
  1. Mo_fawaazzz

    Red fox visited my garden today

    Today a polite red fox came to visit my garden and admire my ducks, turkeys, and chickens.. It was a good thing I was there to scare the fox away. This is the first fox visit I have ever had with this new spring clutch. My fence is really short that even my turkeys jump out of it often, which...
  2. B

    Foxes and raccoons

    I just switched my set up to accommodate more birds (currently have 3 adults but 4 juveniles and 4 babies in the brooder). I had a large horse wire fence very predator proof cage that I took apart. Now I have a 10X10 chain link fence with a tarp zip tied to the top (it’s not fully tied at the...
  3. E

    A Peafowl Mystery

    (TLDR: 4 birds missing, including 1 large male, no signs of attack, but no sightings ) Hi everyone, I’m new here and hoping to ask for some ideas/advice. I’m sorry for the long post, but wanted to give some background in hope that someone might have some insight - also I’m really upset at the...
  4. MyISAbrownhens

    Fox Causing Problems

    So today we lost two out of four of our new pullets. We had a total of nine chickens, 4 new chickens and 5 older. Just two weeks ago, we decided that the pullets were big enough to start free ranging at 12 weeks - especially since they were getting along great inside the coop with the older...
  5. M

    Do I let Bella nest outside her coop?

    Hi lovely people - I'm torn. My white campbell Bella produces an egg every day. She has made huge nests in her coop but never sat on them (20 eggs). Twice recently a crow got to her eggs and took all of them (we used to leave the big coop door open all day but now close it daily to keep out the...
  6. PlentifulPrairie

    Broiler neck bitten by fox - still alive and well.. edible or no?

    Hi this is a really unknown area for me. I have a pretty good size broiler that has a bite in its neck from a fox (I know because I saw it happen and scared him off —- praise to my trusty pet rooster for the alert!). This broiler is amazing in size and is functioning well and normal seems...
  7. D

    Fox buried neighbor's chicken in my garden this morning

    We caught this fox out yesterday in late morning with the last of the neighbor's (free ranging) chickens. Of their 10 babies from last summer they've lost all 10 to predators. It was too late to save the chicken, so we watched Mrs. Fox while she rested a while. After a bit of rest, or thinking...
  8. P

    Fox advice (potential babies)

    I recently moved into a new house and over the past few days as I've been doing yard work I have spotted a red fox several times during the afternoon. There is an overgrown vegetable garden area towards the back of the property I was about to start working on and getting ready plant some stuff...
  9. R

    FOX ATTACK -- Duck Neck Issue?

    This past Sunday night we had a fox attack our ducks, we lost one, one was unharmed, and this one, Bertha, was injured. She has four wounds (two on her chest, two on her back) that seem to be healing really well. We have been cleaning them up twice a day (saline, iodine, and antibiotic...
  10. zenstarling

    totally new here! thoughts on coop design in predator land?

    Hi there, brand new to chickens! Happy to be a part of this forum. I have been thinking about raising chickens for years, and finally feel we're in the place to start this project this year. I have been in research mode for weeks. This site is a goldmine for information, experiences and answers...
  11. Y

    Chicken killed by Unusual predator

    Hi all I live in Sydney australia and notice today one of my chickens is dead. The nature of the kill is very odd I found it out in the open no feathers anywhere or real mess and the head and neck only eaten. I have had kills with foxes where they have left the body years ago but always had...
  12. -Flash-

    What Is Your Most Common Predator?

    What Is Your Most Common Predator?
  13. G

    Stories of chicken running away?

    Never thought this would happen to me but 3 days ago one of my hens ran away from home. I went looking for her and she was at the end of my street on the wall. A loud noise startled her and she jumped off the wall. Unfortunately, on the other side of the wall is a 30 foot drop (around 9 metres)...
  14. S

    Help Save Duckie the Duck after Fox Attack

    Hi all, Thanks for clicking on this thread. She was attacked by a fox and was left unable to walk. I will be building her a wheelchair to help support and build the strength back in her leg. Hopefully this will also prevent any pressure sores she may develop too. I will be posting regular...
  15. J

    Help! injured Duck

    Recently a fox got into our backyard and killed one of our ducks and injured the other, a little over a year old khaki Campbell. We originally thought most of the wounds were surface level and a broken wing and we thought in her distress after the incident that she was better left alone than us...
  16. wamtazlady

    Predator repellents and how safe are my dogs

    My 5 foot welded wire backyard fence is not stopping the fox from visiting a couple times a week. I've recorded her on my cameras from midnight until 9 am. I've seen the fox in the front yard as well as the backyard. I am assuming it is a female trying to feed her kits for the fox to be out...
  17. Is that an Egg?


    UPDATE: We found another dead chicken missing a head and feathers from three different birds. They were near our neighbor’s house who own a Great Dane. Coyote, dog, or fox? We came outside and only 6 out of 18 young chickens were left. We are in Wisconsin and it is the middle of the day. What...
  18. Mooocoow7


    At about 4:50 this morning the fox came by an tried a surprise attack on my biggest rooster. I make the roosters sleep outside on a table next to the coop because there too horny. Anyway it looks like the fox came up behind him and grabbed him by the neck an tired to take him with him. Then king...
  19. T

    Fox Attack, need advice

    This is Milky, she was attacked by a fox yesterday. We got to her just in time, and the wound doesn’t seem to have gone deeper than skin and we cleaned the wound out already. What is scaring me though is that she’s always timid and scared of us, but she’s not struggling too much when we pick her...
  20. T

    chicken escaped fox attack. HELP

    2 days ago i got an unwanted fox visit . ( In context I'm a minor and live with my father so it's harder for me to do things on my own[like vet visits and purchases on my own}) Thankfully my father saw it and stopped him. he was persistent. The fox cam back around and got a hold of one of our...
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