
  1. Anquan81

    Trying to count my chickens before they hatch!

    So I know that shipped eggs have a lower hatch rate than local or home grown eggs. I’m trying to find out how many of our eggs to expect to hatch. I have 24 ayam cemani eggs in the incubator that so had shipped to me in Oregon from the east coast. I candled them after three days and saw definite...
  2. ChickenGirl555

    How to tell if an egg is fertile

    I want to get Black Belgian D’Anvers, breed them, and get a broody to raise the babies. How can I check if they are fertile (what do I look for in candling) and can I used a plain flashlight or something instead of going and buying a candler? Also what do I look for during the incubation when/if...
  3. duck mom newbie

    Day 23 chicken lockdown

    Hi all!! I' on day 23, lockdown day 20. I don' see any pipping. Heat looks good, humidity a lil low so added water. I'm really wanting to candle. Advice?
  4. P


    I pulled my five salmon favs out of our incu today at day three for candling. I know it’s a little early but I’m not sure the rooster has mated and am trying to see if any of the eggs are fertile. I will briefly describe them and attatch pictures. They all had air cells, the younger, the...
  5. GracieJ

    I have a few questions - anyone fancy a challenge? :)

    Hello :) Okay so I've looked through various different threads but couldn't find any specific answers that satisfied my questions on Call ducks. I have a drake, Jem and a hen, Myrtle, and she has laid and is 10 days into sitting on her first clutch. I'd be ever so grateful if someone on here...
  6. C

    Candling - Day 3?

    So I know I’m suppose to wait till around day 7 to candle, however I had one egg that I had handled quite a bit so I figured since it seemed to be the lightest color (light blue) I’d try candling it. Does it look like there’s anything there? Or is it too early to tell? Thanks!
  7. Maggie1030

    Day 16 ... Don't see veins... Is this normal?

    Hi my Silkie Eggs are on Day 16 in the incubator. When I candled the eggs I could Not see veins and the majority of the egg is very dark. I do see an air cell too. Is this normal?
  8. Fluffychickensflock

    Is this egg hatch able?

    I have one egg that was finally layed by my hen, but when i went to candle it before incubation it had little, tiny specks:confused:. Can this egg still be hatch able?:idunno
  9. Jayson_Black

    Question on the difference in movement over days

    Im a first time incubator-upperer. lol. (thats a joke son!) and I think I first saw/noticed movement on day 6 while candling. They were oscilating pretty quickly, maybe 3 to 4 'jiggles' Per Second. ("Jiggles" for lack of a better word to describe the movement I was oberserving). One in...
  10. strawberricatt


    About two weeks ago I found one of my ducks had gone broody. I had been monitoring her for that time. Anyway one morning I went to check on her, and one of the eggs had broken.I lifted her up and she went crazy. The nest was quite a climb uphill, she got the egg in her beak. Lodging her beak...
  11. ChellesChicks

    Selling Ungraded/Unsized Eggs in California

    I've been doing a lot of research about selling eggs for food in California from my backyard flock of about 20 hens. The one question I can't seem to find the answer to is if I am required to grade and size eggs. Does anyone know the answer to this? I know I need an egg handlers permit and if I...
  12. Bzrzad3

    Dark patches in egg? Help!

    Hey everyone! The only reason I made this account is soley for this issue. I'm not sure if it's an issue, a normal thing, or is abnormal. Sadly I couldn't take photos but I can give a good description of what happened. We're on day 12, and the silkie chicks in the incubator are seeming to do...
  13. Leaguinea

    Candling during incubation

    I am curious about candling eggs during incubation. How do you candle the eggs without allowing them to cool too much? Is it harmful to them to be picked out of the bator and candled and then air hole marked before replacing in the incubator? Does this temp fluctuation affect them? and also how...
  14. Farmer In Training

    Cracked egg in incubator?

    Okay so I have a deep love for animals. SO, when I was storing eggs for my incubator and only needed one more, The one I got had a teeny tiny crack on the very top pointy end. I didn't know what to do, however, since it was SO small, I decided to roll with it and popped them all in. Do you think...
  15. sweetsilkies

    Day 23 still no pips from last two eggs

    Hello all :frow this is my first time incubating and 4 of my 6 silkie eggs have hatched so far - two on day 21 and two on day 22.They're all doing great, but the two left in the incubator have yet to even pip on day 23. I was beside myself with worry, so I candled them today and took some...
  16. television

    Huge vein almost mistaken for blood ring

    I was about to throw out this egg thinking it had a huge blood ring, but I believe this is just a giant vein! Has anyone seen anything like this? The embryo is very clearly moving inside. I took a video but it's too big to upload :/
  17. television

    Are these eggs developing?

    Hi, I am incubating chicken eggs that were shipped. Lots have detached air cells and whatnot. I see very clear embryos and veining in about 10, but a few look like this, where it appears there's only veining and I cannot see an embryo. Are these good? They just started day 5. Example of...
  18. silkieRaiser

    Candling eggs?

    So, its about day 13 with the eggs under my broodies. I assume I am supposed to candle them soon, but honestly, I have no idea what day I'm supposed to do that and what to look for. Can anyone help?
  19. Critter Crazed

    Help with bobwhite quail egg lockdown!

    Hey guys! This is my first time hatching bobwhite quail and I have a quick question! I just candled them all as today is day 20 and there was movement/complete opaqueness in 28/33 eggs (yay!). However, I noticed that only about 10 out of the 28 were almost completely opaque and the others still...
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