
  1. lilmillefleur

    *~~Whispers of Nature ~~ A Warriors-Based Roleplay~~* Closed!

    Please Read First!! This Roleplay is Closed to new participants. Please do not ask to join. A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum. B) I promise...
  2. K

    Shared outside water; questionable worm castings; cat pee and poo

    Ok, hard part over - trying to make the title short enough :) Got my first two chickens two Saturdays ago. 1 - By accident the cats and chickens are drinking out of the same outdoor dish with water in it. Can this be a problem to either of them? 2. Chickens have been free-ranging some of the...
  3. Chickenupho

    Warriors short story *cringe warning

    So basically, I’ve always wondered what would happen if “the three” had never happened and if Ivypool never left the dark forest. It might be confusing but basically Ivypool is chosen as the new “leader” of the dark forest after she managed to kill Brokenstar. She’s still alive and in...
  4. I Promise RP Character Archive

    I Promise RP Character Archive

    This is the Archive Thread for the I Promise Roleplay, hosted by @9SpiceyChickens . Both the kit and warrior linearts were drawn by me. Last updated to reflect: Page 421 of the roleplay This is always a WIP! Asterisks * mean that the user has not been active recently. Anything in [] is...
  5. Elsveta641

    Chickens under 2 months dropping like flys,no noticeable symptoms

    Birds affected: None of the birds are younger than 1 week or older than 2 months who die. 5 different breeds in 3 seperate buildings. Birds came from 3 different sources(vaccinated Murrays Hatchery boilers, Goldfeather Farm, my own hatches.) Symptoms: They show no symptoms then suddenly become...
  6. Bartels42

    New Member always looking for more knowledge

    I am new to this so bear with me if I dont do this exactly correct...I joined today and I will start with the questions provided :) Are you new to chickens/ when did you first get chickens? * No I am not new to chickens...I have been around chickens ever since I was young ( going to be 43)...
  7. M

    Lost 2 of the 4 girls

    Would neighborhood cats be considered predators? We lost 2 of our girls today and the only animals we've seen near the birds are neighborhood cats. One the head Is missing the other was torn to shreds. Not even eaten. Looks like a sport kill.
  8. Flock Leader

    "And one of these days these chicks are gonna walk all over you..."

  9. ellie62706

    Stray Cats, How do I lure them in?!?

    I'm a crazy animal person. I know it is just about kitten season, and I also know I have a few stray cats in my neighborhood. Most of them are intact. I want to start a TNR program because of my local shelter always has a bunch of cats,(It's a kill shelter) and I know the outcome for a lot of...
  10. Trace Dunaway


    Hi folks! I am out here in the Arizona Desert. I am a city urbanite that bought a run down old fixer upper farm and now have animals, including fowl. Most of my animals are rescues though. I also have a horse, a small herd of blue eyed mini goats, dogs, cats, and a sweet pig. Am looking to...
  11. B

    New chicken owners

    Good morning! We have a dozen Buff Orpingtons, (9 black and 3 yellow chicklets (we are calling them that, since they are much younger, got them a week ago)) and now 2 roosters! My husband had chickens when he was a child and since we now own a small hobby farm we wanted to have some chickens to...
  12. herdingcats

    Chicks and Cats

    Hi all, I just posted an introduction in the New Members forum. We have 3, 2 year old Black Australorp Hens and 1 4 year old Red SexLink (I think) hen, adopted from a friend. 2 girls aged 8 & 10, a very sweet and friendly chick snuggling border-springer mutt, and 2 feisty outdoor cats. For...
  13. herdingcats

    New to flock!

    Hi everyone, I have been poking around on this site and decided to join after I deleted Facebook and realized I lost access to some great chicken advice! This site seems so informative and fun. A few things about us: Growing up in Alaska in the early 80s, I didn't know anyone who had...
  14. fivelittlefeathers

    Weird question about rooster booster

    My pair of dogs get ear infections pretty darn often. I'm almost certain it's something in the house, as I've switched foods multiple times and the best one we've found cleared up everything but their icky ears. While I'm trying to figure out and put a stop to the source of this, I've been...
  15. B

    I love the BYC magazine.

    I was raised on a farm. I never wanted to do anything else. My grandparents and an Uncle advised me to discover the world. Regardless of where I lived, I still gardened even if it was adding a tomato plant to a flower bed. HOA just don't understand people wanting to GROW food. So I learned...
  16. K

    Cats and Silkie chickens

    hello. I have never owned chickens before but we are going to start our journey this spring. I’m getting ready to order my 1 day old chicks. My daughters really want a few Silkies. We have a very small cat (7lbs). She hunts small births and moles regularly. Don’t worry. She wears a bell. I’m...
  17. I

    Kittens with chickens... ?

    Not quite sure where to post this, but here goes. I have an established flock of laying hens, guineas, and Muscovey Ducks. They all free range in the afternoons about 3-4 hours. Well, the ducks are out all the time now as they refuse to be cooped anymore and rarely leave the pond. My husband...
  18. Amer

    ~A Wisp of Sand~ a a desert cat tribe rp

    A Wisp of Sand. A desert cat tribe rp will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum. B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages. C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing...
  19. chickenmomma2

    BEWARE who you hire to watch your flock & your other animals

    Hi! Just wanted to give a heads up on who you hire to take care of your flock. I made the mistake of hiring a family friend to take care of the flock and feed my cats. Long story short...the chickens got out of the run. One of my cats is currently in the hospital close to death because this...
  20. TheMonroeChicks

    Could a cat snatch a 4 week old chick without any evidence?

    I am missing one of my 4 week old baby chicks. It is literally like she disappeared out of thin air. There is ZERO evidence of a scuffle, not even 1 feather on the ground around coop, or the rest of the yard, or even the neighborhood! We have scoured every shrub/tree/fence/etc. Does this seem...
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