
  1. C

    There’s something wrong with my 10 week old chick

    My 10 week old lavender Orpington has been off the last 3ish days. I checked her feet, legs, back feathers, vent and felt as best as i could around her and i don’t see anything visibly wrong with her. She’s been acting lame, not walking long and then laying down, kinda limping at times, a bit...
  2. Compton Chickens

    Lethargic hen with dirty vent

    I noticed a few days ago that my Mottled Java had a dirty vent. I tried to clean it off but today she was worse. She didn’t want to move around and when she did she walked like a penguin. Her vent was also dirtier. I don’t know if she’s egg bound or has vent gleet but she is not doing well...
  3. baileybiddi

    HELP! Egg broke inside of chicken?

    I noticed one of my hens acting off today. When I picked her up, I noticed this coming out of her. It looks like a soft shelled egg that broke/got stuck. I felt inside and it feels like there are broken egg shells. I’m currently giving her an Epsom salt bath, what else should I do for her?
  4. C

    Help my chicken's face is swollen!

    So for context I've been away at uni for about 3 months and recently came back and my sister had told me this over the phone but I didn't know how bad it was. My speculation is that something bit her or she's been infected with some sort of bacteria. The flesh around the eye is hard and the eye...
  5. Nervously Sweating

    Lonely Quail With a Broken Wing!!!

    I've been caring for a lone corturnix quail recently, it was the only egg to hatch out of 6 last eggs of my dead flock. She was lonely but she was doing well! Last night, I cleaned her home up for the first time in her life; she was previously living in our garage so her hutch was wet and...
  6. T

    Urgent pig birth (all good)

    one of my female pigs gave birth unexpectedly. And I think she's have problems and don't know when she start but. Now she is shaking and crying, and I worried something is wrong. Any help please
  7. H

    I don't know what's wrong with my chicken

    About a week ago, my chicken suddenly stopped laying eggs. She was standing around, and then sat while puffed up. We gave her some calcium through her water and food. We assumed she was egg bound, so we gave her a warm bath, dried her off and then put her in a dark area. This was 2 days after we...
  8. C

    PLEASE HELP! Sick Silkie Hen

    Hello everyone, this morning when I went to let out my flock I found my black almost two year old silkie hen Onyx not moving. She is laying down and panting. Her butt is dirty and has a lot of diarrhea. She will occasionally stand up but she keeps panting and closing her eyes. She will not walk...
  9. N

    Vaccinating Adult Chickens with Mereks??

    Hi, recently one of my 2 year old hens passed away after a necropsy and testing another hen. Both tests show that have/had mereks disease. I know most people typically vaccinate chicks as soon as possible, unfortunately in this case I do not believe they were vaccinated. I’ve seen a lot of back...
  10. aliciawrenn

    Blood clot-Who, why, emergency?

    Found this large blood clot on the coop floor this morning. The other image is a smaller clot just cropped photo. We have 20 hens, 3 roosters, 1 female turkey and one Tom turkey. The Tom does not sleep in the coop and rarely goes in. Any idea how to determine who this came from as no one is...
  11. K

    Baby won’t stop peeping these low drawn out cries

    She just won’t stop crying. Sometimes she just opens her beak with out a sound like she’s swallowing. Here’s a video. Please help me I’m so scared for her https://photos.app.goo.gl/up3RsZfgZinoPBmG8
  12. S

    HELP!! Emergency! Hatching chicks

    I’m have several chicks that have already hatch but one that just hatch has blood coming from it umbilical cord and the dried chicks are pecking at it!! How do I remove the dried chicks without losing a ton of humidity. I have one left that’s still pipping.
  13. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Hi! My hen/rooster (I am unsure of the gender since she is only four months old, but it may be a hen), who is a Silkie-Turken-Showgirl, has been acting rather strange. When I opened up the chickens, I found her laying down in the middle of the coop. She usually sleeps on a roost with another...
  14. C

    Please help! I think my flock is experiencing a respiratory infection

    So a few days ago I made a post about my rooster Steve making a very strange moaning sound. Well today, one of my hens is sneezing and making wheezing sounds. She is still active and has no nasal discharge but I think it’s a respiratory infection going through my flock. I have never treated for...
  15. A

    Gander throwing up!

    Hi my 2yr old gander throws up clear liquid once or twice a day it’s been happening for the last week with no obvious cause, sometimes it’s more liquid and sometimes it’s like egg whites but he’s fine in himself still eating and pooing still walking around fine and still his sassy self, I’ve...
  16. H

    What should we do about Kevin?

    Yesterday morning a fox attacked our coop. One hen was killed, and Kevin, also a hen, was injured. She was bit at the base of her neck, and also her head. The vet said the bite on her neck would be fine, but her skull might be fractured from the bite to the head. When she sits still, her head...
  17. A


    So I go outside at 4 am to check up in my chickens since it is starting to get colder (low 50’s, mind you I am in Az) but ti go outside and check up in them and my sultan is in a corner backed up against a fence stiff but still alive I rip the wire apart and quickly grab him and run inside, and...
  18. H

    Please Help!! 3 Month Old Polish Chicken Lethargic. Could This Be Coccidiosis?

    Hello everyone, this morning when I went to let out my chickens one of my young three-month-old Polish hens was lethargic, struggling/stumbling to walk, struggling to keep her head raised up, and refusing to eat or drink. Her tail is kinda in a hunched-over tuck position. She is still making...
  19. SonnyPon

    Hen Dying!! Sour crop/reproductive issue? UPDATED

    (Pic from Friday) Hi all! I have a hen named Daisy and she is very very deathly ill. She is 7 years old and grew Rooster plumage, spurs, and comb over this summer. Then a few days ago she began acting sick. She wasn’t walking much, acted sleepy and when she tipped her head down she would yank it...
  20. Sky_Chickens

    5 day old baby chick needs HELP!

    Hello! I just got my second batch of baby chicks, they’re silkies (plus two roosters of other breeds) and one of them has been off ever since we got them. She doesn’t stop crying unless she’s asleep, I hardly saw her eat, drink, or get up from under the brooder for the first day, picked her up...
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