indian runner duck

  1. B

    Holes in Indian runner's foot

    Hi all! My Indian runner, Poe, has holes in her foot webbing. She seems perfectly fine other than the holes. What is this and should she go to the vet?
  2. B

    Indian runner duck is fluffed up and irritated

    Hi all! This is my first year with adult runner ducks. I have 8 ladies. Last week, we didn't collect eggs regularly due to crazy work schedules. One of my ducks, pebbles, became what we thought was broody. She was severely agitated and rarely left the nest. I started collecting the eggs again...
  3. Lauren84

    Ducks beak faded to pale colour

    Hello, My 6 month old Indian Runner Custard’s beak has become very pale over the last few weeks. It used to be a really bright orange colour, now its almost white at the end, she also has some dark spots that have come up on her beak. Custard has started laying over the past few months and is...
  4. R

    Runner Duck acting strange

    I have a white female runner duck who is about 3 years old. Normally well in herself. She is eating and drinking normally. Has lost no weight. But is unsteady on her feet, staying in her bedding/nest area lot, not really going to her pond much to swim. Her male partner duck is completely fine...
  5. B

    Tiny bump on top of Indian Runner duck foot

    Hi all! I noticed today that my black Indian Runner duck, Poe, is tucking her leg up when she stands. I noticed slight limping and inspected her feet. I noticed a tiny bump on the top of her foot. We have bees, so I suppose it could be a bee sting? I see no visible injuries or bumble foot on...
  6. Waddlewoods

    Would you call this a Lavender Runner Duck?

    I'm unsure as to what this colour is called. It was suggested to me that it may be Silver but upon googling it looks like Silver runners are more similar to the colouration of a Welsh Harlequin. Any insight would be appreciated. I've also added some cute pics of her as a wee duckling...
  7. biscotti

    Looking for a home for 2 female ducks! A Chocolate Runner and small white duck - Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦

    Hello!! I've been lurking on here for quite a few months while I've been caring for my first ever ducks, now I've finally made an account! I recived 6 baby ducklings in the spring, and now that they're almost all grown up I've found out I have 2 girls and 4 boys 😅 I decided to keep the boys...
  8. Lauren84

    Can my ducklings sleep in their run?

    Hello all, I am a first time duck owner and my ducks are currently 7 weeks old( runner ducks) I have set them up a run and coop next to a pond that is between 2 buildings and is protected from predators. Must they sleep in the coop only or can they sleep in the run too where it is protected from...
  9. rakeshkarthik

    Indian Runner Duck _ She is trying to push something

    Hi everyone, I am reaching out from Indonesia regarding a situation with my three-month-old Indian runner ducks, consisting of one male and two females. Recently, I have noticed some unusual behavior from one of the female ducks (white and brown in the middle). She occasionally leans...
  10. Waddlewoods

    Runner Duckling colours

    Curious if anyone has any insight into what colour these runner ducklingscwill be...
  11. C

    Indian runner not going broody

    Hi, I have one female Indian runner, she has so far laid 27 eggs. She has made a nice nest for them and keeps laying eggs every 1-2 days. Even though she has made a nice nest for them she is not going broody or sitting on them. Any tips to get her sitting? Do I let her be and hope she starts...
  12. Quacking ducks

    Sick Indian runner?

    Hi I have 2 fawn and white Indian runner hen. 1 is a month older and is doing great! She’s a good weight and looks pretty healthy. The second one is a month younger and doesn’t look very good. She looks sickly to me but I’m not sure what wrong with her so I’m not sure how to help Symptoms...
  13. 3

    Duck attacked by fox

    My duck was attacked by a fox last night but luckily I heard and was able to get out in time, she has barley any injuries it just looks like feathers were pulled out and she has one injury under her wing which looks like a patch of skin that’s quite sore I kept her inside last night and washed...
  14. Quacking ducks

    More Ducks!!!

    I just bought 4 more ducks that are about 4 months old 1. Cheddar is a fawn and white Indian runner 2. FireQuacker is a black Swedish 3. Pancake is a fawn and white Indian runner 4. Emerald kyahoga is a Cayuga
  15. Colley12

    Forced Cuddling

    Our ducks are not afraid of us, but definitely not cuddlers. After reading many posts and people mentioning picking up the ducks to look at an injury or just holding them in general, my daughter and I have been picking up 1 or 2 every day or every other day. They don't seem to panic as we come...
  16. NinjaGamer2022

    Can Ducks live happily and healthy without pond

    I think it would be cool to own ducks in the future (Khaki Campbell, Magpie, Indian Runner, and/or Call ducks) but where I live having a pond may or may not be feasible in the future. Advice is appreciated. Thx,
  17. D

    Runner Duck with lame legs

    Hey there so today when I let my ducks out the one female who recently started laying was unable to stand up, and also had black diarrhea. we brought her inside to get her warm and give her food oyster shells and water then she started getting the strength to walk again. Shorty after that she...
  18. I

    Indian Runner Duck

    Hi there! I have a couple of Indian Runner ducks. I’ve always wanted ducks and now I have them. They really are such characters! I’m also a mama to one teenage boy, two dogs, and a cat. I’m a professional Horticulturist, running my own business part time and teach a Horticulture program. We’re...
  19. D

    Female Indian runner duck keeps lying down

    Hey there, I’m seeking some help and advice about my 4 month old Indian runner duck who keeps lying down. She will be up and around and acting fairly normal then just out of the blue she will just start lying down. She does this through the whole day too. Any clue to what the problem might...
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