
  1. JennieLamb

    Bourbon Red Heritage Hatching Eggs

    Hi everyone, So after our BBB Turks sudden escape/disappearance around the 7 week mark, we decided to get Bourbon Red Heritage Turks. So they came in around early July, and started laying Monday March 11th. So, first, it doesn't matter how clean the boxes are, it's been muddy and they're MESSY...
  2. C

    Free Range Easter Egger Eggs (USPS available)

    We offer Free - Range Chicken Eggs! A healthy flock of Easter Egger hens and a proud Silkie rooster. Non-GMO, Grass-Fed, and supplemented with 16% layer feed in addition to cayenne pepper for amazing deep yellow yolks! Amazing color selection, delicious in all types of meals. You can contact us...
  3. FeatherSwift93


    When you're boss knows you have chickens and brings you egg cartons...with chocolate chicks inside! Lol
  4. H

    Will My Geese Sit their Eggs or Not?

    Hi! This is my first post on BYC. I have a small flock of geese with 1 pilgrim male, 1 pilgrim female, 3 Chinese males, 1 Chinese female, and an old Dewlap Toulouse - not sure if it’s male or female. Our geese have started laying, we get 1-2 eggs a day. When they first started, they would lay...
  5. lancasterflock

    What is this smell!!??! Ahhhh!!!

    I just got a message from my aunt saying that one of my eggs smelled like bleach. She sent me a pic of the shell and it looks lightly brown on the inside. I have never ran into this before so naturally I am kind of freaking out as I do sell my eggs. I use no chemicals around my flock, coop/run...
  6. RoosterJuice

    Incubator Temp dropped to 75

    Hello, I made the mistake of buying a used incubator which apparently has an internal thermometer issue. Twice now it has gone down to 75ish for a few hours, once on day 4 and again today on day 8. It reads 100 but the thermometers I have inside read 75. Then when I unplug and plug in the...
  7. zoereef1221

    Help!!!Rust colored spots in eggshell!!!

    Posted in emergencies/diseases group as well… This is my second year with ducks, we just have three female Indian runners. I cracked this egg today and noticed some slimy orange/rust colored spots inside the egg shell. I tossed the egg as there was a slight off putting smell from that spot. The...
  8. zoereef1221

    Rust colored Spots in egg!!!

    This is my second year with ducks, we just have three female Indian runners. I cracked this egg today and noticed some slimy orange/rust colored spots inside the egg shell. I tossed the egg as there was a slight off putting smell from that spot. The yolk and white all looked normal. Any idea...
  9. quailsaurus

    Egg laying season for Bobwhites in Atlanta

    Hi, everyone. This is my first year with bobwhite quails and I was wondering about when I should expect them to start laying eggs. I am feeding them Purina gamebird layer crumble with crushed oyster shells both in different feeders. I am in the Atlanta area and they have what I think is enough...
  10. Timbers Happy Hens

    Day 21 and no pips or movement

    Hello, today is day 21 and I haven’t heard any Chirps or seen any eggs moving around. I have a batch of 24 bantam eggs in my NR 360. They were at 50-60% humidity until day 17 and then I bumped it up to about 70%. The temps been steady at 99.8. We had a power outage for no more than 2 hours on...
  11. J

    Quitters all the time

    Hi there, I’ve been having issues with quitters in my hen’s eggs for a third time now. We have a mixed flock with bantam Barnevelders and a Belgian chicken breed, our rooster is from the bantams. When my barnevelder became broody on eggs from both breeds, they all developed very well. Sadly...
  12. T

    Chicken laid 9 eggs

    If my chicken laid nine eggs does that mean there are babies inside them she laid them all at once ?
  13. Timbers Happy Hens

    Broody hen, temp too cold?

    My silkie hen just decided she wanted to brood some eggs. My question is, will it be too cold once they hatch? Is it too cold for her to even successfully incubate? It’s and 35 degrees Fahrenheit here at night and 50 during the day. On another note I’m not even sure she can brood in the coop...
  14. Emrosenagel

    Hen kicked pipped egg

    Hello! My broody left her nest for a romp and snack, so I went to check the eggs (day 19) and saw one had pipped! Heard some peeps too, very cute. But when she got back in the nest, she basically kicked the poor thing and it rolled over. And then she scooped it back under her. I expect hens...
  15. DovesFlock

    Yet Another Another Hatch-a-long February 2024

    I am back with ANOTHER hatchalong!! This time we have 28 eggs!! Because I put them in kind of later in the afternoon, due to getting the humidity right, if I get at least 2 or more than that I’ll put them in the inc as well. Here’s how it’ll work: - I will give the numbers that’s on each...
  16. M

    3 Year Old hens haven't laid in years!!!

    So we have one very large rooster (Unknown Breed), 6 Buff Orpington hens (2 of which are 5+ yrs old), 2 Leghorns who have just started laying, a New Hampshire Red, a Sapphire Splash, and a Barred Rock. The 4 younger Buffs are 3 years old (About to be 4 this spring), the 2 Leghorns are mature...
  17. JoeLStol

    Choose an egg Hatch-a-long

    Time for an other hatch a long. I set 41 eggs this evening. Feel free to chose an or to egg and name it. The eggs are from our flock. I’m not sure what breeds they are. 36 and 37 are OEGB. I think the green eggs are from our starlight green Egger.
  18. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown

    Hey guys, My daughter is hatching her second batch of eggs and we have the incubator in lockdown now. We have 12 eggs, and so far 8 of them have started wiggling. One has pipped externally. We are super excited for our second batch of backyard mutt chicks. So I just wanted to start a...
  19. Emrosenagel

    How cold is too cold for eggs?

    Hello! I have a bantam Cochin sitting on some eggs and I’m just wondering how cold is too cold for them? I candled them today and at least three have some activity (it’s only day two 1/2) so I just want to be sure as this is my first time letting a hen sit. I only live in Florida, so extreme...
  20. FatherFalcon

    Encouraging Laying Quail…

    Ideally... in my mind's eye In small spaces; Free roam/greenhouse/etc....... Aviary/ Runs/ Pens/ Hutch/Nesting box; safe place to lay an egg away from Roo’s area coverage ( a dark spot to hide) Rollout cage: forced conditions and no choice to lay in place Give the Roo’s a time of separation...
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