
  1. FathertoFeathers

    Coop redesign

    I’m in the process of redesigning my coop. My family recently moved to a property with more land so we could homestead. During that time we built a temporary little coop for the birds but it is far from ideal. I’d like to build a new coop that has nice features and by that I mean little things...
  2. Loving my girls

    My hen house - suggestions welcome

    Hi guys, Every year I do a bit of a spring clean on my hen house and do repairs and a couple of upgrades. Wondering if you do the same ? Wondering if you would like to pick up on ideas from other peoples hen houses ? I also have polystyrene shutters that clip into the windows for when it get...
  3. Bigbluefrog

    Building and designing our coop.Exciting right- yet…

    I waited a few years before designing the new coop. I wanted to be able to walk inside it. Egg access from outside. Poop shelves. Brooder built inside. The inside is almost done. And yet the birds keep going to old coop! Augh!
  4. RADK

    Two roosts - How wide should my poop board be?

    Hello all, working on the interior of my coop for my 12 BSL chicks. I am planning on doing 2 6’ long roosts, one a foot higher and a foot behind the other. I am aiming for 16” from the wall for the back roost. So 16” plus 12” plus 6” extra for in front of the front roost. All said and done...
  5. indiechixor

    Requesting Big Coop Design Review!

    Here's more pictures: Dimensions are 10x12'. I currently have 8 hens, but incubating 12 eggs when they arrive in a few months. My idea is that I can keep the 2 separate flocks in the same coop. By separating the two sides with screening, and adding a gate, I can keep younger birds away from the...
  6. briannamonique16

    How many chickens can I safely fit?

    I have a 4x6 coop with an 8x6 attached run, there is space under the coop as well so technically 12ft of run “ground space”. I have 10 6 week chickens right now, two of which are silkies (all pullets). Chicken math is real and I want 5 more but do you think that would be over crowding them...
  7. ali_hager11

    Super proud of this…

    Hey all! I bought a coop and run “house” from Amazon and finally got it together. I now understand why people just build their own! Ha. We ended up needing to alter it and do major reinforcement to it. But I am super proud of how it turned out! (I am a first time chicken mom to four 8 week olds.)
  8. a_a_ron

    Single slope cold weather coop ventilation question

    Long time lurker, first time poster. I just can’t find exactly what I’m looking for, and maybe you all can help. Im having a single slope shed built, with plans to put a wall in the middle to keep half for garden shed and half for coop. The single slope matches the house, so I am stuck on that...
  9. The chicken nurd

    What to use for dust bath

    So I’ve been adding to my run and was thinking about adding a dust bath inside my covered run I’m planning on using a kitty pool for the container but any suggestions as to what to use for the dust
  10. zenstarling

    totally new here! thoughts on coop design in predator land?

    Hi there, brand new to chickens! Happy to be a part of this forum. I have been thinking about raising chickens for years, and finally feel we're in the place to start this project this year. I have been in research mode for weeks. This site is a goldmine for information, experiences and answers...
  11. The chicken nurd

    Any ideas on run design

    I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas for run design Right now my run is just open space (I’ll post a picture in a bit) and I was planning on adding perches and clutter to bring down some of the pecking that’s going on especially with the lower members in the pecking order but I need...
  12. cinnamoncockatiel

    Avatars & Banners

    Do you want a custom avatar or banner for BYC? I designed my avatar and banner and @chickentrains avatar. :) 🐓
  13. lisette30

    I have this space and 5 chicks coming

    I wanted to ask for ideas for "how to make" a coop-space out of the space underneath the barn roof and get rid of the pre-fab coop I have under there now. I'm expecting 5 more chicks soon and need to rebuild. I'm in love with Brahmas, so, larger sized box spaces are appreciated ! Also, will they...
  14. K

    Coop Help- design

    Hi! Can anyone suggest a good resource for coop plans? We’ve tried so many and bought several and once we get them they’re just over the top. We want to build a coop for 10-12 chickens, lean to style, with a run attached. I would love any ideas, suggestions etc. we chose the lean to style...
  15. Grey Gables

    Roost Redo?

    Hi! I designed my coop and had someone local build it. I didn't give a ton of info/direction on the roosts, other than I wanted to be able to remove them if needed. I've known all summer that my roosts weren't exactly "right." But haven't really figured out what I want to do to fix them...
  16. K

    Building my first Coop

    My brother and I are building this coop. I keep a daily journal of the build and this picture is one I drew this past week after I primed the raw wood. Steve K
  17. SoilMatesofGA

    Coop Door on the Floor

    Newbie here - We’re in the process of building our first chick-mobile/chicken tractor. It has a run underneath and half of it has the coop portion on top. We’re putting our door on the bottom of the coop portion that leads to the run. My question is how big should the door/hole be? I’ve read...
  18. S

    Poop boards and girls walking in the doo doo - raised coop design

    If you use poop boards, do you care if your girls walk on them? Do they track poo elsewhere? Have any good tricks for keeping them from doing that? I'm exploring options for a challenging and confining location. Flock of 12 (half ISA brown, half Plymouth Rock). Current idea is 6x8...
  19. kristeninprogress

    Coop Design in Southeast Georgia

    So FINALLY, we have completed my ideal coop! Kinda. I do have a few details to finish (paint nesting boxes, add more roosts, sew curtains for bottom nesting boxes, etc), but it's functional and usable! Total cost: roughly $1000 Dimensions: 12' x 16' x 7' Time to build: 5 weeks with two...
  20. christinemix

    Wide shallow coop: good idea? Bad idea?

    Hi everyone, I'm a newbie currently working on the design for my first chicken coop. My partner and I have 6 chickens coming home to us in the middle of July. 3 are bantams and 3 are standard size. We're in zone 9b, northern California, so no snow but we do get frost and the occasional freeze...
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