
  1. Azaia

    "Exhibition Quality Buff Orpingtons"

    Hello All :frow I've recently hatched some Exhibition Quality Buff Orpingtons (as described in the title by the seller) from a trusted seller in the UK who has seemingly great reviews on Ebay. The chicks looks great little examples of the breed. But, I have never hatched Buffs before, I have...
  2. Brooke Carson

    Does this look like a boy to you?

    This Buff Orpington came from TSC at the same time as the Wellbars and the Lavender and the other Buff. It grew a comb a week or two ago. We have 2 separate flocks at the moment. There are a group of hens living outside and a mixed group of sort of "teens", ducks, and chicks living together...
  3. B

    Silkies gender game!

    4 week old silkies. 1 partridge, 1 buff, 2 white. Saw an article on U shaped combs vs V shaped combs to tell the gender (boy-U, girl-V) and it makes me wonder if you can tell earlier bc my chicks have very clear U and Vs at this age 🤷🏼‍♀️ might as well guess as we wait 😝
  4. Z

    Buff Orpington

    Hello! Not new to chicken raising in general (variety of mutts at former workplace) but finally new to having my own chickens at home! I acquired 2 welsummers, 2 brown leghorns (I'll not know the difference between those four until their earlobes change), and 2 buff orpingtons from a local feed...
  5. Timbers Happy Hens

    Silkie sop buff hen

    Hey, could anyone help me determine the quality of my buff silkie hen? I’m new to judging birds but I think that she has a lot of really nice qualities. Probably not quite show quality but much better than any hatchery stock. On a side note does anyone know what colors I’d get if I breed her to...
  6. K

    Choosing a drake for my Runner girls -Genetic question

    Hi, I’ve read the very detailed article on here about duck genetics but I am still confused. I have three Indian Runner females and I am going to be getting them a drake this week. One choice is a buff Runner and the other choice is a black Runner. I am afraid that if I choose the black one...
  7. C

    3 month old Silkies, hen or roo?

    Silkies are about 3 months old, no crowing yet. Looking at the buff & white silkies. White one was really difficult to get photos of. Hens or roo?
  8. N

    Buff Orpington roosters free to new home (Colorado Springs)

    We got a straight run of chickens mid February, but have a few too many roosters. We have two buff Orpington roosters that are coming into their own, and would be great for a their own flock. They are too nice of a roosters for eating, and would be great free range roosters. Protective of their...
  9. hannahsocal

    Red Silkie Genetics? Buff vs Red Genetics?

    Hello! 😄 I’m planning on working on a line of red silkies. It seems like there is a lot of confusion out there on the red/buff genetics, so I’m HOPING (🙏🏼🙏🏼) someone can shed some more light on how it actually works. My limited understanding is that buff genes have red diluters and red genes...
  10. ChickChic00

    Crossing blue to lavender cross

    I have a hen that is from a lavender Orpington rooster and buff Orpington hen. I don't have a picture of her right now, but I can get one later. What do you think I would get if I bred her to my blue Cochin bantam roo? Any ideas are super appreciated!! Also, ive hatched out a couple chicks from...
  11. M

    Looking for buff Silkies, d'uccles, seramas and any hatching eggs in NY (Fulton county and surrounding areas)

    Hey everyone! I am looking to add a few bearded Buff silkies (hens and one rooster), d'uccles (hens, any color but especially mille fleur), and possibly a few serama hens. We are also very much wanting to load up the incubators to add to our large mixed "fun flock" This flock contains our pet...
  12. B

    Mystery Pullet-- Help with Color Genetics (groundcolor, English Orpingtons, facemuffs)

    Hello everyone! I raise pet backyard chicks and currently have 19 ranging from 5 months to 5 years in age. I have a few pullets that I can only guess as to what their colors & genetics are. I hatched them from my backyard flock, from my one rooster as the father. The rooster is supposedly...
  13. Pandang81

    Is this a buff partridge silkie?

    This silkie has a brown line across its back…is it just going to be a dark buff color or is it possibly a partridge? Don’t mind the wet feet, she had pasty butt so I had to soak her butt right before the pic…
  14. SnowballTheChicken

    Chicken scare!?

    When i go to give my bantam buff Cochin hen some scritchies, she makes a distressed noise!? Maybe she thinks my hand is a scary hawk i dont want her to be scared!!
  15. E

    Best way to introduce buff color into a flock? (New chicken breed)

    Good day too all, I've been interested in a project for quite some time and finally committed to seeing it through! The goal of the project: To create a bird that is buff/lemon cuckoo in color, has a long tail, lays blue/green eggs and is able to go broody. Brids that I have at the moment...
  16. B

    Buff splash silkies

    Hey everyone :) has anyone else ever hatched buff splash silkies? I have a few this colour and I’d love to see if anyone has adults this colour
  17. Everose

    Don't click on this.

    Rebellious one aren't ya! I like that😉 If you have had either Saxony or Buff ducks I need your opinion and maybe some pics too! I have Seven ducklings purchased on the 12th of September and they looked like Saxony babies but now they look like buff teenagers! I'll attach pics and I would...
  18. jjunge08

    Orpington with Beak Injuries

    When I was out with the hens as they were free ranging tonight I noticed the ones beak looked off. I grabbed her to get a closer look and the tip is broke and there is some black buildup towards base of beak. Black buildup may just be dirt from pecking around yard and run. Is this cause for...
  19. L

    What age? What sex? Help needed!!

    Hi everyone, I am brand new to backyard chickens and need help. the person I bought these off have said they are all hens and doesn’t know what age they are. Can you let me know if you think they are all hens and an approximate age if possible?
  20. H

    7 week old Buff Sussex and Blue/buff Orpingtons Roos or Pullets?

    Hi All! I am new to raising chickens and this is my first flock. They're 7 weeks old now and I have made some guesses but am unsure as to genders. I would love some input and another pair of eyes! Also Chick 9 - Stripey is a buff Sussex/cream legbar cross. Apparently both parents were buff...
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