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  1. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    You should stick around: you were mightily abused. I'm sad for you and your ducks
  2. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    It's a ducks and water thing. Except in my back yard when I get layer cakes even with out the kiddie pool filled
  3. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Remember these lovelies and the good times you had
  4. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Update on PingyWingy, who is well in himself with a voracious appetite and a loud voice to summon me and his best buddy, O Pato. But he is still not walking after 9 weeks. I was worried that his knees are getting stiff, yet he cannot have longer in the water therapy because he has wet feather on...
  5. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Pingy is eating just fine now, but he still can't walk and I am losing hope that he will ever walk again. He is happy just to sit around in an inflatable bed as long as his pals come up to see him when he calls. It's nearly 5 weeks and he has water therapy 3 times a day, when he moves his legs...
  6. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    My boys are really playing me up at the moment and this resulted in big drama in my backyard this evening. Daffy was unwell two weeks ago, and still has mouth breathing. But he has had 6 doses of antibiotics, and is eating and holding his own with the other muscovy. But he is no longer coming...
  7. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    that is very kind of you @Miss Lydia : I was just going to do a search on line to see where I can get some which is why I came back to your prior message to get the name of hte medication!
  8. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    I haven't tried that but I will, @Miss Lydia. I don't think he has joint problems but at this stage I will give anything a try! Thank you.
  9. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Update on Pingywingy my crested pekin drake who has "gone off his legs". He traveled down to Florida with me at the weekend -- in a pet carrier but I had his tote with me so he could sleep in that with more space and headroom if he had chosen to stand up. He didn't stand up! He is still...
  10. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    I had the oposite happen with my neighbor's tree back in 2014. It came down over the fence into my garden. It did damage my privacy fence as it is 6ft tall and wood, but didn't damage the 4ft chain link behind it. My neighbor, a woman in her late 60's, was a trouper and was round in my yard...
  11. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    The two muscovy are back to rude health. They are now eating brewer's yeast with their pellets (as is the third muscovy who didn't have symptoms.) I just stopped adding Rooster Booster Poultry Cell to their water. PingyWingy is clearly not ill but can't walk. He is full of himself, and for the...
  12. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Ty. I have baby aspirin. The little boy just might have a small splinter in his foot pad. I have put some tweezers with his evening dose of Durvet: I will try pulling out what might be a splinter when I give his evening dose. And calculating a dose of aspirin for him. He is very thin and so will...
  13. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    I have thought about pain medication, but he certainly does seem to be in pain. No reaction to me squeezing the warn joint nor to me moving it. He sits there completely placid. But I think I will have to get some medicam and try him on it. TY I cannot buy meloxicam at TSC or Amaxon. It must be...
  14. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    He's not getting any worse but I just wish he would eat more. He is quite content just to sit. This was at 'ducky dinner time' tonight. That is buddy O Pato helping himself to Pingy's dinner through the side of the pen. O Pato has identical food in his bowl on his side of the pen. I suppose...
  15. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    So this is the only way I can get Ping to eat: sitting him right in front of his food and water bowls and putting the other ducks food and water immediately on the other side of the pen. When they come up and eat, Ping will eat. Plus it seems Ping's medicated food is tastier than the other...
  16. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    He was an easter duckling in 2021 and so he is probably 2 years and 3 months. He is a special needs duck as he and his clutchmate were attacked by a raccoon. The other duckling died but Ping survived his injuries that included loss of the end of his bill. He was abandoned by his owner and came...
  17. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Ping is still sitting around and not eating properly. He is limping again and his right "knee" feels warm. It's not red and not swollen, and moves fully -- examining it doesn't seem to hurt Ping. I am thinking he may have caught his foot on something and pulled the joint when he went missing...
  18. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    So Ping, my little fluffy crested pekin drake, is now able to walk again. But I only found out after a BIG SCARE. He has been lying around doing very little all day. I have been going out trying to get him to eat more. I went out with sardines and put some in his wading pool pocket where I...
  19. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    The muscovy are back to usual and out foraging. They will continue to have Rooster Booster Poultry Cell in their water and brewer's yeast on their duck pellets. The little pekin is not out of the woods as he is not eating very much. He did find and eat a worm in his wading pool this morning...
  20. ruthhope

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Definitely not cruel to keep your drakes separated from the females. All drake flocks are just fine and it's kind to protect the females from over mating!! Thanks for the update @Luv Ducks
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