
  1. Birdgrl1221

    Bumps around eye

    I have three 11 day old chicks, they are free ranging with mom all day and sleep with her at night. I have a flock of about 50 and only my three new chicks have this! It’s hard bumps around the eyes, two have red discoloration by the beak.. Could it be ant bites? The eye shape in the photo...
  2. T

    Ammonia burn or beginning of Bumblefoot?

    I have a Lavender Orpington that was recently broody, has since hatched her chicks and is still separated with them. They are sleeping in a small crate but free range all day. There are two black spots on her foot that I don’t really know what it is. There is no swelling and their living...
  3. Goose in the snake room

    HELP! Gosling with Infected feather follicle?

    I feel like my goslings are falling apart with my frequent post. But today I noticed my 7 week old Chinese gosling’s wing was red and swollen. Last week I treated him for Angel wing and this was not present at the time, and I haven’t noticed it until now so I believe this is new. The feathers...
  4. NelsonNedLover

    Sticky/Clear Mucus(?) Desperate

    Hi all, I have a 5-year-old Bantam rooster who has been sick for about a month now. He had been doing this gagging/regurgitating motion and acting lethargic. He was treated by a vet for a bacterial crop infection and given antibiotics. After a week, he was cured of this infection. Although he...
  5. E

    Duck with Swollen foot - antibiotics? Treatment advice?

    We have a pekin with a swollen foot, it's got a low-grade infection (I know because it's hot). There's a swollen red blister on the right hand side and the middle toe is doubled in size. She is limping and has been limping for a few weeks now. I have tried washing her and doing some general...
  6. K

    HELP! White yellowish crust on face around eyes — can’t get rid of

    One of my silkies, Cheetoh, who is a little over a year old, has whitish yellow crust on her face that has not gone away for a few weeks. It’s around her eyes, beak, and ears. I noticed one of the other chickens had a similar thing a couple weeks ago but hers it gone. Cheetoh is currently very...
  7. divineangel94


    This has been going on for a year. When she’s standing and during the day she is fine. They all have been on tylan for mycoplasma. For a few years. She is seven, not laying eggs. She has been confirmed to be done for good. During the day she eats, chases, treats and is her feisty self. Only at...
  8. C

    Baytril Powder 10% Dosing for Sick Chicken

    I have a sick bird in need of Baytril (enrofloxacin), and I need help determining the correct measurements. I purchased "Enrofloxacin 10% Powder." The packaging includes instructions for administering the drug in drinking water, but because my chicken is not drinking much and the taste of...
  9. Emily02037aj

    Possible illness or infection?

    Hello! I have a Rhode Island with a likely infection or illness. She acts semi normal despite mostly resting, having only large poops along with it on her bum. Most alarming sign is her rear end which should be soft and somewhat squishy (unless she has an egg) is rock solid, indicating an...
  10. Emrosenagel

    Does this X-ray look normal?

    hello! My 9 month old bantam has been having problems with her crop and possibly other things. We got an xray yesterday and they saw nothing strange. Today, I went to another vet who actually showed us the xray. She said my hen has a mass in her reproductive organs, possibly a tumor or...
  11. C

    Swollen Eye Infection

    I need some help/assistance with a roo that got an infected eye after a fight with another roo. Both are separated from each other. Beforehand, Joel (this rooster) got his left side pretty bad. I cleaned his wounds up with warm water and soap on a damp rag. I used dawns soap because I felt like...
  12. M

    A strange case of egg binding

    Hi everyone! I’ve been reading on here for the past few years as a fledgling duck and chicken owner. I have learned a lot, and wanted to share a weird situation I had come up recently. I have a welsh harlequin duck who is three years old, who has had thin walled or soft eggs for as long as I...
  13. C

    Respiratory issue in new chickens

    I recently purchased 5 ISA Browns from a nearby farm intending to integrate them into my existing flock of 18 birds, but after handling them, I’ve noticed a respiratory issue. One of the five hens has a crackling sound when breathing (rales?) and occasional mucus from her beak but otherwise...
  14. G

    Lash Egg ??? Treatment

    Hi, My egger recently laid a soft egg...I didn't know it was her at the time. I gave extra calcium though they were already getting it.She before this had been acting like she wasn't feeling well. She wasn't moving much. Just kind of laying around with her eyes closed... .Then 2 nights ago I...
  15. R

    Hen with swollen earlobe/wattles!

    Hey y’all! It would seem when it rains, it pours! One of my Brahma hens, bent toe lady, came up today with a bunch of swelling going on. I’ll include photos for reference. I gave her some benedryl to try to rule out a possible insect bite or maybe she swallowed something poisonous? The swelling...
  16. S

    Infection in hens face near ear?

    I noticed 4 days ago a small lump on one side of my 7 month old Blue Andelusion hen’s face. I went out of town, returned tonight. I went to check on her and it’s increased in size, and is affecting her ability to open her eye all the way. The other side of her face is completely normal. I...
  17. BitterSweetCitrus

    URGENT: Torn Skin and a Need for Advice

    About six days ago my girl was mauled and I have been tending to her wounds, one of her injuries was the first layer of skin being ripped off her. What I didn’t notice was she has a very deep flap hiding the second layer of skin that is detached from the second. It looks quite nasty. Our vet is...
  18. Itsacluckinconspiracy

    What is happening here? Fowl Pox?! Foot infection, probably NOT bumbleoot

    photos: 7 mo silverrudd, heritage Rhode Island roo and hens. A week ago I noticed my rooster was limping and not using one foot. I inspected the foot and he was missing a toenail and bleeding. Figured he got it caught on something, cleaned it up antiseptic and watched. Affected toe began...
  19. F

    Large mass on and behind my roosters comb...anyone know what it is?

    I have an naked neck turken rooster. He is around 2 years old. The other day I was cleaning their coop and noticed that he had a large yellow crusty looking mass on his comb. Im not real sure when it first started forming because he has a somewhat large comb that flops over to one side and it...
  20. J

    Mass inflamation and I dont think its bumblefoot (picture included)

    Hello, we got Rhode Island Red chickens for the first time and in the past couple weeks her feet have been getting bigger and bigger on both feet. At first I thought it was just genetic but as they got bigger and bigger I knew something was wrong and I learned that chickens get bumblefoot...
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