
  1. Chickenwithnobrim


    I was trimming my chickens nails with a dremel, holding her on her side. I was holding one leg while my girlfriend was holding the other because that was the only way to keep her from kicking. She started panting but i figured it was normal because she was scared/ Hot. I kept it under 5 minutes...
  2. Wandering_r0gue

    Quail chick with injured toe

    I have one quail chick that looks like it has dried poop stuck to the tip of one toe. I tried to carefully break it off but it is very hard, and seemed to be causing the bird distress. Now, it is walking fine, but it looked like there was some blood underneath it, so I am thinking now it injured...
  3. Wandering_r0gue

    Quail chick with injured toe

    I have one quail chick that looks like it has dried poop stuck to the tip of one toe. I tried to carefully break it off but it is very hard, and seemed to be causing the bird distress. Now, it is walking fine, but it looked like there was some blood underneath it, so I am thinking now it injured...
  4. coltgrizzz

    Silkie attacked by dog

    Hi all, so yesterday my little champagne silkie was attacked by a dog. She has two relatively large wounds on her back and was in a state of shock. We cleaned the wounds with saline and then used blukote. She’s alert, eating, drinking, and standing up in her pen. However, I noticed her abdomen...
  5. madelynfayeh

    6 week old chick having balance problems

    Hi! I have eight chick babies that are approximately 6 weeks old. (based on their size/feathers) theyre all doing great except for one. She seems to be having really bad balance issues. She keeps falling over to her left side and it takes her a second to get up. It happens every time she starts...
  6. Quacking ducks

    Injured chicken

    Hi, last night I noticed 1 of my hen’s eyelid is swollen some and it looks like she has some peck marks around her eye. Do you think another chicken is picking on her or is it an infection? Thank you
  7. R

    My Juvenile Chick broke her wing PLEASE HELP 😭

    I heard a loud thud at 3:20 in the morning. I turned on the lights and I saw her dragging her wing while she was crying in pain. She broke the tip of her wing. It broke through the skin and It was bleeding. Idk what to do! None of the vets are up at 4 in the morning!!! I have no Gauge Strips or...
  8. echo392

    help plz

    does anyone know what this is or what might have caused this thing on the side of my chickens head? she also has scabs around her vent
  9. isabellajosie

    Hen Limping, Possible Sprain?

    Hi, all. I have a nearly one year old Sapphire Gem hen. I noticed today that she’s limping. It doesn’t seem that bad, she’s moving around, kicking up dirt and leaves in the yard, but it’s noticeable enough that she’s limping. I wasn’t able to spend much time out there with them yesterday, but...
  10. A

    Duck foot injury

    I have a Khaki Campbell and last week I noticed a swelling on the top of her foot. I grabbed her and brought her inside yesterday thinking it is bumblefoot. I will attach a picture. The first is the spot where I noticed swelling on the top of her foot and the second are a few spots on her other...
  11. Chikenshiken

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    My duck was attacked by a raccoon three weeks ago. His brother sadly had to be put down yesterday because his leg issues were too severe to fix. However, my ducks legs look a lot better, not saying that means much, than his brother. After having to put his brother down, as they are both my first...
  12. KillahSquid

    Injured hen lost her sisters- what to do

    Last night, my three 7 month old Easter eggers were attacked by something. One survived but was limp( Mary). We went to the nearest vet that would take her this morning. We weren’t able to get an appointment but I really wanted a professional to look at her. The vet did X-rays and nothing...
  13. I

    my rooster is acting weird (after getting attacked)

    my chickens got attacked with 29 casualties and one of my roosters got hurt. the rooster has an injury on the back of his neck, his comb/waddle are pale, he’s not eating or drinking, and when he breaths, he breaths in through his nose and out through his mouth. i have him in a dog kennel. he...
  14. C

    Orpington won’t eat or drink independently almost 2 weeks after raccoon attack!! Help!!

    One of our favorite buff orpington’s was one of the only chickens to get attacked by a raccoon, we caught the raccoon in the attack and scared it away, she had many feathers pulled from the back of her head and neck and was bloody and barely responsive when we found her. We immediately isolated...
  15. sleepycat

    need help with treating REALLY bad quail wounds

    so i have a button roo who is normally with my girls, but i started noticing my girls had some bald patches from him, so i decided to try to put him in with my bachelor roos. they tore him up. the skin is peeling off of his head and he is obviously in a ton of pain. i feel so bad, im literally...
  16. M

    Mud ball caused foot injury??

    I just noticed a piece of mud or poop on my 5 week old chickens toe. I soaked it in warm water and got it to come off. However, it totally left an indent and his foot is misshapen! It looks like his toe nail could easily be pulled off it is like dangling on from the indent. Is he ok? What can I...
  17. coltgrizzz

    Hawk Attack Laceration

    Hi all, so about an hour ago a hawk attacked my birds while I wasn’t home. Our one silkie got hurt the worst and received this large laceration above the tailhead. I have clipped the area, cleaned it with saline, and applied TAB. While I do work at a vet, they do not see birds and there are no...
  18. JulesRSA

    Please help! Pullet with wound on tail/vent

    Hi everyone I’m a new chicken owner - got 4 girls of 8-9 weeks old, about a week ago, 2 Araucana crosses (Easter Eggers) and 2 Marans crosses. When I let them out of the coop into their run this morning, I noticed that the smallest one (one of the Easter Eggers) - named Agatha - had a bloody...
  19. S

    Huge bald patch

    One of our chicks has been losing her feathers at a quick rate. I can't tell if it is moulting or feather peaking. I haven't seen any mites of any kind. We live in Colorado and it's getting pretty cold. Was thinking of quarantining for her. Any advice would be very appreciated. Thanks
  20. startrek4d

    Injured Turkey.. When should I take stitch out and let him free range?

    Oct 18th my Turkey was injured in its own cage.. got his leg caught and ripped a large hole in his upper thigh area. The vet had no time and I had no time to waste, so I stitched it.. he's doing quite well as far as I can tell.. its scabbed over and hes calling to get out of his "sick" cage to...
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