cuckoo marans

  1. Ashemichelle

    Chick: Silver laced wyandotte x cuckoo marans

    This is my first experience with hatching chicks at home. My one cuckoo marans decided to go broody, so I let her and this is the product of her and my silver laced wyandotte rooster. Does anyone know what breed it is, if anything other than a random mix?
  2. montana_chicks

    Hmmm… things aren’t lining up. Barred Rock, Cuckoo Marans, or Dominique?

    Hello there chicken experts! I have three 5 week old chickens I’m unsure about and would love to hear your thoughts… Chickens #2 and #3 are supposed to be Cuckoo Marans (pullets)… or so they were labeled. I’m beginning to think they’re actually Dominiques. Their combs and leg color aren’t...
  3. Winderdear

    First Egg Likely? Even in November?

    Hello all! My four girls are 22 weeks today received as day old chicks on 6/13. My Cuckoo Marans, Juillet, has become much more vocal this past week and is squatting when we go to pet her. She always crouched and tried to slink away, but now she sometimes just stands still and gets really flat...
  4. 2

    Definitely Not Important …

    Just a note. I have a Barred Rock and a Cuckoo Marans in my small flock. Everyone is 11 weeks old. I was calling the Cuckoo “Stumpy” because her tail is very short, always has been. The only differences between the two are the tail feathers and that Stumpy’s pattern has been more muted the...
  5. KikiDeAnime

    Breeding brown egg gene to green egg layer?

    Our almost 1 year old Cuckoo Marans cockerel carries the dark brown egg gene. We have an Olive Egger who lays green eggs and I was hoping to find out from others what the possible ratio would be for the female offspring's egg color. I know there's no way to know until after they start laying but...
  6. KikiDeAnime

    Cuckoo Marans X Breeds / 2023 Breeding

    I'm starting this thread to show off offspring from breeding my Cuckoo Marans to different birds. Most will be the same breed while others will be breeds that I'll be pairing with him to produce meat birds from. I'm really excited to see how well his temperament gets passed down. I'll be sure to...
  7. KikiDeAnime

    Cockerel "harassing" the dogs?

    Our cockerel named Tidbit is around 6-7 months old and has already been a timid boy. I assume he sees me as top 'rooster' so he stays as far as he can away from me whenever I'm out spending time with the flock or feeding them. However recently he has started enticing the dogs to run at the fence...
  8. K

    New Texas BYC owner

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes! May 7th 2022 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 - 5 hens 1 rooster (3) What breeds do you have? 5 - (2) blue australorp (1) buff Orpington (1) cuckoo Marans (1) Easter egger (1) bielefelder rooster (4) What are...
  9. S

    Do Roos develop tail AND wing feathers slower? Also, are my TSC “cuckoo Marans” blue Plymouth rocks?

    Hey there, loving all my recent impulse buys from TSC and got a little too excited about some straight run chicks I decided to take the gamble. I have two burning questions. First is breed. They were in a mixed bin labeled as cuckoo marans (the others were salmon faverolles, which I bought too...
  10. Kristania1

    Cuckoo Marans Rooster or pullet

    Hello there! I bought this cuckoo Marans at the feed store as a sexed female. She is 11 weeks old and is much larger than the other breeds I bought, redder in the face and has more developed waddles. I've never had the Marans breed before, so I wasn't sure if this was normal for the breed to...
  11. 3KillerBs

    Five POL Pullets in Central NC -- at least 2 are Now Laying!

    Update Nov. 11 -- Not POL, at least 2 are now Laying. From Ideal Hatchery's May 19th hatch so 18-weeks at the time I post this. 1 French Cuckoo Marans -- Fricasee 2 Dominiques -- Classic and Everroast 2 Large-Fowl Silver-Laced Cochins -- Nugget and Kebob All healthy and without any issues...
  12. Cuckoo Marans egg

    Cuckoo Marans egg

  13. T

    7 week cuckoo marans cockerel or pullet

    Hey all, I have a 7 week old CM from Ideal that was supposed to be a pullet… I’m having my doubts but would love opinions, as I’m holding out hope that it’s just an early bloomer. Bonus points it you can tell me WHY you feel it is pullet or cockerel so I can learn.. up until last week I had no...
  14. G

    Finally @ 30 weeks

    Have no clue which girl laid out first egg, but by golly we’ve got 1!!! They are 30weeks and 2 days, I was beginning to think it would never happen.
  15. YaYasDottes

    What breeds are these?

    I ordered 3 black stars, an Easter Egger, an Olive Egger, and a Cuckoo Maran. I can only identify one Black Star in the group. The one with gray feathers and a black head is much fluffier and has wider feathers than the rest. She is quite standoffish.The multi gray one looks like a pigeon and...
  16. KerriChick

    First Egg!

    At 19 weeks and 2 days our Cuckoo Marans laid her first little perfect pullet egg(first one ever for us)! She was going in and out of the nesting box yesterday afternoon so I knew it was soon. We have a mixed flock and she is not the first one I thought would lay! Found it in our under-run in...
  17. KerriChick

    New Chicken Lady-hello!

    Greetings and glad to be here! We finally bit the bullet and bought a mixed flock of 4 brown egg layer chicks in early April of this year when it became clear we would be spending a lot of time with our 3 kids(11,7,6) at home in the coming months! We live in the far east bay burbs of SF. It has...
  18. Cuckoo Marans

    Cuckoo Marans

    sadly lost on in shipping
  19. F

    These Aren’t Cuckoo Marans, Are They?

    So two of my pullets were sold to me at 8 weeks as Cuckoo Marans. Now they’re about 6-7 months old and I find that they have clean, yellow legs. These are actually Barred Rocks, aren’t they? (They haven’t started laying yet)
  20. F

    When Will I See An Egg?

    Hello. I live in Knoxville, TN and have a small flock of backyard chickens. I have two Easter Eggers and two Cuckoo Marans. My girls are 6 months old now and loooking quite mature. I have a clean, comfortable coop & run for them, and it’s definitely big enough. They get to free range in our yard...
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