
  1. N

    Sapphire Sky, Jubilee Orpington, Barred Rock, Salmon Faverolle 6-9 weeks old roo/cockerel or pullet (and Sapphire sky question)

    Hi! We have four alleged pullets which were all allegedly hatched on April 1 and 3 (so about 9 weeks ago). The Jubilee Orpington (JO), Barred Rock (BR), and Salmon Faverolle (SF) all were picked up when they were allegedly 10-12 days old, but I really have some doubts that the SF was as old as...
  2. bluesqw

    Silkie and satin gender?

    These babies are about 3 months old. I know it’s hard to tell the genders at this age but was wondering if anyone could possibly tell!
  3. C


    Anybody have any guesses on breed and or gender of these two 14 wk old chicks
  4. lmadeline146

    Help Sexing 5wk Chicks

    I hatched 14 chicks in April and I’m wanting to know what gender they are. They’re 5 weeks old and majority are fully feathered. They glitched and the letters are out of order for some reason so sorry about that! Plus the pictures aren’t the best, they were hard to keep still! :wee
  5. BarredRockin20

    What breed are these?

    I bought 6 sappire gems and four look the way they’re supposed to and two look completely different. All were black and just started getting this white on their necks. Included are pics of them and also pics of the regular looking sappires beside. Could these two be roosters? I got all 6 as pullets.
  6. Gladysandfriends

    9 Week Polish Chick Hen vs Roo

    I have two buff laced polish. Both are now 9 weeks old. I know they are tricky to sex this young, but wanted to post and see what people’s opinions were? There is a darker one and a lighter coloured one. Photos of them together, then two of the lighter and two of the darker.
  7. Osofarm11

    2-3 week old Salmón Faverolle pullet or Cockerel

  8. P

    Need help sexing!

    Hey fellow chickeners! New to chickens here. About 4 weeks ago hatched 2 chicks for my students in science class and bought 6 day-old chicks. They are all different breeds so I can’t really do a 1-1 comparison of feather/comb growth. There are 2 specific chicks that are exhibiting worrisome...
  9. C

    Golden Laced Polish, hen or roo?

    Golden laced Polish from feed store, labeled as pullets. 6 weeks old. Is Cheeto a girl or boy? Hair might say boy. Comb and waddle both have a scratch on them, but what do we think besides the scratches? The air is very dry here, which may be contributing to scratches and retained sheathes...
  10. B

    Two mystery chooks

    Alrighty, I’ve got two babes here, the speckled Americana I’m really thinking is a roo based on leg size and redness of comb (~7wks old) The buff (~9-10wks old) had some troubles with tail feathers growing in that were still working on. But it’s face is MUCH more red than the other buff, whose...
  11. R

    Is this a roo? About 3 weeks old

  12. M

    Anyone wanna guess?

    Anyone wanna guess the gender of my chicks? This is just for fun, I know they are too young to know right now. But for someone reason I think Wednesday is a Roo and the other two are hens. We have: Kiki- White Muffin- Lavendar Wednesday- Black It’s a nice warm day in NC so I let them outside...
  13. K

    What do you guys think?

    I’m questioning gender on my Easter egger. Tell me what you guys think
  14. CityChicken1984

    Help identifying gender of 2 rhode island red chicks

    I know it's way to early, they are only 2 weeks old, but I would really appreciate it if anyone has a good idea or even a good guess of the gender
  15. M

    Hens? Roos? Please help!

    Posting on behalf of my roommate- he was told these were pullets when he purchased them last year but we’re starting to wonder if some are actually roosters? We’re pretty sure the dark red one is, but can anyone help with the others? There’s 6 chickens total that produce about 3-5 eggs each day...
  16. Mattie15

    5 Week Old Tolbunt Polish Genders?

    They just hit 5 weeks. I'm getting mixed signals from both of em. Any help is appreciated. No comb-knobs OR signs of reddening faces, or waddle formation. I know it's still early, but I'd like to have a backup plan for them in case they're both males. I already have a rooster in my mini flock...
  17. M

    Help in Identifying Hen Or Rooster?

    Hello everyone! Hope your day is going good. This is my first time raising chickens. And I need some help in identifying one of my Easter Eggers. Would anyone be able to take a look at my majestically bearded chicken and tell me what gender they think he/she is? I live in the city so I can't...
  18. M

    Did Tractor Supply sell me me roos?!

    First time chicken owner here! I got 3 Barred Rock pullets from Tractor Supply. I got them 3 weeks ago. Based off the countless hours I’ve researched, I’m 100% sure the darkest one is a pullet, she’s smaller and very sweet with a dark leg wash. Her tail feathers came in first and she has the...
  19. W

    9 week old chicks all hens?

    Hi! I have a flock of 6 chickens and can only keep 5 because of our town ordinance. I also can’t keep a rooster. I have an aunt who keeps chickens that will take the extra whether it’s a hen or rooster. I’ve been watching and waiting to see if one would emerge as the clear rooster, but so far...
  20. J

    Lavender Easter Egger- 4 weeks old, pullet or cockerel?

    Hi ya’ll!! there’s not too much out there on Lavender EE’s! I was sold this baby as a sexed female from a reputable hatchery, and am not sure if I should be worried at this comb…she’s just a hair over 4 weeks old. What do you think? Noodle <3 I’d be heartbroken to have to part with her as...
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