
  1. S

    Muscovy biting

    I have two female Muskovy ducks. I got one first and then was looking for a friend for her and found one about the same age (8 months). The one is got first is relentlessly bullying the new one. I thought she’s be happy to have a friends since it was just her and the chickens and I know ducks...
  2. Kagen101

    Tube feeding question

    Hello so my duck has been sick for a couple weeks now and hasn’t been eating so we have been tube feeding her. We have been tube feeding her 3 times a day, and I was wondering if we tube feed her for too long, will she forget how to eat food regularly? And will she become solely dependent on us...
  3. George678

    Why are ducks so messy?

    I have 4 Aylesbury ducks and I’ve just given them fresh bedding there currently not outside at the moment as it’s too wet and within 1 hour of changing all there water , the water is already brown and muddy . How do they manage to make it so muddy when the hut is super clean?😂
  4. Mehi24

    Day 28 and no external pipping (Ducks)

    So yesterday the power went out for a few hours while incubating on day 27. I put some hot water in the incubator and put a towel over it to keep the heat and humidity up. I also candled them yesterday when the power came back on and they were still moving. Today they are barely moving and they...
  5. Fays Duck Farm

    im taking a friends geese for the winter, i don't really know anything about geese, any tips?

    So i'm taking a friends geese. i only have experience taking care of ducks. Should i just do what do i do for the ducks? or is there something else i should do for them? Winters here aren't the best, last year my male ducks curls froze off. there's three of them, idk if there all coming. also...
  6. A


    Hello there, I have two 5 month old ducks that need a home. Right now my family has a small space for them but it isn’t appropriate for ducks. And due to where I live I can’t keep them. If anyone is interested PLEASE contact me. my email: [email protected]
  7. F

    Geese bullying one female duck- help!

    I have been raising 4 pekin ducks and 4 Norwegian geese from hatchlings. All was going well until they started getting horny! (I have 2 female ducks, 2 male. I am not 100% sure about the geese but suspect I have 3 male and 1 female.) They have been housed together at night, and then left to...
  8. chickenlady2004

    would this material be predator proof?

    i can’t tell if this material is predator proof. i have more of it to do some modifications on my other coop so was just wondering before i move them into a different set up
  9. HollyBluefeather

    Was sent a Crested Duckling egg with my mix and need advice, please!

    Unfortunately, I had to order late in season so shipped eggs it was! These included an undisclosed egg mix, one of which (unknowningly at the time) is a crested breed. I immediately went into research mode and learned all the unfortunate things that can come along with this breed. I contacted...
  10. Heartsopenwide

    Geese noise levels

    How noisy are geese compared to ducks? I have 6 ducks (new to ducks) my husband told me last night are too loud and annoying (I barely notice them) and I can't get anymore or replace any of these when they pass. I was planning to add geese next spring, but now I am worrier that dream is being...
  11. Ronnie_

    Best Waterers for Ducks

    Hi all! I could use some input on waterers or watering systems that work well and are easy to clean and sanitize. Right now my girls use a K&H unheated waterer (also have access to a pool and horse food bowl of water). The K&H works great but I’m having issues with growth in the water...
  12. AshleyNicole06

    Ducks & Chickens

    Yall, how cute are these?? PENS!!! (They're for sale!!) How exciting!! Let me know which one you like best!! LIKE MY PAGE ON FACEBOOK!! Ashley Nicole Designs
  13. D

    Help! My duck is sick

    I have a muscovy male duck, he is about a year old. And recently we noticed that his husky voice left. So we started to give him medicine. Its been 3 weeks now and his not getting better, his voice has not come back. There is some discolouration around his beak, its no longer bright red but...
  14. H

    Help identify what breed/sex my ducks are

    Looking for some help on identifying what breed my ducks are. I haven’t been able to figure it out. They are now 10 weeks old. Also can you tell if they are female or male. Thanks so much in advance!
  15. WhitInDucklingLand

    Any guesses on what breed my ducks my be?

    Hey all!! I’ve had two ducks for about a year and I’m not 100% sure exactly what they are… I’m most curious about our female to be honest. 😅 Our male All black as a duckling. Now has black legs, black beak, black body - but when the sunlight hits him, his head is this gorgeous iridescent...
  16. H

    Need help identify duck breed?

    hello I’m hoping one of you can help us identify what kind of ducks these are. We saved one from a local duck pond (left on the sidewalk) and two my husband got from a local duck farm. Also can you tell if they are male or female yet or can you not tell until they are older? Thanks in advance!
  17. Stellasmomma

    Can I put Pellet bedding in my duck run??

    Hello all, I have had my 2 beautiful ducks for almost a year, they have a small run and duck house that they are in at night and free range with the chickens in the day. The issue I am having is the mud in the pen they have a small pool in there that they love and play in (and I swear sleep in...
  18. That crazy duck lady

    Jumbo Pekin with leg injury

    Hi everyone, I just rescued a Jumbo Pekin drake from a not so great situation. I believe he is about a year old and 9 pounds or so. He has some sort of injury to his leg(s) that we have not yet been able to fully evaluate since moving him in. This is leaving him unable to walk much at all...
  19. goatsandpeacocks

    How to keep water moccasins out of my duck pond

    I’m making a new duck enclosure that will be chain link fenced in for 5 (maybe more) ducks. It includes a pond but i’m not sure how to deter snakes. I’ve looked up plants that deter snakes but don’t know which are safe for ducks. Should i put fish in the pond to eat frog eggs so there’s no food...
  20. Kagen101

    Is my duck Egg bound or something else?!?

    Hello so I have 4 pet ducks and one of them named Ginger is 3yrs old. And she has been egg bound before but this time she has stoped eating her regular food, is slow and has lost weight. She will still occasionally eat corn/mealworms. And I thought it was just egg bound, but she has been like...
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