
  1. K

    Incubator spiked to 103 overnight...any hope??

    Hello! I have some of my Rhode Island Red eggs and some Easter egger eggs incubating right now. Yesterday was day 5 and I was so excited so I candled the eggs. They looked great! Today when I woke up I saw the incubator was just over 103 degrees!!! Shocked I opened the lid and candled the eggs...
  2. alluzivesducks


    Ducky had started to externally pip 24+ hrs ago and made some holes! When i could finally see his beak through the hole i noticed the membrane still covering most of it. I decided to peel back more of the shell and use a wet Q Tip to damp the membrane and move it so the duckling could breathe...
  3. Janeothejungle

    Shipped Eggs, possibly scrambled, how long until def bad?

    New to incubating bird eggs and could not tell much from candling my shipped chicken eggs on day 1. How many days in the incubator before they make it known that they are definitely bad? I'm on day 3 and worried because none of them smell yet, but they can't all have made it ok. Thanks in advance.
  4. D

    Duckling Eggs incubating- fertile or not?

    Hi! This is my 5th year of incubating duckling eggs but the earliest I’ve done it (usually do it in April/May, but had to do it early this year because I’m travelling). I’m worried that the eggs I have are not fertile as when I candle them I don’t see development. I’m on day 5/6 today (they were...
  5. katiee

    HELP!! Incubating hatched ducks and eggs

    I have two duck baby ducks that hatched this morning just a few hours apart. I have three eggs in the incubator and two of them have pipped (one yesterday and one today). The two that hatched this morning is being pretty “rowdy” in the incubator. The incubator isn’t that big to start with...
  6. katiee

    New ducklings advice 🐥

    I have a few questions about our new babies. I have a 2-day-old female duckling and a 1-day-old male duckling. They have slowly started to drink water. Both pooping and seem healthy. The female chirps a LOT more than the male. Is that normal or could there be an issue (cold, hungry)? The...
  7. AusHen

    November 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Just put 6 eggs into a bator, this time a pen of two flocks together. Due to hatch on the 3rd of November Pen consists of - Buff Silkie rooster Buff Silkie hen (bearded) White Silkie hen Paint Silkie hen (bearded) + Buff polish rooster Buff polish hen 2 x frizzle Buff laced polish hens Gold...
  8. I

    Possible blood ring

    Hi, so I want to preface by saying that I'm not normally a chicky person. A friend brought over farm fresh eggs but when I was making my breakfast yesterday one of the eggs was too fresh if you know what I mean. I felt really bad about killing an egg that had a viable embryo in it and so I...
  9. S

    Can i use my eggs to incubate?

    I've been fighting lice for the past month or so its been a long go. Well I plan on using ivermectin pour on for cattle dosage is 3 drops on the back and 3 by the vent is what I've read. Then a week long egg withdrawal. Another dosage and another egg withdrawal. Can I utilize these eggs for...
  10. Pekin Duck Lover

    Day 4 candling- floating mass?

    I was candling my Pekin duck eggs on their 4th day. They all looked amazing with veins and a healthy shell, but I saw a floating mass in two of them, that floater to the top no matter where I turned it. What is it?
  11. A

    Confirming this egg is fertile.

    So previously i’ve posted about my first time hatching ducks. When i posted the photos of my duck eggs i was told that only one of them was fertile. I cracked the eggs (exept for the one i was told is fertile) and yep, no baby. So it’s day 29 of this fertile egg being in the incubator. We can’t...
  12. S

    Early hatches first time incubating

    Hello I’m currently incubating 6 eggs, 2 of which hatched yesterday morning, my 1 svart Hona egg pipped about 24 hrs ago and is still slowly working it’s way out, another pipped about a hour ago and the 2 others still nothing, is it normal for the hatching to be so staggered? And when should I...
  13. F

    Worried about air sac size of mallard duck eggs

    I am currently incubating mallard duck eggs and are at day 24, their air sacs match around day 21. Should I be worried when going into lockdown tomorrow? I am also curious about how the air sacs grow in the last days before hatching. Since the humidity is increased for the last 3 days what...
  14. BrandonsBirbs

    Our Quail Journey 2021/22

    Quick Links: Links to other threads Incubating with a cheap Chinese incubator (Janoel12/MagicFly) Male Crowing Overnight - Problem and Solution! Baby's Batch - First Hatch-a-long Current Hatch-a-long Links to posts on this thread The full journey so far! Aqqressive - A gory story about a mean roo
  15. E

    Does this chick need help hatching?

    I’m worried about this little chick in my incubator. Today (5/24) is day 21. First chick hatched at 530Am and 4th chick hatched at around 5pm. This little one has been in this position for a couple hours now. I know it can be tiring for them and they take breaks but I’m concerned with it’s...
  16. PoultryLover1012

    I have a lot of questions about incubating duck eggs

    Hi everybody! I just got a kebbonixs 12 egg incubator and I am attempting to hatch duck eggs. I put 2 eggs in yesterday morning and hopefully two more this morning. (If both ducks lay.) So 4 eggs total. The incubator temp says 101 and my other thermometer says 100.6. The humidity says 54%. I...
  17. Missy020219

    Incubating Turkey Eggs

    So I’m incubating Turkey eggs for the second time. I put 24 eggs in 10 days ago and took 4 out on day 7, as they were not fertile, but all the other eggs had veins yet I couldn’t see and movement inside the egg. I did some research and read that I should check the eggs at a later date. So today...
  18. C

    Eggs hatching at different times- how should I do the turning?

    I was given 23 chicken eggs and 1 turkey egg to hatch for someone. Once the chicken eggs start to hatch how should I turn the turkey egg? For now I'm just thinking of speedily opening up the incubator to turn the turkey egg, but I'm still a little worried. I have the little giant incubator and...
  19. Asteen89

    Broody abandoned eggs.. Day 21 humidity at 80% won’t go down!!!

    I had a second lavender Orpington go broody the last week of March after my other Orpington was raising chicks. I quick bought eBay eggs (Red blue laced Wyandottes) to put under her. They didn’t ship for a few days and I didn’t receive them till April 4th. My bad mistake for first time shipped...
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