
  1. Liv's chickens

    Gangrenous foot?? Need help ASAP

    A few months back my turkey’s foot seemed swollen and he was constantly pecking at it, causing his foot to bleed. I cleaned it and wrapped it, and he seemed to act normal again, until the wrap fell off a few days later. He continued to peck at it but each time I cleaned it and wrapped it and it...
  2. ChickenMasta1105

    White liquid found at mt chicken coop

    Hi! Please reply to this quickly. I found this white liquid thing in my chicken coop. My chickens are around 7 week olds, and I found this weird white substance today. Please help, what is it?! Edit: I found this weird dropping there too. Please tell me if it is normal.
  3. Y

    One Surviving Chick...What to do?

    After hand raising (inside my home) for four months, 8 separate broods of chickens and Wild Guinea. I can safely say YES House Chickens ARE doable! Of these birds I picked two that were to be INSIDE chickens. I lost my best girl and her house mate was alone for a year.. I was her flock and she...
  4. Lucy_Dobinson

    Chicks dying or not gaining weight?!

    Hi all, hoping someone can help me!! I got 4 5-day old Araucana chicks, and the next day 3 1-day old silkie chicks. (From Different breeders) A few days after them seeming fine in their new brooder, eating medicated chick starter and fresh water on a bed of untreated pine, and an electric hen...
  5. Meetkatt

    Help! Chicken can’t get up/walk 😞

    Last night I discovered my Easter Egg hen (approximately 6 months old) on the floor of the coop lying on her side. My rooster was standing beside her. When I came into the coop she didn’t get up - just moved her head to look at me - I thought this was odd so I went over to check on her and she...
  6. tanner17567

    Egg bound and prolapse, cut out egg, need help finishing

    This would have been her very first egg. Completely egg bound and prolapsed. Couldn’t find any hole from which to remove egg (soft shell) so I cut it out. Now I can’t tell what remaining parts are egg stuffs and what parts are her oviduct. Got her cleaned up as much as possible and tried to...
  7. BrittsChicks

    Need help with call duck eggs/ moving air cells

    So I have 8 call duck eggs in the incubator...and 3 of them have a wiggly moving air cell....(you can see the fluid that the duckling is in moving around when you tilt it to candle) They’re on day 22..I’ve tried standing them up with larger side facing up but it never stuck... It’s still wobbly...
  8. B

    Duckling jerking head, lopsided chest??

    Please help. His chest has a bit of a lump on one side which to be honest has been there a while but a few minutes ago as he was eating I also noticed him having difficulty breathing. I took away his food and encouraged him to drink water, and tried massaging from his neck to his belly. His...
  9. F

    Hen Sneezing really hard! NEED HELP!! ASAP!!

    My hen, 1.5 year old named Meenu, is sick. She was totally fine a couple of days ago. Suddenly, she started having swollen sinuses, which got normal on their own. But her flu like situation stayed. Took her to vet yesterday who gave her Enrofloxacin. But before I could start it, she became...
  10. Grace8269


    PLZ HELP ME!! My chickens have poopy buts, and i dont know if u can see, but they also have "v" shaped feathers. this has been going on too long and i dont know why
  11. thirteen wings farms

    Help! Exposed crop due to injury

    i was walking through my back yard and i noticed a clump of feathers on the ground, i went to check on one of my chickens, rachel, and she was missing a huge chunk of skin. they usually stay inside their run but they had escaped. i isolated her and cleaned the wound a bit when i noticed her crop...
  12. Mucciolina Countryside

    Please Help.. She is getting worse, looked like Vent Prolapse

    I need help, please, any idea of what’s happening and what can I ado to help my little amami? This morning I Found my 2 months old coturnix Quail Hen with what I thought was a prolapse vent Photos should explain better A”sac” it’s hanging out from the vent, feels bumpy, i would guess full of...
  13. Murphy_the_Hooligan

    Sick Button Quail?!

    I purchased 2 pairs of buttons from a breeder in another state and received them about 2 weeks ago. They have adapted fine, however this morning I found the blue female deceased in the cage :hit she was acting completely normal and this was unexpected. Now my Darth Vader male, the blue female’s...
  14. C

    Spider bite?

    Hello everyone, o walked out this morning to see one of my girls laying on the ground, barley able to walk. When I looked closer her thigh was huge, a little smaller than a golf ball and hard. The skin around it was a purple pink color and she had a scab that was yellow. She showed no signs...
  15. G


    Hi everyone, this is my 4th time hatching chicks. This little bantam egg started pipping but after 26 hours had made no more progress so I decided to help. I peeled away the shell really carefully but he was too weak to kick out of the membrane. I pulled the membrane away slowly and his head...
  16. Nelson-Collier

    🚨 Potential Dying Hen? Help??!

    (Pictures provided below.) One of my 7 laying hens has been extremely lethargic and listless for the past couple of days. I first noticed it when I let them out the other day to roam while supervised (I have a large caged in run I keep them in, adequate feed and water). After they all ran out...
  17. Lady_Bat

    Emergency - Stridor Help

    Hey everyone, We have a 5 month old Easter Egger that just laid her first egg today. She was fine all of today, we went to lock the girls up tonight & I could hear 1 with Stridor from across the field. It's Cinco De Clucko. She is the only 1 that is in any way acting different or...
  18. D

    Duckling gets Twisted neck and seems to have fever... I don't know what to do

    Ok. So I adopted a small duckling I think he is around 5-7 weeks. He was fine th first weeks but two days ago he had some sort of seizure. He would go really tense and his neck twisted and his legs stretched. I thought he was dying. I just took him and soothed his neck and legs and gave him...
  19. C

    Is this fowl pox? EMERGENCY

    Is this possibly fowl pox or what? The turkey is with another one that has not gotten these lesions. Please help!
  20. TopazMaster91

    Need fast advice- Eye Injury, cause unknown

    Our Japanese Bantam rooster has an eye injury of some sort, I didn't see it happen so I don't know how it happened, but my best guess is a badly aimed peck from a hen that didn't want any action; Today I noticed his left eye is swollen and he keeps it shut, won't open it, and he is a lot less...
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