
  1. A

    Is there such a thing as a chicken just having a cold?

    When humans get colds and flus we wait it out and it ultimately makes our immune systems more robust, and makes us healthier. Do chickens get seasonal viruses like humans do, that ultimately makes them healthier? Or is everything a death sentence for the flock unless treated with antibiotics...
  2. C

    When to add heat

    I have Wyandotte chickens that are 2 months old, they now live in their coop outside. Tonight is suppose to get into the 20’s, which is the coldest they will have encountered. Do they need a heat source, or will they be ok in the coop for the night?
  3. C

    Introducing chicks outside

    I have month old Splash laced red Wyandotte chicks. I want to introduce them outside as they have only been in the brooder, but here in Michigan it has been cold for a bit. Highs of around 50. What temp is ok to start introducing them outside.
  4. WaterfowlsPoultry

    One duck and one chicken died of hypothermia. what can I improve?

    Hello, I have quite a sad story to share on this site and I need some help. I had a Brahma chicken named Butterscotch, a Beautiful chicken, She was very talented, adorable, and quite the flightful chicken, She would fly on top of the gate when I came down to feed them and she would always get...
  5. Emrosenagel

    How cold is too cold for eggs?

    Hello! I have a bantam Cochin sitting on some eggs and I’m just wondering how cold is too cold for them? I candled them today and at least three have some activity (it’s only day two 1/2) so I just want to be sure as this is my first time letting a hen sit. I only live in Florida, so extreme...
  6. Yorkshire_Hobbit

    Emergency/ Could my chicken pass from the cold?

    I've had to take my chicken into the house as my husband has said that she is unresponsive, could this be due to cold weather? It's been -5 overnight. they are locked into their coop overnight, the other chickens are fine and healthy. What could be wrong and is there any chance she'll make it?
  7. J

    I have a single duck (10 mos old khaki Campbell female) will she be too cold alone?

    *edited to add photo references* (Including a photo of her “condo” as I like to call it…) She is a singleton khaki campbell duck born in March of last year. Her companion unfortunately died of a fox attack this past summer. :( She has about 6 inches of pine shavings inside of a cardboard...
  8. B

    Tiny bits of frostbite on young black australorp hen combs

    We've had temperatures well below zero (Fahrenheit) for several days straight now. Three nights in a row of lows down to -20 or -15. Highs around 0 or a few digits below. Wind chills down to -40. I noticed yesterday that 2 of my 6 four-month-old hens had a tiny bit of black on their comb tips...
  9. C

    Supplemental Heat in Coop

    Hello! First time chicken owner heading into the winder months. Is supplemental heat needed or recommended in single digit nighttime temps? We’re located in Tennessee and are having a stint of unusually cold weather (0 degrees to -1 predicted as the night time low, teens during the day). My...
  10. H

    How to prevent frostbite??

    this winter is going to be the coldest it’s been for these hens and I’ve just built a new coop that doesn’t have all the good stuff my old one did. The insulation was half done since I had to put construction on pause when the snow came in and there are even still holes in the roof from where...
  11. Quacking ducks

    How do I keep my flocks warm in really cold weather without electricity?

    Hi, I was wondering, what I can do to keep my birds warm in really cold weather without electricity? This weekend it’s supposed to get really cold. Some of my birds are at the end of their winter molt and some seem a little weak. Thursday night when the cold is supposed to hit, I plan to take...
  12. S

    concrete pavers bricks and heat plate

    hello, I have a bunch of concrete brick pavers from a project I finished a while ago and I know a heat lamp (don't have one) will work but I'm trying to put good use to the bricks if possible. they are currently an eye-sore my coop got cold last night and I had 2 full-grown chickens die i put my...
  13. Cloverr39

    Are my silkies cold? Could they be underweight?

    The temperatures have dropped in the negatives recently and I'm worried my 3 silkie pullets may be too cold. It's usually around -1°C to -7°here. One night it went down to -10°C. That night I brought the 3 pullets into my garage. I already found one pullet dead last week. My concern is that...
  14. D

    Worried about winter

    Hello! I have a concern about a couple of my chickens health this winter and I'm hoping some more experienced people can give some advice.... I have a bantam rooster and his favourite hen sleeping inside our house at night. This is due to the neighbours disliking early morning crowing... So...
  15. ChickensInMA

    Seramas in Winter

    Do any other Northerners have experience with seramas in the winter? Here in the Boston Area, the coldest we get is about 0ºF to -5ºF, but we have sustained temperatures in the teens. I have three birds that are basically the Caribbean version of seramas, and I'm worried about winter with them...
  16. L

    Egg Bound, Cold, Something Else?

    I'm new to the site and new to chicken raising. I've had three full-grown hens since August, Chili, Basil and Rosemary. They've all been laying an egg a day, until the recent cold snap when they've all gone down to about every other day. Yesterday, Basil, my beta chicken, was acting squirrely. I...
  17. M


    Hello! :) I have a pair of Show Silkies about 8 mths old. They are very lethargic, coughing and snoting🤧. Won't open eyes all the way. I can feel how bad they feel. Started with Corvid 5 day treatment. Didn't help, picked up VetRx added to water for 5 days no corvid. Poor things are getting...
  18. C

    Separate Rooster

    Has anyone ever kept a rooster completely separate from the hens? I introduced a 20 week old black Australorp rooster to my 8- 4 yo hens and he was doing great. It's been about a month he's been with them. Usually does the kittle wing dance for them to "ask permission". I have been introducing...
  19. B

    Southern AZ Ducklings, When can I move them outside?

    Hi there, I'm a newbie at raising ducks. I have 6 ducklings. 4 of which are 8 weeks old, and have been living outside for about a week now. The others are *almost* 5 weeks old, and are going crazy inside because they miss the others. Is it safe to move them outside with the others? They're still...
  20. E

    Chickens will be at -10 F Tonight

    So far the coldest we've been here in Western Massachusetts with our two 3-year old Rhode Island reds is into the single digits, and they've done just fine in their coop, which does indeed feel warmer than outside. However, tomorrow night is supposed to get down to -10F and I worry it will be...
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