barred rock

  1. Barredrocker99

    Post impacted crop surgery

    Hey guys!!! So I recently had to do impacted crop surgery on one of my beautiful BR. It’s been about five days since the surgery, and she’s doing really really well. She’s been eating all the scrambled eggs I give her(not too much, just small portions with probiotics mixed in), drinking lots of...
  2. Barredrocker99

    Crop surgery

    Hello!! Regarding my BR that has not seemed to be doing well, I have discovered her crop is definitely impacted. It is about the size of a tennis ball, hard as a rock, and not emptying at night. I could not induce vomiting, and I don’t want to try again as the mass in her crop feels quite large...
  3. Barredrocker99

    What’s wrong with my hen?

    This is all regarding my last couple of posts about a sick(?) BR: I still have no idea what’s wrong with my hen, and I’m afraid of not finding out until it’s too late. She’s been relatively lethargic...
  4. Barredrocker99

    Botulism.. Marek’s disease?

    So, I posted a few days ago about a five month old BR that seemed to be getting sick. I thought she was getting better.. thought maybe she was just adjusting to the cold temps or maybe was just about to start laying and was in a bit of pain. That’s definitely not the case. I went out to give the...
  5. Barredrocker99

    First snow

    Hello! We just had a pretty bad rainstorm... about 2 days straight of an absolute downpour. For whatever reason, the two heating lights I have in my coop went out in the rain. My dad thinks it’s a ‘gfi switch’ in which case we’ll just have to wait until it dries then hopefully it’ll come back...
  6. Barredrocker99


    I’m going to attach pictures tomorrow and post something a little more descriptive, but wondered if anyone could help me at the moment. I’ve got a Barred Rock that seems to possibly be getting sick. Not 100% sure about that, but the last few days she’s been a bit lethargic. she’s been the very...
  7. M

    Lavender Orpington Rooster offspring

    Hey Everyone, we are pretty new to chickens and were wondering about breeding. We have a lavender orpington rooster. We have heard that a lavender would produce black offspring. Our hen breeds are golden laced wyandotte, silver laced wyandotte, rhode island red, butf brahma, gold sexlink, and...
  8. LondonKallie

    Barred Rock/Ameraucana Cross

    I have a Barred Ameraucana Cross Rooster, (I'm making this post late at night and don't have a picture so I looked it up) -- which this image is from cackle hatchery and it's classifying this as a Black Sex Link. My two hens are Ameraucana purebreds and I wondered what I'd get if I crossed them...
  9. Barredrocker99

    Love my girls!

    My chickens started laying eggs!
  10. Samilou

    Help! What gender is she/he

    I am new to the backyard chicken life. I got some pulleys and this barred rock I am concerned may be a roo. Can someone possibly help? It is the lighter one.
  11. Chickie friend

    Any guess on gender?

    I have three 10 1/2 week old chicks. I was wondering about gender because we aren't allowed to have roosters. There is one each of a barred rock, a Cuckoo maran, and a buff orpington. They were all bought as pullets but the maran and the Orpington have been kinda chest bumping? The maran is...
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