either through PayPal or in cash, depending on where you’re located. I would prefer to pickup the eggs, but I am willing to pay for shipping depending on the total cost. Thanks!!! :)
  7. C

    Age of first egg lay for your chickens?

    Wondering on my breeds if any of you have these kinds around what age they layed their first eggs? Mine should be any day and I’m so excited it’s like waiting for Christmas morning. I have almost 16 week olds! Breeds: buff brahmas (I know they are later layers) Easter eggers Sapphire gem...
  8. C

    Show off your feathered family!

    Making this thread so you can show off your peeps! Post pics and there breeds or mixes! I would also love to see cool crosses! Also hoping to get some inspo on some more potential breeds I love seeing them! Here’s some of ours! 1) we have our Rooster who is an EE I think brown red ameracauna...
  9. Y

    Are these Isa Browns or Rhode Island Reds?

    I got these from Tractor Supply. They were supposed to be Is a Browns. I'm not familiar with the breed. However, they look just like the Rhode Island Reds I used to have. Not sure if they are Is a or Reds.
  10. B

    ISA Brown Hen Acting Sick, Quiet, and Losing Weight

    My 3-year-old ISA brown hen, Sandy, has not been acting herself in the past months. She is quiet, even more so than normally and even while around the other chickens. She is slow to move with the flock as they rotate around the yard, freeranging. She ruffles her feathers, sits in one spot, and...
  11. K

    How soon do you notice roo behavior?

    Last week, I got 5 new baby chicks (Amberlink, ISA Brown, Maran, Easter Eggger, and Jersey Giant). The Jersey Giant was a straight run so I took the chance. A few years ago I got all pullets and still ended up with a roo. My question is how early do you notice roo behavior? I wouldn’t say his...
  12. E

    Hello! I'm New Here!

    Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself here! I am a homeschooling mom of 4 kiddos and am excited to start my journey as a chicken mama as well! Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We ARE new to chickens! As a matter of fact, we have our first flock growing well in...
  13. ChickChic00

    ISA Brown Hens

    I have 3 Isa Brown laying hens that are 11 months old. They finished up molt 3 months ago. Not seen a single egg from them. They have plenty of room, healthy food, plus scraps. I gave them calcium and I cannot for the life of me figure out why they aren't laying. I spray the. For mites also, so...
  14. S

    Bully chicken

    Hi, I’ve just been given a chicken. It was bullying some silkies at its old home (it’s a solo Isa Brown hen). I’ve had it in isolation away from my other chickens and there hasn’t been a problem with them seeing each other through the fence. I tried to see how the hen would be with my flock so...
  15. Nutmeg


  16. Nutmeg


  17. J

    Five week old Roos need rehoming Connecticut

    Home hatched and handled daily. I have five week old Roos that need rehoming. They are ISA brown/Easter Egger mix. Some have rose comb others have single comb. Very friendly. Located in Central Connecticut
  18. M

    ISA Brown only one to be infected

    My ISA Brown is showing some signs of corayza, but they are the only one being affected by it. I have 26 ISA Brown and all of them are infected, however I put 11 and 15 ISA Brown on two different farms (with different breeds to go along with them). The Black Australorp and Rhode Island Red...
  19. JennieExpo

    When to go out to the coop?

    My three ISA Brown chicks are a few weeks younger than my other chicks they’re in the brooder with. I think they’re about 4 weeks old. Our coop will be finished next week. They’re mostly feathered besides their heads are getting feathers still. Do you think they’ll be good to go out to the coop...
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