horizontal nipples

  1. twobuckchuckfarm

    Horizonal Nipples Still Freezing Even With Deicer

    Like most in the midwest, we are experiencing a cold snap in Ohio. Its -5f (-30 with windchill) and my thermostat inside the coop reads 1f. I have all 7 girls safely stowed inside the coop, and closed off access to the run to protect them from the 40mph chilly gusts of wind whipping across our...
  2. PolergirlOH

    My smart chicks - horizontal nipple masters!

    My little flock is 4.5 weeks old. I put a waterer with horizontal nipples in at around 2 weeks and wondered how they’d do with it. I knew they were getting water but had no idea how they’d *mastered* this thing...until a few days ago. My smarty smart smart ladies (hopefully ladies haha) have...
  3. Ms Biddy's Horizontal Nipple Waterer

    Ms Biddy's Horizontal Nipple Waterer

    The first nipple waterer I made was for my cattle panel hoop coop, which needed a portable watering system. I liked it so much I made another for my upcycled swingset coop which has challenging slanted walls and limited interior space. This waterer is a space saver and can be customized to any...
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