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  • Users: Justicedog
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  1. Justicedog

    7 to 8 week chicks outside for the first night.

    My chicks are 7-8 weeks old. I do not have my main coop cleaned out and separated for them. The past 2-3 days I’ve had them out in my mini coop, but would bring them kicking and squawking back into the garage brooder at night. I figured I’d leave them out there tonight but am worried for two...
  2. Justicedog

    Covered Chicken feeder station

    Does anyone have a covered chicken feeder station? I’m planning on making some sort of roofed housing for my chickens feed. Sort of like a little gazebo.
  3. Justicedog

    Temps too hot?

    My chicks are 6 weeks today. The temperature chart says 68-70 degrees. They're currently in my garage. The temp in the garage is warmer than what they should be, about 75 degrees. Do I need to worry about getting some fans for them? They do look pretty near fully feathered. I've got a coop...
  4. Justicedog

    Food shelter

    We had our food hanging inside our coop for years, but it seemed to be in the way and was a pain to work around. We switched to having it in our run when we put up a tent in the run (one of those tents you'd take to watch your kid play baseball, but now the kid is 23 and doesn't play and even...
  5. Justicedog

    Mixing 3 week old chicks with 3 day old chicks

    I have 3 - 3 week old chicks (cream legbar, blue copper marans and a splash australorp), along with 1- 4 week chick (white leghorn) in a brooder. The feed store has a 3 day (maybe 1 week old) olive egger I wanted, along with ONE other friend - (americauna or chocolate laced orp, or another...
  6. Justicedog

    Adding roosts.

    I’m thinking of adding more roost space as I will be adding 4 chicks to my flock of 5. I’ve got a 4’x8’ coop that has one roost along the whole back wall. I cannot add a parallel one along the front as it would be too close to the windows, nor to the middle as the people door is there and it...
  7. Justicedog

    Backyard Chickens near Lake Murray, SC - Newberry or Lexington Counties

    Hi, I'm considering retiring near Lake Murray, South Carolina, either in Newberry or Lexington Counties. Is anyone familiar with what the laws are in those areas with regard to backyard chickens?
  8. Justicedog

    Brooder chick behavior

    I've done this before and each time I swear I'm not going to fret. I got chicks yesterday and the day before. One was a week old the others were day old chicks. At what point will they be up and wandering around all day. They seem to be sleeping most of the day - will get up to eat and drink...
  9. Justicedog

    Adding a secure "free range" area to a coop and run

    I am thinking I need to make a larger run for my chickens. I have 5 chickens. Currently, my run is about 10'x17' with a 4'x8' cook in it and chickens have access to underneath and have actually dug out a large crater underneath. I had been letting them out into the yard every day. However...
  10. Justicedog

    Different aged chicks in one brooder

    The feed store that I get chicks at gets them once a week. The breeds I want arrive on different weeks. How spread out can their ages be? I'm thinking getting 2-3 one week, which may include a chick from the week before, then getting 2-3 more the next week, so there could be a 3 week span...
  11. Justicedog

    How late will a chicken stay out?

    I had a neighbor's dog (let's call it Satan) get into my backyard and harass my chickens. Satan had a mouthful of my Lavender chicken's feather's in it's mouth, Lavie went into my house when I went out to get Satan and she appears to be okay. I've got 3 chickens missing. I know one of them is...
  12. Justicedog

    Neighbor's Dog Killed Suzie, my old hen

    Hi, I came here to whine and gripe. Maybe a question or two. I've had chickens since 2012. I'm on my third flock (6 at a time). I've never lost one to a predator. (Well, I did have one just disappear, but there was no sign of an attack, I think it met a rooster and ran off.) I was pretty...
  13. Justicedog

    Someone told my chickens about Easter Egg hunts and they're taking it too far

    I've got 6 hens. 5 who are laying and 1 from an earlier flock who is retired, has been for at least 2 years. I had seen an egg in the chicken run area by the waterer, I thought just a fluke. I had seen a couple inside the coop near the favorite nesting box. I figured the nesting box was...
  14. Justicedog

    Chick season is here, how many chicks is too few to combine with a flock of 5 or 6 hens?

    Oh boy, it's that time again. I've got a flock of 5 -2 year old hens and 1 - 8 year old hen - Grandma. Would getting and then later integrating just 2 chicks be too few? I'd always gotten 5 at a time (I've had three flocks). I'd love to do a 2 new every other year rotation, but don't know...
  15. Justicedog

    Spring Molt?

    I am on my 3rd set of chickens and it looks like this batch is molting, though their egg production is still strong. My other two batches did a fall molt. Please tell me that a spring molt can be normal. Forgot to add. They're almost a year old and they didn't really molt in the fall.
  16. Justicedog


    I've got a year old chicken who has a bare back (by the tail). It looks like all the girls went through a molt as all their feathers there are new. This one has a couple bloody spots. Until this morning, only one of the other chickens seemed to be pecking her. Not in a necessarily a mean...
  17. Justicedog

    Pressure Treated Wood and Composite wood - is it safe?

    Can pressure treated wood and composite wood be used for where chickens will roost or stand on? We had an above ground pool and deck that died this year, so we're tearing down the composite deck as well as the pool. I was wanting to use some of that wood, which is pressure treated from 15+...
  18. Justicedog

    How can you teach a chicken not to bite the hand that feeds her

    I don't know what it is, maybe I've been lucky before. This is my 3rd group of 5-6 hens I've had since chicks and I've not had this problem before. I have one hen, the light brown egg laying "Americauna" who bites my hand when I'm giving the group treats. Unless my hand is completely full...
  19. Justicedog

    Not an Americauna I think.

    Next chicken I’m confused about. She was supposed to be an Americauna. She’s from a feed store that gets their chicks mostly from Mt Healthy, but some from Hoover’s. It really seems like she is laying now (she’s the one I’d see in an empty nesting box 15-30 minutes before I’d find an egg...
  20. Justicedog

    Blue Rock? Australorp? Something Else?

    I’d posted a month or so ago about the “Blue Rock” chick that didn’t look like one. I got some guesses - the australorp being one of them. What do you guys think now that she’s older? She is looking leaner than what I recall my other Australorp (in 2012) looking. The one I had before was...
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