
  1. TheBirdBabe

    Ant problem in dove food!

    I have an outdoor enclosure for my dove. We've been having a TERRIBLE time with ants this year. I saw in order to keep them out of my chicken's food, you're supposed to sprinkle cinnamon in the feeder! It's been working wonders.. however I'm not sure that cinnamon is safe to use around doves...
  2. Greystone farm

    Fermented feed smells weird

    So I tried fermenting some grower feed for my chickens. It’s been a few days and I opened the lid to check on it to find that it smells very strongly, almost like cheese. It kind of smells like vomit. I’ve read that this means I should toss it, but the feed itself doesn’t look rancid or moldy to...
  3. Launchpad

    Basic nutrition for Pekin ducks?

    So my two Pekin ducks (pictured), Niles and Daphne, are about 11 weeks old. I have no reason to think they are unhealthy in any way but now that I've successfully kept them alive and happy and grown up I want to make sure I've got them eating properly. Currently they get two handfuls of duck...
  4. BarryTheBold

    Turkey Feeling Unwell, Choking/Unswallowed Food?

    I have a turkey hen, 2 yrs old, beloved pet. She ate some of her favorite treat, shredded broccoli and carrots slaw, and she eats it so fast! This morning she seemed to stop eating it quite suddenly, and hours later, after we returned from work, she is acting unwell. She had a small lump right...
  5. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Feeding only in evening

    Hello everyone! I have 12 Free ranging Welsummer pullets. They are about 7 weeks old, and have been free ranging for about a week and a half. These are my first set of chickens. My plan is to let them forage during the day, and then in the evenin- around 6- I will feed them their store bought...
  6. B

    Feeding laying hens and a rooster

    Hello, I have a flock of 5 laying hens and one rooster. They are 10 weeks old and still on starter feed. But when they’re 18 weeks, I’m not sure what to switch them to. I’m under the impression laying hens require different nutrition than a rooster. Any recommendations?
  7. Scrumptious Scrambled Eggs

    Scrumptious Scrambled Eggs

    If you're looking for a tasty breakfast and you want a simple recipe, or if you don't know what to make with your wonderful eggs, then look no further than this recipe for perfect scrambled eggs every time! WARNING: Eggs cook fast, but they also burn fast! Do not leave eggs on heated pan...
  8. H

    Can Fermented Feed Sit Out?

    I’ve never used fermented feed before. If I feed it to my chickens, and there is some left over, how long can it sit out before going bad?
  9. D

    Need help with duckling diet

    I was wondering if feeding you can feed 4 week old call duckling cooked rice and sometimes millet, green peas, corn, eggs and kidney beans as their main diet? Because I can’t find any duckling feed or brewers yeast. If there’s not enough of vitamins B can I add some crushed human vitamins?
  10. creedatticus

    Chick Grit

    so i have chick grit, and i sprinkle it in their food container, how much should i be putting in? also i know that eventually the grit is separate, when do we move to bigger normal grit, and separate grit?
  11. Gearhead846

    When do you butcher your chickens?

    Hello everyone, I am trying to find out when is the best time to butcher my chickens for the best meat, and most flavorful bird all together. TIA
  12. Three Little Chickens

    Which Type Do You Use?

    This is a question for all chicken owners, I‘m interested to know what type of food you all use? I used to use crumble but it got very messy and I had to refill the food pipe (the feeder is a pvc pipe with a 45 degree attachment at the bottom) it was costing me a lot to feed only three...
  13. Wired1979

    Home Grown Winter Poultry Feed Alternatives

    Compatriots, With the price of poultry feed skyrocketing its time for me to look into some less expensive options. I have 5 acres and the poultry already free range, but the Iowa winters preclude free ranging approximately 4 months year. I am looking for some advice on what I could grow that...
  14. Bonkerelli

    Instapot Lovers Unite!

    Instapot has been a huge hit ever since it came out. Feel free to share your favorite recipes here or tell us why you love the Instapot! Don't forget to tag others who love this product! @Weeg @Sally PB
  15. Bonkerelli

    What's for lunch?

    Hey everyone! There is already a "what's for supper".. since yall know what's for dinner... what about lunch? What did you have for lunch? @sourland @Sara S @FiestyFeathersFarm @BigBlueHen53 @horsegirlabi @BrooksHatlen @cherrynberry @Isadora @The-White-Elephant @All4Eggz @chickengr @STACEYH...
  16. Ascholten

    Deworming a small amount of birds

    I have 5 chickens, and was looking into deworming them. I never have done that. I've fed them DE before but you can flip a coin and will be told, that helps, that's useless, so... there's that. I went to tractor supply and the only thing they had for chickens was this pellet stuff, that a 1...
  17. BlackbeardTheGuinea

    Naturally Free Organic Layer Pellets + Grub Protein

    What do you thing of this food for guineas?
  18. Everose


    My mother has always said "Samwich" and I say "Sandwich" how the heck do y'all say it? She insists that "Samwich" is somehow the correct way to say it🤨
  19. Chickena

    Ginseng fruit

    I’ve already tried looking it up on google but can not find where it tells me if my chickens can eat ginseng fruit. So, I have come here to ask, Can chickens eat ginseng fruit?
  20. mypoorducky

    Duck feed temporary replacement? They won't eat otherwise

    Hello all. My ducks have recently run out of feed, and while I would like to get them some soon, I don't feel I will be able to get them any within a few days. Is there any suitable temporary replacement I can feed them in the meantime? I have tried feeding them white rice and some of my...
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