buff orpington

  1. NewJourney

    Buff Orpington 14 weeks pullet/cockerel?

    My buff orpington is 14 weeks old. I think it's a pullet because so little comb and wattle development but it has the marks where the spurs will start forming and it has the funny eyebrows that roosters get. I've never seen it this prominent in a pullet before, but I'm new to raising chickens...
  2. BarredRockin20

    New Member here!

    Hello fellow chicken friends. I have grown up with chickens my whole life living at my mom and dads and recently became married and bought a house. We had an existing coop with a small run that was already on property. We ripped out the old run and built a 15’x20’ run. We purchased 20 chicks...
  3. L

    Is this a Buff Orpington?

    Hi! I am hoping this is a buff orpington (as that is what the local feed store told me she was... also not sure its a she but just putting it out there 😁) I'm a first time chicken mama, so I'm still learning about the various characteristics of breeds. If she's not a buff orpington, then I'll...
  4. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please Help! Eggbound & Possible Prolapsed Vent

    I have an eight and a half month old Buff Orpington (her name is Leeli) that is egg bound. She is panting and can barely stay awake. She can't stand up and doesn't have any balance. She is exhausted. I brought her inside and she passed some egg yolk. That confirmed my fears. We soaked her in...
  5. Z

    Buff Orpington

    Hello! Not new to chicken raising in general (variety of mutts at former workplace) but finally new to having my own chickens at home! I acquired 2 welsummers, 2 brown leghorns (I'll not know the difference between those four until their earlobes change), and 2 buff orpingtons from a local feed...
  6. Jimmy W

    Jimmy W

  7. ChookieChicken

    Buff Orpington

    This is Chip. she’s a 7 month old Buff Orpington. hasn’t began to lay yet. about a month ago I noticed that Chip had stopped eating. Upon first glance it seemed like she was, but she was pretending to eat by picking grains up and flicking them away. her crop was empty. she was drinking water...
  8. dbow17

    14 Week Old Buff Orpington Pullet or Cockeral?

    Pullet Or Cockerel?
  9. Estrella

    Buff Orpington girl won’t leave nestbox in dead winter

    Hi all you smart people out there; I have a 10 month old Buff Orpington girl who spends the entire days in the nest box - in the middle of the coldest winter in years in Sweden - without laying any eggs. She will eventually get up and roost at night, but she runt to the preferred nestbox early...
  10. Australorpfamily

    Just for fun: what am I!?

    Just for fun, as we got an assortment of a barnyard mix for our broody from a friend a few weeks ago. She wasn't even sure if some of the eggs were fertilized or not (details in another post) But out of 12 I popped under our broody, 6 hatched (4 nonfert, 1 busted, 1 died about a week before)...
  11. A

    What is this in my eggs?

    These eggs are from my Buff Orpingtons. They often have what looks like dirt in them--sometimes stuck to the yolk, other times little flakes or specks floating in the white. I'm 100% sure it's not from the shell or dirt that fell in; it definitely originates in the egg. What could it be?
  12. GirlsHuntToo

    What’s your fav chicken breed??

    What is your favorite chicken breed??? My personal favorite is the Buff Orpington - Pecan loves snuggle time 😊🐔
  13. CoopBoots

    Rusty Bucket Farm

    Welcome to Rusty Bucket Farm! This is Rusty, age unknown, maybe 5ish: We adopted him after his first life as a pet came to an end. He's kind of living out his retirement with us, although we managed to get a handful of lovely chicks from him this year. Looks like a Niederrheiner or a variant...
  14. Exhibitionhouse

    2 buff orpington hens + 1 barred rock rooster - 8 mo old

    Last night my husband rescued 3 chickens from some not so great conditions. Two buff orpington hens and one barred rock rooster - 8 mo old.They're all a little skittish after being cooped up for their entire lives. Looking to re-home them to more humane conditions. I would integrate them with my...
  15. ryansmom06

    My 1 year old hen is acting strange.

    I have a 1 year old Buff Orpington hen that is acting strangely, she is panting and clicking in a way that sounds like a goose, she has an abnormally large belly, I have tried to drain it but nothing comes out but digesting food, she is a chicken that is usually heavy, but is extremely light...
  16. K

    Buff Orpington pullets?

    Hello, we hatched these 2 buff Orpington chicks (9 weeks old today), I’m wondering if anyone can help me with gender … I’m hopeful both are pullets 🤞🏼 Thank you
  17. K

    4 week old chicks

    I know it’s early but I like to keep guessing We have chickens already but got them as laying hens. So this is our first time with chicks. We have 6. They were sexed with 90% accuracy so I am always expecting at least 1 to be a roo. I have 2 that I am suspicious of Rhode Island Red Buff orpington
  18. T

    Buff Orpington Boy or Girl?

    Boy or Girl? What do you guys think?🧐
  19. L

    Are these 11week old ladies Buff Orpingtons?

    I have 8 chickens who 5 are 9 weeks and 3 are 11 weeks. These ladies (the light tan ones) are 11 weeks old and I think they are buff orpingtons. Am I correct?
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