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  1. Matilda84

    Impacted crop in chickens vs ducks

    Hi there! I had someone ask a question on a reply I wrote about sour crop and impacted crop in chickens, asking if ducks could get these issues too. I informed them that yes ducks can also get the same crop issues as chickens. But this started me thinking about it, and impacted crop in chickens...
  2. Matilda84

    When do I help hatching, chick pipped 22 hrs ago

    I am afraid I only know what to do for an adult chicken with sour crop, and I am not sure what would be safe or sensible to do with a chick. Sorry I can't help more, but thanks for the tag. Maybe @Eggcessive could help?
  3. Matilda84

    Chicken with caked-on poopy backside?

    Yes as someone already said it can be a sign of many different problems. I would suggest worming her if you haven't recently. However I had a girl who suddenly started regularly getting a really poopy butt when she was about 3, but she was completely healthy otherwise for a good year or two, we...
  4. Matilda84

    Easteregger hen is lethargic and has a poopybutt and I’m not currently able to get to a vet.

    Poor girl :( Yes she definitley seems quite sick and the poop on her butt is a sign of diarrhoea. Has she been wormed recently? It could be intestinal parasites, or some kind of bacterial infection, or many other things going on internally aswell, its often quite hard to tell with chickens. I...
  5. Matilda84

    Blood in feather shaft - normal or mites?

    Its hard to tell. Feather shafts tend to have a rich blood supply so will bleed easily if damaged at all. Could maybe have been pecked by another chicken or by herself when preening? I don't know if mites would cause this or not, but if neither her or any of your other chickens have any other...
  6. Matilda84

    Hen with Impacted crop

    I believe you can also use olive oil, but this might be more difficult to give her.
  7. Matilda84

    How old do your hens REALLY get?

    Yeah that wasn't what I meant. Sorry for the confusion! ok sorry! I just wanted to make sure I am not giving people incorrect information :)
  8. Matilda84

    How old do your hens REALLY get?

    I was mostly talking about specifically bred hybrid hens, that are bred to optimise egg production. But I am sure with any kind of bird there will be many exceptions where some lucky ones have lived nice long lives! I sincerely apologise if I am mistaken. My vet did say that for hybrid hens...
  9. Matilda84

    How old do your hens REALLY get?

    Hybrids generally live for much less time than pure breeds, and hens which lay lots of eggs generally also have shorter lifespans due to increased risk of developing reproductive infections such as egg peritonitis. Out of the hens I have had (all hybrid egg laying breeds) the oldest any have...
  10. Matilda84

    Sour Crop?

    Probably just a teaspoon to a tablespoon to start with, maybe diluted a little, especially if it is a particularly strong/concentrated brand. Maybe see what some credible websites like British hen welfare trust or chicken vet recommend? After that just add a little to her water.
  11. Matilda84

    I don’t know what’s happening?! Anyone have an idea?

    I would guess that moving them to a new caused stress which can lead to feather pecking. Additionally if their new area is not big enough or has less things do do e.g. less dirt to scratch in or less things to peck at, then it could be boredom, although from your pictures it looks like they do...
  12. Matilda84

    Sick chicken not ready to die: need help

    Oh no poor girl! :( You could always try a chicken 'crop bra' as these can help food to empty quicker, however it seems to me like she may be past a stage where this would help. As someone has already mentioned crop problems, especially long-term or recurring problems are almost always a sign...
  13. Matilda84

    Sour Crop?

    Sounds to me like she has had both sour crop and impacted crop as one can tend to cause the other. For example impacted crop is when the food in the crop cannot empty as it is blocked, which can then resolve itself, but the food having remained in the crop for so long can start to ferment...
  14. Matilda84


    Thank you so much everyone for all your lovely messages! I really appreciate it!
  15. Matilda84

    Pendulous crop? (Video)

    With my girl I leave the crop bra on full time because otherwise her crop does not completely empty over night. In your case if her crop is completely emptying I would say she does not need a crop bra at the moment, but continue to monitor her for any changes. However I suspect due to her...
  16. Matilda84

    Pendulous crop? (Video)

    This seems a lot like what my hen Oreo has. She has pendulous crop which when I first got her caused her to eat a lot of food. This is because the way that chickens know when to stop eating is when their crop stretches a little bit so they know it is full. With pendulous crop, the crop is...
  17. Matilda84

    Help missing feathers and looks swollen and maybe infected

    Yes I agree it looks like feather pecking. Some anti-pecking spray could help if this is the case. The feathers should grow back fairly quickly as long as they are not pecked out more. It looks fairly mild at the moment but keep watch in case it gets any worse and be sure to check for any blood...
  18. Matilda84


    I am a new member to BYC but have been using it as a useful source of information for a few years now! So here is my introduction: Hi I'm Amy! I am originally from Australia but have been living in England for the past 6 years. I have had a total of 7 chickens over the past 4 or 5 years and...
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